
11 Sep


Supply Chain Shortages in Bio Pharma

Panasonic recently sponsored a Digital Think Tank roundtable discussion with some of the leading lights from the pharma industry.

12 Jul


Today on the Menu: How the user experience on the web is changing bricks-and-mortar retail

The digitization of processes, e-commerce offerings and the introduction of blockchains in food or soft retail have been on the rise for some time. But what’s new is the next generation of technology focusing on the users or buyers in store.

01 Jun


A Partnership for the Digital Age

A strong partner programme to support customers and drive business is critical for today’s technology giants. Frank Nijholt, Channel Manager for Panasonic Connect Europe, explains how its new Partner Portal is an essential tool for the digital age.

20 Apr


Panasonic Connect and Blue Yonder Showcase Retailing at the Edge

Panasonic Connect and Blue Yonder will continue to showcase their shared vision of the Connected Store and Supply Chain Powered Commerce.

12 Apr


Tech is Trending in Retail

What are tech solutions trending in Retail right now and how do they help?

12 Apr


Tech helping to address the logistical challenge

Technology is changing the face of the logistics industry as it continues the search for ever more efficient and effective services. Doris Ucal, Panasonic Content Marketing Specialist and CXC Tour Guide, looks at the latest logistics technology solutions shaping this evolution.

06 Apr


Panasonic Vixell : Un Nouveau Service De Transport International Efficace Pour L’industrie Pharmaceutique

Un service de transport pharmaceutique fiable à bas coût et facile d'utilisation grâce au système circulaire.

21 Feb


Panasonic Connect et Blue Yonder Présentent Une Vision Commune Du Magasin Connecté et Alimenté Par La Chaîne D’approvisionnement À Euroshop 2023

Les détaillants ont besoin de données en temps réel et d’informations intelligentes pour s’adapter rapidement et faire le réassort à une vitesse accélérée, d’autant plus que les habitudes d’achat des consommateurs continuent de se transformer en ligne comme en magasin.

10 Jan


Technology helping retailers tempt shoppers back to the store

With ecommerce across Europe continuing to grow, bricks and mortar retailers are turning to technology to help them enhance the customer experience and tempt shoppers back to the store. Visitors can see many of these latest solutions at the Panasonic Connect Europe Customer Experience Centre in Munich.

02 Nov


The future of filling stations is tech fueled

Our filling stations are changing and it’s not just the switch from fuel pumps to electric charging points.

26 Oct


Designed to inspire innovation: Panasonic’s Customer Experience Centre

Designed to inspire innovation: Panasonic’s Customer Experience Centre

26 Oct


The Material Facts about the Future of Manufacturing

The ability to control and optimise the just in time delivery of materials to the production process is one of the fundamental challenges for the future of automated manufacturing. Peter Barber, Head of Solutions Engineering at Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe, looks at the progress being made.

25 Oct


Un Deuxieme Centre de Service promet de rapprocher encore Panasonic Connect Europe de ses clients

Le nouveau centre de service situé à Budapest offre aux clients des supports de services plus rapides et plus efficaces.

05 Oct


Panasonic Connect Europe 1st Year Anniversary

It’s a year since the formation of Panasonic Connect Europe (PCOEU) and there have been significant changes in both the business and the wider macro-economic environment. On its first anniversary, CEO Hiroyuki Nishiuma reflects on how the organization is now better positioned than ever to help European businesses in these challenging times.

28 Sep


Displaying & developing the Future of the Supply Chain

Stefan Hauck, Head of Business and Industry Marketing, at Panasonic Connect Europe, tells us more about the Future of Supply Chain streaming event that took place at Panasonic’s Customer Experience Center in Munich.

15 Jun


Technology Solutions are shaping manufacturing's future

Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic Corporation, understood that continuous evolution and progression was at the heart of a successful manufacturing.

09 Jun


We need to be smart about convenience

We all enjoy the convenience of online shopping and fast delivery but society has to begin to get smart about the commercial and environmental implications. Smartlockers are the answer.

01 Jun


A Dynamic Pricing Future for Retail

As technologies like Artificial Intelligence combine with cameras and the Internet of Things at the edge of the network, the way retailers are able to supply, price and staff their stores is changing for the better – both improving customer satisfaction and efficiencies for the store owners.

Case Study

«On the road again» : plein gaz à la boutique de la station-service... sans obligation d'achat de carburant

La division des stations-service de l'entreprise de taille moyenne Team energie GmbH & Co. KG développe des concepts novateurs pour ses stations-service, et Panasonic Connect contribue à leur mise en œuvre.

12 May


Fuelling petrol station innovation with ESL

Fuel stations across Europe are facing increasing competitive pressures from supermarkets and convenience stores extending their opening hours but the smart operators are fighting back by using technology to innovative.

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