Your visit: Panasonic Campus Munich

Registration for Supply Chain Solutions

Be exicted to experience the following supply chain topics: 

  • Smart Store at Panasonic Campus highlighting solutions for the connected future of retail
  • Reliable and connected logistics solutions from inbound and intralogistics to outbound
  • Smart and autonomous manufacturing solutions
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Ready for the experience?

From the furture of mobility, manufacturing and overall supply chain technologies - Panasonic Campus Munich is the place to be for state of the art technology as well as for innovation and collaboration. Technical centers, laboratories, and service facilities give you a unique insight into a broad solution provider. We invite you to take a guided tour with us in Munich.

Please fill in the form below to register for your customized tour. You will receive an email with details regarding your visit after. 

Thank you for your registration. You will receive an email with details regarding your visit. We look foward to welcoming you in Munich!