Transforming the goods receiving process and eliminating search times
Wiesbaden, Germany. 10th February 2021 – The mobility supplier Continental has awarded Panasonic a contract to roll-out its supply chain solution to further manufacturing facilities around the world. The contract follows a successful deployment of the solution at its German facility in Regensburg, one of Continental’s model plants for Industry 4.0. The Panasonic solution has transformed the receipt of goods at the facility with the system processing 300 parcels in 20 minutes – almost regardless of placement, font size, font, or possible previous damage.
The Regensburg plant receives 800 parcels per day from its global suppliers. The aim of the Panasonic project was to shorten the time between the receipt of goods and booking onto the warehouse SAP system, to make parts available for production more quickly. The deliveries often arrive on mixed pallets, with up to 10 individual goods from different manufacturers on one pallet.
Panasonic delivered a turnkey system combining object recognition and projection mapping technology. The solution uses a 7m long conveyor belt to place the packages. The Visual Sort Assist solution scans the barcodes and projects the suppliers' name and priority onto the parcels as they are transported along the belt.
Conception, engineering, installation and commissioning was carried out by Panasonic. It followed a six week analysis of material flow, data streams and manual working processes by a team of experts from Europe and Japan.
Key technologies, such as the image processing software, were tailored to requirements. Search times have now been eliminated by 40% - and will be reduced to 90% following the next update of the Warehouse Management Software.
“Our colleagues no longer need to look for items and search times have been reduced by 40%,” said Mara Siewert, Project and Innovation Manager SCM, at Continental. “Panasonic impressed us with their expertise and attitude. We share the same mindset when it comes to finding innovations that offer a business a technical advantage.”
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Rachel Hinde-Harris
Field Marketing Manager
About Panasonic
Panasonic Corporation is a global leader developing innovative technologies and solutions for wide-ranging applications in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, and B2B sectors. The company, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2018, operates 528 subsidiaries and 72 associated companies worldwide and reported consolidated net sales of 61.9 billion Euro (7.49 trillion yen) for the year ended March 31, 2020. Committed to pursuing new value through collaborative innovation, the company uses its technologies to create a better life and a better world for customers. Learn more about Panasonic:
About Panasonic Business & Industry Solutions
Panasonic Business & Industry is a Business Unit of Panasonic System Communications Company Europe (PSCEU). Headquartered in Wiesbaden (Germany), Panasonic Business & Industry delivers tailored technology solutions focused on Retail, Logistics and Manufacturing. Designed to increase operational efficiency and enhance customer experience, helping businesses to perform at their best, every day.
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