Panasonic launches the more powerful generation of the TOUGHBOOK N1 and the new model variant TOUGHBOOK N1 Flat
Panasonic is presenting the new generation of the robust premium handheld TOUGHBOOK N1 with an integrated barcode scanner and the new model variant TOUGHBOOK N1 Flat.
Tech Trends changing the way we work and live
The adoption of the WorldWideWeb was the last major technology adoption cycle that revolutionised the way we lived and worked but are we on the cusp of another?
TOUGH business challenges and how to overcome them
Why should your teams work harder, when your business can work smarter? Nathalie gives a few tips...
After six years of military use, only 1 percent of TOUGHBOOKs needed repair
An article which describes why Precisions Technic Defence A/S insist on having specific demands for their suppliers when it comes to sustainability.
Case Study
Arromanches360 – Un cinéma immersif dans un lieu unique, chargé d’histoire.
Le cinéma circulaire plonge le visiteur au cœur de la bataille de Normandie dans une projection immersive à 360°.
Case Study
Panasonic technology at Pilsudski Museum
Jozef Pilsuski made a significant contribution to the fact that Poland regained its independence. In the unique museum that was created to honour his memory, we can find an installation that tells his extraordinary life story through projection on four huge projection surfaces in the shape of a square.
Panasonic Connect et Blue Yonder Présentent Une Vision Commune Du Magasin Connecté et Alimenté Par La Chaîne D’approvisionnement À Euroshop 2023
Les détaillants ont besoin de données en temps réel et d’informations intelligentes pour s’adapter rapidement et faire le réassort à une vitesse accélérée, d’autant plus que les habitudes d’achat des consommateurs continuent de se transformer en ligne comme en magasin.
The future of projection mapping - Part I
We have all experienced the thrill and visual entertainment of projection mapping but what does the future hold? Panasonic’s immersive experience expert Thomas Vertommen answers some key questions.
Meet my new AI friend
An article looking at how the rapid progress of AI could impact the mobile workforce.
Rewarding times ahead for electronics manufacturers
There has never been a more rewarding time to be involved in European electronics manufacturing, says Peer Schumacher, the new Head of Manufacturing Solutions at Panasonic Connect Europe.
A sea change of digital transformation at European Ports
An article looking at the latest reports encouraging the digitalisation of European Ports and Harbours and its benefits.
ISE 2023 : Panasonic Connect Annonce La Nouvelle Version De La Plateforme De Production Live Kairos
Des productions plus grandes et plus complexes grâce à une puissance, la redondance, des entrées et des sorties accrues.
Panasonic Élargit Sa Gamme D'écrans Tactiles Avec La Série EQ2-PCAP, La Meilleure De Sa Catégorie
Incroyable précision tactile, manipulation facile sans compromis et six tailles d’écran pour toutes les applications.
De Nouvelles Possibilités De Production Immersive Avec La Nouvelle Génération De Projecteurs Mono-DLP De Panasonic
Les projecteurs laser mono-DLP™ PT-REQ12 Series et PT-REZ12 Series offrent des expériences inédites avec une luminosité allant jusqu’à 12 000 lm, une résolution 4K et une capacité de projection de 240 Hz.
L’outil Professionnel Par Excellence : La Nouvelle Série D’écrans Haut De Gamme Panasonic
La série SQ2H de Panasonic excelle en termes de luminosité, de fiabilité et d’évolutivité du système.
ISE 2023 : Panasonic Renforce Sa Position De Leader 4K Avec Des Nouveaux Produits Inspirants
Lancement d’innovations 4K pour la collaboration professionnelle, l’éducation et le LBE (Location Based Entertainment).
Celebrity or Technology Spotting at Airports?
It’s always fun spotting a celebrity at the airport but Rachael Pugh explains that there is a tech-heads version of the game.
Fresh new website addresses today’s unique business challenges
Panasonic Connect Europe’s fresh new solutions-focused website reflects the company’s mantra to help its customers Change Work, Advance Society and Connect to Tomorrow. Joerg Hufschmid, the driving force behind the latest evolution, explains why the new website is ideal for business-to-business organisations looking for technology solutions to today’s challenges.
Projection Mapping: Big Entertainment and Big Business
Projection mapping is big business as well as big entertainment. Did you know that forecasts say the global projection mapping market will reach 8.0 billion Euros by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.9%? Read more in the article.
Panasonic Connect Europe’s new website at the heart of its Digital Strategy
New business-focused website presents the latest technological innovations to address today’s business challenges.
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