A fresh focus for changing times

There can be no denying that we live in interesting times. Rapidly changing socio-economic trends and incredible technology innovations are combining to both disrupt and enhance our lives in equal measure.

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The public sector and industry are each facing their own distinct challenges, but both are turning to technology to help address them. In the entertainment industry, the explosion of demand for content is driving the evolution to IP-based technologies and automation to make production faster, more accessible and more flexible than ever before. At our live events, theme parks, museums and galleries, visitors no longer want to be observers of attractions. They want to be part of a fully immersive experience and innovations in projection are helping to place audiences at the heart of the action.

Our manufacturers, supply chain operators and retailers are addressing the challenges of component and labour shortages, and spiralling costs by looking to further automate production, using artificial intelligence to better predict and cope with supply and demand and improve customer service and satisfaction.

In our factories and manufacturing facilities, the further automation of the production line continues to deliver efficiencies. A combination of the latest robotics equipment and management software enables repetitive work to be replicated and even improved upon and additional areas such as material management and traceability to be automated.

For our mobile workforces – from the public sector, such as emergency services, through to supply chain workers from the warehouse and logistics to the retailers – the challenge is to deliver ultra-reliable mobile computing tools that help make lives easier and boost productivity in the process, often in very difficult working conditions.

Connecting for good

Wherever you look, organisations are working to connect people, technology and processes. That’s why I believe the creation of Panasonic Connect Global as an independent business operating company under the new Panasonic Holding Company structure is such a positive move for our customers.

It means that Panasonic Connect Global has the flexibility and freedom to make its own business decisions faster and to quickly react to these market demands by shaping the organisation to best meet the needs of its customers. Based on those needs, our direction in Europe is clear. We will support our customers in two main areas. Firstly, we will continue to offer our world-leading products in our three core markets of Media and Entertainment, Mobile Solutions and Smart Factory Solutions. We will be increasing our levels of investment and accelerating research and development to offer products that consistently improve the levels of value and competitiveness we can offer our customers.

Secondly, we will continue to develop our solutions business to offer customers integrated systems and services that help address their primary challenges. In particular, we will focus on leveraging the AI-driven software applications of the recently acquired Blue Yonder. Jointly, we will be introducing our existing customers to the additional opportunities and benefits of each other’s solutions. We already have teams of specialists from both organisations working to integrate Panasonic’s leading-edge technology, such as sensors, with Blue Yonder’s AI and machine learning-based applications. Moving forward we plan to offer customers a whole new level of integrated technology solutions from this collaboration.

In my role as CEO of Panasonic Connect Europe and as vice president of Panasonic Connect Global, I am looking forward to helping our customers to achieve their aims by fulfilling our purpose of changing the way we work, advancing society and helping connect to tomorrow.

We will continue to live in interesting times, but Panasonic Connect Europe is focused on making those times both productive and profitable for our customers.

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