
08 Mar


Celebrating the Women of Panasonic Connect Europe

International Women’s Day provides us all with an opportunity to celebrate the key women in each of our lives, and how they positively impact society, whether it’s in one company, a department, an industry or the wider world. At Panasonic Connect Europe, we’ve spoken to five fantastic females on what it means to be working at the forefront of innovation and technology.

03 Mar


5 Fragen zu C4I Tools an Sebastian Philipp

Sebastian Philipp erläutert 5 Fragen zu C4I Führungssystemen (Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence), also vernetzten Systemen und Technologien, mit denen militärische Organisationen Kräfte effektiv führen und steuern können.

01 Mar


Rückblick Monumental Tour 2023

Die Monumental Tour, ein Projekt des französischen DJs und Produzenten Michael Canitrot, verleiht Kulturerbestätten mit Panasonic-Projektoren und AV Extended ein neues Gesicht.

28 Feb


Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part I

Within the Bio Pharma sector, companies embrace the challenge of sustainability and responsible business, with a heavy focus on how the industry can better engage, monitor, and improve its relationship with suppliers and manufacturers. It is understood across the industry that environment, safety, and social outcomes are critical. Ultimately, we are all patients when it comes to the production of pharmaceutical drugs.

27 Feb


How the Suez Canal Blockage in 2021 has revolutionized the navigation: Lessons Learned.

The blog delves into the aftermath of the disruptive event at the Suez Canal in 2021, shedding light on the increasing importance of advanced technology in the maritime industry for mitigating risks. It discusses the integration of rugged devices, like the Panasonic Toughbook, which are specifically designed to withstand the challenging maritime environment and facilitate precise navigation.

19 Feb


How private 5G is driving the evolution of smart manufacturing

The manufacturing sector faces multiple challenges, including streamlining and automating operations, increasing the flexibility of production lines, increasing yield to stay competitive in global markets. One answer to help address these issues lies in private 5G network connectivity.

15 Feb


Warum UST-Objektive?

Ich war in ein bemerkenswertes Projekt im Auditorium und im Presseraum einer der größten Banken Spaniens vertieft. Obwohl es nicht als bahnbrechendes Projekt angepriesen wurde, trug es die Last praktischer Herausforderungen, die innovative Lösungen erforderten. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, ein Projektionssystem für eine 10 x 6 große gekrümmte Leinwand zu entwerfen, eine Standardanforderung für Unternehmenspräsentationen und Aktionärsversammlungen. Die Besonderheit lag in der Bitte der Bank, dass die Hauptredner auf der Bühne direkt neben der Leinwand stehen und sich frei bewegen sollten. Es war eine bemerkenswerte Frage, und die Lösung, die wir vorschlugen, war pragmatisch und doch transformativ – zwei Ultra-Short-Throw-Objektive (UST) gepaart mit lampenbasierten Projektoren mit 20.000 lm.

08 Feb


Lifting the lid on TOUGHBOOK’s rugged engineering innovations

TOUGHBOOK’s rugged engineering is legendary but what makes a TOUGHBOOK a TOUGHBOOK? Head of Engineering Jon Tucker takes a closer look at the innovations behind almost 30 years of rugged market leadership.

07 Feb


Exploring Panasonic's Campus Munich: A Hub of Innovation and Service

As an Engineer involved in the diverse world of Panasonic at the Campus Munich, I've witnessed the connection of cutting-edge technology, collaboration, and a variety of innovative solutions shaping the future of the industry. Among the hands-on demo products and advancements, one that stands out as my personal favorite is the alignment of Digital Signage and Electronics Shelf Labels: The Connected Signage.

06 Feb


What’s next for wireless connectivity investment in Europe?

Europe has always been at the heart of wireless technologies, from Marconi’s very first wireless transmission in 1897. Back then that initial radio transmission transformed the world and wireless connectivity continues to do so today.

05 Feb


Unleash Seamless Mobility with TOUGHBOOK and Windows 11

Switching operating systems can feel like a chore. However, Windows 11 and Panasonic TOUGHBOOK will change the game for mobile workers, combining true mobility with enhanced security, improved speed, and incomparable performance.

31 Jan


Gemba in Action at Panasonic Campus Munich

Venturing into the realm of innovation and customer-centric solutions, Panasonic's Campus Munich stands as a hub to groundbreaking engineering and visionary planning. In an interview, I have shared my engineering point of view about the unique facets that define the heart of Panasonic's innovation hub.

25 Jan


Mobility is Complex

Equipping the mobile workforce with the right rugged device for your organisation can be a complex business…and a costly one if you get it wrong. Chris Turner, Head of Go To Markets at Panasonic TOUGHBOOK discusses the factors that need to be considered.

24 Jan


A Fusion of Ideas: Diving into Innovation at Panasonic Campus Munich

Responsible for Supply Chain Solutions, Marketing, my journey has been an exciting voyage into the world of innovation, collaboration, and cutting-edge technology. Engineering, Sales & Marketing teams have crafted a holistic story how Panasonic develops next generation supply chain technologies and how we are continually refreshing it with updated demos and a compelling story. I am part of that team and have recently shared some innovative aspects that define our campus and its immersive experiences.

22 Jan


Immersive Tagungsräume

Der Nutzung von immersiven Meetingräumen ist ein bahnbrechendes Konzept, das die Dynamik der Teamarbeit und des Lernens im digitalen Zeitalter neu definiert. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit ihren Anwendungen, Vorteilen und warum sie im Jahr 2024 und darüber hinaus ein aufkommender Trend sein werden.

17 Jan


Building 5G private networks to unlock productivity, sustainability and operational efficiencies for ports and harbours

5G private networks are revolutionising ports and harbours with the provision of ultra-fast and reliable connectivity. With higher speeds and lower latency, 5G enables real-time data transfer, facilitating seamless communication and information exchange between various stakeholders, including port authorities, shipping companies, and logistics providers.

10 Jan


Regulating AI: The Moral and Practical Imperatives

Artificial Intelligence will be the most important innovation that society will embrace since the steam engine. Although AI technologies are already widely available and are having dramatic impact on society and industry, the true potential of AI is yet to be met or even fully understood...

31 Dec


Partnerschaften im Bereich Mobile werden das Jahr 2024 prägen

Auch wenn das Jahr 2024 wieder einige Unsicherheiten bereithält, so gibt es auch viele positive Perspektiven: Dazu zählen Wachstumsbranchen, neue Technologien und Fortschritte bei mobilen Geräten und Services.

28 Dec


Keeping rubber on the road in Automotive Field Repair Services

There is incredible innovation in the automotive world but the whole system can grind to a halt if vehicles have to go off the road for repairs. We look at some of the innovations in remote in-field repair that keeps the rubber on the road.

14 Dec


Modernising Modern Device Management in Emergency Services

Emergency services workers are at the very frontline of keeping people safe. In order to serve the public, they are completely reliant on the rugged devices they use, both inside and outside of their vehicles. However, if these mission-critical devices are not deployed and managed properly, this can result in significant downtime on the frontline.

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