The cost-effective and customisable TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL delivers superior in-vehicle connectivity for wheeled and tracked military vehicles.

19th June 2024

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Panasonic Mobile Solutions Business Division has today announced the TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL, revolutionising in-vehicle connectivity with command and control defence networks in wheeled and tracked vehicles. Based on the new TOUGHBOOK 40mk2 version, the T40 TACTICAL is the latest solution from the long-standing relationship between Panasonic and roda computer GmbH.

A future-proofed design for defence

The TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL maintains the same form, fit and function as previous – and future – iterations of the TOUGHBOOK 40, with all existing peripherals compatible with the T40 TACTICAL. This enables the defence sector to confidently deploy in-vehicle interfaces and mounting plates around the T40 TACTICAL.

Compared to a custom-built bespoke solution, the defence sector can take advantage of faster device availability and configuration, lower cost of procurement, and ease of servicing with the TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL. Upgrades and predictive maintenance cycles can be planned before deployment, and aligned with the vehicle’s own servicing schedule over its 10+ year lifespan, helping to maximise device uptime, and minimise vehicle downtime.

"The defence sector wants to combine high levels of performance with cost-efficiency and reliability when choosing rugged computing solutions for a variety of different applications. Our market-ready TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL allows NATO and European defence forces to always have access to best-of-breed hardware and software for intensive defence use, as well as providing a technological footprint for future vehicle design. "

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