Case Study
The introduction of robust Panasonic TOUGHBOOK tablets in the trucks at Elitfönster’s outbound warehouse has boosted both efficiency and security. Vast amounts of information, which previously existed in the form of piles of papers and files, is now available in digital format via the TOUGHBOOK devices, as part of the company’s digitisation process.
Case Study
Gruppo San Benedetto
Panasonic TOUGHBOOK works along with the Italian excellence of San Benedetto in its journey of digitalization and environmental protection.
Case Study
Spanish WindSled expedition takes Panasonic Toughbook to unexplored Antarctic
For almost two months, the Inuit Wind Sled team has traveled 2,538 kilometers in one of the most remote and unexplored areas of planet Earth: Continental Antarctica. With the help of Panasonic TOUGHBOOK rugged tablets and notebooks, the four explorers have carried out 10 leading research projects in different fields such as biology, glaciology, meteorology, and telecommunications.
Case Study
Raben Case Study
A seamless flow of information is the basis for a smooth operation for the logistics company. Therefore advanced IT systems are necessary, as well as appropriate equipment that will allow every employee to be involved in the communication process. ation is the basis for a smooth operation for the logistics company. Therefore advanced IT systems are necessary, as well as appropriate equipment that will allow every employee to be involved in the communication process.
Case Study
Cubex Centre Prague
Le Cubex Centre Prague est un centre moderne et polyvalent situé à Pankrác, à Prague. L’unicité et la modularité de son intérieur et son système de présentations vidéo ultra-moderne font de ce centre l’un des points névralgiques de l’industrie en Europe centrale et Europe de l’est.
Case Study
IVRSYSTEMS accompagne le quotidien des personnes hospitalisées à l'aide des vidéoprojecteurs Panasonic Business
La société IVRSYSTEMS, spécialisée dans la projection de contenus, a développé une solution innovante avec l'aide des vidéoprojecteurs Panasonic PT EZ770 : une unité vidéo mobile, baptisée l’« IVR », Immersion Visuelle Relaxante, projetant au plafond des films relaxants en grand format. Celle-ci apporte un accompagnement apaisant et personnalisé aux patients
Case Study
Panasonic projectors on board the Celebrity Edge
VIDELIO HMS equipped the Celebrity Edge on-board theatre with Panasonic projectors to create spectacular stage designs for all passengers to enjoy.
Case Study
Panasonic éclaire les concerts de Bastille et The Human League
Les projecteurs PT-RZ21K et PT-RZ31K de Panasonic ont été sélectionnés pour produire des contenus scénographiques pour Bastille et The Human League, deux groupes britanniques de premier plan, lors de leur tournée européenne.
Case Study
Streamteam Nordic: creating a centralised production environment
Streamteam Nordic Oy, with support from Broadcast Solutions Finland, has set up a new 4K/UHD remote production hub and virtual studio using Panasonic studio and PTZ cameras.
Case Study
Pitch perfect live streaming at Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra has implemented a Panasonic remote camera infrastructure to help live stream its concerts to 150,000 people a month in the highest possible quality.
Case Study
Les projecteurs Panasonic utilisés pour le mapping « Into the Forest »
Une œuvre de projection mapping a été réalisée sur l’hôtel de ville de Waltham Forest, après que le district a reçu le titre de "London Borough of Culture.
Case Study
Panasonic opened their own FamilyMart convenience store
Panasonic s’est associé à FamilyMart pour ouvrir un commerce de proximité basé sur les technologies IdO au Japon.
Case Study
Panasonic Cameras in the Slovenian Parliament
For the purpose of transmitting the National Assembly sessions, RTV Slovenija installed Panasonic cameras. By using the remote-control directing process, the cameras are either filming or transmitting live events in the Parliament in a way that is completely unobtrusive for the members of the Parliament, while at the same time allowing access to such broadcasts for the creators of public television news shows.
Case Study
Une expérience unique pour les employés du Neo Building
Le nouveau centre de développement logiciel de Jaguar Land Rover à Manchester utilise la technologie audiovisuelle Panasonic pour créer un environnement de travail collaboratif
Case Study
Repousser les limites de la lumière, de l’espace et du son à l’occasion du festival Lightpool de Blackpool
À l’occasion de l’ouverture du festival Lightpool 2018 de Blackpool, les projecteurs Panasonic ont été utilisés en projection mapping à l’Empress Ballroom.
Case Study
Le CCD intègre Panasonic AV dans son offre événementielle
Le Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) propose une solution combinée répondant aux besoins technologiques de ses clients, avec des projecteurs et écrans Panasonic au cœur de son offre audiovisuelle
Case Study
Creating the right look for a dark comedy
Netflix utilises the Panasonic VariCam range to film Ricky Gervais’s new comedy series, ‘After Life’
Case Study
Norwegian Fire Brigade - FZ-G1 - Case Study
The robust Panasonic TOUGHBOOK G1 tablet helps the Sandefjord fire brigade to do a more effective job. GPS functionality that shows the fastest route and a reporting tool that allows other emergency services to prepare for what they need to do to help saves lives.
Case Study
Panasonic’s EVA1 selected to shoot Álex Montoya's debut feature film “Asamblea”
The teaser for the film, starring Francesc Garrido, Cristina Plazas, Nacho Fresneda and Greta Fernández was presented at the Málaga Festiva and will reach Spanish screens later in the year.
Case Study
NHBC equips Building Inspectors with rugged Panasonic TOUGHBOOK tablets
One solution for construction site and desktop working improves productivity
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