
Marketing Videos

Network and streaming capabilities of the 4K PTZ AW-UE150 camera

Network and streaming capabilities of the 4K PTZ AW-UE150 camera

Marketing Videos


Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: Configuring & Using PTZ Controls

In this video we will be covering how to utilize the PTZ camera controller of the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center. One of the key features that makes the AV-HLC100 a truly all-in-one device is the built-in PTZ (Pan/tilt/zoom) camera controller.

Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: Built-in Media Players (Clips/Stills)

n this video we'll give you an overview of the built-in media players on the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center (clips/stills). Media players permit you to integrate video clips and stills images into your live presentation. Media players can play, stop, loop, and advance automatically in response to switcher operations.

Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: PiP and Built-in Titling

In this video we'll show you the picture-in-picture and built-in titling functions of the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center. The PiP and titles functions act as overlays on the background layer and are an essential part to adding a high-level of professionalism to your productions.

Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: Network Configuration & NDI® Setup

Covering how to configure network settings and using NDI® (Network Device Interface, a technology of NewTek, Inc.) with the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center.

Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: Configuring SkypeTX™

In this video we will be covering how to configure and utilize Skype TX™ with the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center. The AV-HLC100’s native support of Skype TX™ provides a powerful way to interact with your viewing audience by bringing in remote presenters utilizing the Skype platform.

Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: Streaming & Recording

Ready to go live? In this video we'll give you a tutorial on how to initialize live streaming and recording with the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center.

Marketing Videos

AV-HLC100 Live Production Center: Initial System Setup & How to Set Video Sources

Everything you need to know about setting up the AV-HLC100 Live Production Center for the first time and a guide to assigning all of your sources.

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