True innovation comes when people and technology work in harmony
It was the ancient Greek philosopher Plato that said “Necessity is the mother of invention” and there can be no doubt that the challenges of the pandemic over the past year have forced businesses to rethink the way they operate.
Technology Driving the Next Generation of Policing
As nations upgrade their emergency services communication networks with 4G and 5G, it opens the opportunity for new technology and applications to drive the next generation of policing. Sacha Kakad, from takes a closer look.
Creating tomorrow’s workspaces today
Working at the office used to be a daily occurrence for many but one of the lasting impacts of the pandemic may be a very different working experience in the future.
Scaling up for the return of students to the classroom
Higher Education evolved and adapted incredibly quickly to embrace new technology and use it effectively to continue the education of our next generation.
Digital transformation is the foundation for Best-in-Class Manufacturers
In business, we all like to think we are Best-in-Class, or at least on the path to Best-in-Class but the latest research from industry analysts Aberdeen pinpoints exactly which manufacturers are Best-in-Class and why…and it makes for fascinating reading.
Mobile Technology becomes operational tool for fire service
Fire services are continuing to deliver new operational benefits from the deployment of mobile technology. Daniel Grew, from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service tells their story.
Revitalising Retail in a post-COVID world
It could have been worse. As Europe emerges from the pandemic lockdown early signs for the retail industry are that, initially at least, the recovery looks more V-shaped than U-shaped.
Flexible Command and Control Software for Police Forces
The use of mobile technology in emergency services is increasing. Timo Unger, of Panasonic, recently interviewed Alexander Kamlage from ESG, at the TOUGHBOOK European Police Forum to discuss the latest developments in Command & Control Software.
The rugged tablet has evolved
The development of the new TOUGHBOOK G2 tablet has parallels with a remarkable cycling success story. Dirk Weigelt, at Panasonic Mobile Solutions Business, explains how.
Process Optimisation is the pay-off for Best-in-Class Manufacturers
Process optimisation is not a new term and it addresses many of the pressures facing manufacturers today. Re-evaluating processes allows manufacturers to cut down on waste, reduce production time and increase quality. In fact, all manufacturers will have KPI’s in place in these areas.
Electronic Shelf Labels: why the UK needs to catch-up
From Brexit to COVID, 2021 has been yet another rocky year for retailers. Many are using these unusual times to try out in-store technologies – including ESLs. But UK businesses are lagging behind their European rivals.
The Future of Robotics at Panasonic: Form follows Function
Meeting R2-D2 and C-3PO was a fantastic inspiration for me. Lovely, caring and loyal, with a good sense of humor and discreetly supportive. Those who are familiar with the “ubertechnology” embracing character of the Daleks, the T-800 or the Futureworld robots might slightly disagree about my all positive attitude towards robotics.
The Pressures are Building on Manufacturing Operations
Extreme pressures can either cause things to crumble or, like diamonds, change them to something different and sometimes something entirely more valuable. In the case of manufacturing, it seems the extreme pressures of competition and latterly the pandemic have crystalised challenges in the minds of management and focused their attention on accelerating change.
Higher Education: Learning to adapt to the “new normal”
The pandemic and the resultant lockdown have forced European universities and higher education institutions to fundamentally reconsider the way they deliver learning.
Is Service the new Sales?
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Upgrading your UK warehouse infrastructure: why now is the ideal time
Many warehouses could do with a retrofit to address emerging challenges. And post-pandemic tax incentives make now an opportune moment. Hybrid solutions, such as VSA, are often the best approach.
How visible is your data? Security is an issue
The need to secure commercial and personal data on your mobile computing devices is growing and encryption isn’t the entire answer. Torbjorn Gudinge, from Eurotempest, looks at how to protect your data when its visible and being worked on.
Helping the customer to always be right
We’ve all heard the mantra that “the customer is always right.” But those of us that work in the retail industry are well aware that this isn’t always true…
New business solutions for the “new normal”
The world seemingly stands still: Lockdown, uncertainty, anxiety and social distancing have been— and still are - dominating our lives. Different business sectors are now being asked to adapt to this “new normal” at record speed – but how?
How investment in Digital will help the European economy bounce back
Digital adoption has accelerated in 2020 as a result of the challenging times. Europe is doubling down on its investment and looking to digital technology to help the economy and society to bounce back.
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