
16 Jan


Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Plays Pivotal Role In Danish Wind Turbine Breakthrough

Danish technology company, R&D Test Systems, has developed software that can detect whether bolts within a wind turbine need tightening.

19 Dec


Looking to 2025: The Technologies and Trends Driving Greater Productivity for Mobile Workers

Advances in mobile technology and next generation applications continue to empower extreme mobile workers in the field, wherever they are. Here are the top AI productivity trends and technologies that will benefit mobile workers in 2025.

12 Dec


Empowering Human-Centric Digital Transformation Through AI

Digital transformation is evolving rapidly with AI at its forefront. However, successful digital transformation initiatives depend on more than just cutting-edge technology, as we learnt from a recent manufacturing-focused IndustryX event.

02 Dec


Die Zukunft der mobilen IT – Trends und Antworten auf komplexe Herausforderungen des mobilen Arbeitens

Wer an vorderster Front dafür sorgt, dass wir Strom und fließendes Wasser haben oder Leben rettet, braucht End-to-End-Lösungen, die auf spezifische Infrastrukturen und Anwendungen abgestimmt sind.

27 Nov


Partnership Innovation Takes Centre Stage at the Centerprise Defence Technology Show

The Panasonic TOUGHBOOK team recently attended the Centerprise Defence Technology Show, giving them an invaluable opportunity to strengthen existing relationships and discuss new innovations across the defence sector.

27 Nov


Navigating the Future of European Business: 5 game-changing strategies for growth

In an article for Management Today, Hiroyuki Nishiuma, CEO of Panasonic Connect Europe reflects on the challenges facing businesses and key focus areas amidst a dynamic and evolving European economic outlook.

18 Nov


Enhance Productivity In Any Industry with Panasonic’s TOUGHBOOK 33mk4

The new TOUGHBOOK 33mk4 pushes the boundaries of what’s possible from a mobile, rugged device, with superior device performance and usability for maximum in-field productivity on-the-go.

08 Nov


Should Your Organisation Invest in Rugged or Consumer-Grade Devices?

While some organisations might be tempted to supply their field workers with consumer devices due to lower initial cost outlay, rugged devices actually provide better ROI and lower total cost of ownership compared to their consumer-grade counterparts.

28 Oct


AI and Customisation Top-of-Mind for TOUGHBOOK at 2024 Emergency Services Show

As the UK’s leading blue-light forum, the Emergency Services Show exceeded expectations once again for Panasonic TOUGHBOOK, giving it unrivalled access to the full spectrum of blue-light decision makers over two busy days in Birmingham.

22 Oct


TOUGHBOOK and Azumuta Improve Operational Efficiency within Manufacturing

Azumuta’s connected workforce platform in conjunction with Panasonic’s rugged TOUGHBOOK devices provide the manufacturing sector with a powerful, robust solution that enhances productivity, product quality, and workforce management.

17 Oct


Panasonic unterstützt die Digitalisierung bei Versorgungsunternehmen

Die robusten TOUGHBOOK-Geräte sind nur eine von vielen vernetzten Technologien von Panasonic, die auf der Enlit Europe 2024 vorgestellt wurden und mobilen Mitarbeitern helfen, einen Mehrwert aus der Flut von Big Data zu ziehen, die mit der Digitalisierung von Versorgungsunternehmen einhergeht.

08 Oct


Revolutionise Rugged Mobile Computing with the latest AI-enabled TOUGHBOOK G2

The new TOUGHBOOK G2mk3 offers everything the modern mobile workers needs from a rugged computing device – including advanced edge-AI technology that vastly increases accuracy and efficiency, regardless of the industry.

01 Oct


62 million tonnes of electronic waste in a year: Companies hold the key to solving enormous environmental issue

Most companies replace computers, tablets and phones after fixed cycles, despite the fact that the products in many cases have a significantly longer lifespan.

23 Sep


Re-Thinking Mobility in Frankfurt at Panasonic’s TOUGHBOOK Innovation Forum

Panasonic’s recent TOUGHBOOK Innovation Forum, held in Frankfurt, brought together the optimal cross-section of customers, partners, and prospects to encourage them to ‘re-think’ mobility and the technology required for frontline workers in ‘hyper-mobile’ working environments.

16 Sep


The Impact of Urbanization on the Railway Sector and the Role of Rugged Devices

As global urbanization accelerates, with a 25% population increase expected by 2050, the railway sector faces unprecedented challenges. By 2045, urban populations will be 1.5 times larger than today, driving the need for reliable, high-speed transportation solutions. In this context, rugged devices for the railway sector are becoming indispensable for ensuring smooth operations and maintaining high service standards.

03 Sep


5G networks now – opportunities, challenges, and hopes for the future

The emergence of 5G technology has been a hot topic in the tech world for the past five years. With promises of faster download speeds, better connectivity, and the potential to revolutionise our industries, it offers clear benefits to businesses. Chris Turner took the opportunity to speak to James Weaver from Cradlepoint, a division of Ericsson, about 5G networks today, the challenges with adoption, and its potential going forward.

01 Sep


Visionaries at Work: How Strategic Thinkers are Shaping Tomorrow's Tech

In the heart of a repurposed Japanese TV studio, two forward-thinkers from different corners of the globe come together to mould the future of technology at Panasonic TOUGHBOOK. Tucked away in an old Japanese television studio converted into technology labs, an Englishman and an American are paid to think about the future. Responsible for Strategic Foresight at rugged device manufacturer Panasonic TOUGHBOOK, they are at first glance an unlikely pairing.

27 Aug


EV Charging Station Maintenance 101: How and Why It's Important

Field service workers need rugged mobile devices, with strong connectivity to proactively maintain public and private electric vehicle charging stations, helping to ensure a reliable flow of power for motorists – regardless of location.

21 Aug


Surrey Search and Rescue Revolutionised with TOUGHBOOK 33 Rugged Notebook

Search organisations are increasingly vital to police forces, providing essential support in locating missing people. The use of cutting-edge technology by volunteers on the ground to coordinate search and rescue efforts cannot be overstated.

20 Aug


Predictive Maintenance and Optimization with Panasonic TOUGHBOOK: The Future with AI and IoT

Panasonic Toughbook is synonymous with reliability and innovative technologies that support public administration, emergency services, utilities, and businesses in demanding work environments.

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