Can collaboration tech help address the Great Resignation?

The past two years of the COVID-19 crisis have also left their mark on the world of work

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Daniela Karakaci

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The Great Resignation is a growing economic trend that is impacting the businesses world. Since April 2021, job quits across the US have hit record highs with consistent levels of 4m+ people a month choosing to leave their employment. The trend has been mirrored in Europe with record numbers on the move.

Also known as the the Big Quit and the Great Reshuffle, the term was originally coined by Organisational Psychologist Professor Anthony Klotz. He predicted the pandemic would lead to pent-up resignations as people strived for a healthier work/life balance. But the trend seems to be continuing. Research across 44 countries, by PWC, revealed that one in five were likely to change job in the next year.

Money and more

While an increase in pay was the main motivator for making a job change (71%), wanting a fulfilling job (69%) and wanting to truly be themselves at work (66%) rounded out the top 3 things workers were looking for. But in addition, nearly half (47%) prioritised being able to choose where they work.

It’s clear that businesses wanting to retain and attract the best talent in the future will need to ensure that employees have the ability to work effectively while at home, in the office or on the move. For those already in the workforce, these priorities now matter and they are voting with their feet. It is also important because new entrants to the workforce, such as Generation Z, are digital natives and they expect to have the same benefits of technology in the workplace that they have grown up with. So, where are businesses prioritising their investment?

Priorities for investment

Collaboration technologies are at the top of the list when it comes to investment. The latest generation video conferencing solutions, for example, can make hybrid meetings more real than ever before – removing frustrations and increasing job satisfaction. 360-degree camera technology can allow attendees to configure their view to see people as they wish. Face and voice detection and tracking technology can ensure every speaker is clearly seen and heard. And the devices are lightweight and simple to set-up, with just a single USB-C cable to connect to a laptop.

Another important area for collaboration investment is in presentation systems. When people, come together, they need to be able to share content and ideas quickly. The latest generation Wireless Presentation Systems are designed for people to be able to bring their own device, connect a dongle and click a button to present. No cables, no software to download and no fuss. With up to 32 devices able to connect at the same time, with up to 4 presenters – these systems help to unleash the creativity of the workforce.

Additional technology to consider that provides the freedom to collaborate are tools such as touchscreen displays. They offer 4K resolution to enable people to work up close to the screen and still see all the detail. With up to 20 simultaneous touch points, as well as the distinction between finger, pen, and hand eraser, and an ultra-precise writing experience, multiple people can work on the display at the same time.

As the research is beginning to suggest, there are many reasons behind the Great Resignation trend but for those businesses battling to attract and keep the best talent, technology can certainly help in making employees feel valued and able to contribute – wherever they may be working.

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