4K product line-up
Die AW-UE50 besitzt ein neu entwickeltes und kompaktes Gehäuse, wiegt nur 1,8 kg und erleichtert so neben der Handhabung auch die Installation in unterschiedlichen Bereichen, insbesondere bei Traversen- oder Deckenmontage.
Remote-verwalteter Dienst
Remotely Managed Service (RMS) vereint Technikverantwortliche in der Cloud, um reproduzierbare Unterhaltungserlebnisse zu gewährleisten
Studio Camera Accessories
Kostengünstige Kamerasteuerungseinheit (CCU) mit hochwertigen Kamerasystemen und Glasfasertechnik für Signalübertragung über große Entfernungen. Die CCU ist mit einer Intercom-Line und zwei Audio-Lines ausgestattet und verfügt zwischen Kamera und CCU über eine 3G-Trunk- und 3G-Prompter-Schaltung.
Remote Unit / Controller
AK-UCU700 series
4K-Zentralsteuereinheit mit verbesserter IP-Konnektivität, einschließlich Unterstützung für ST 2110, das branchenweit erste1 Dante®, NDI und SRT.x000Dx000Dx000Dx000DDie AK-UCU700 CCU unterstützt den IP-Übertragungsstandard SMPTE ST 21102 der nächsten Generation sowie JPEG-XS, um 4K-Videos um den Faktor 10 zu dekomprimieren/komprimieren, ohne die Qualität zu beeinträchtigen. Als branchenweit erste*1 Studiokamerasystem, das den Netzwerk-Audiostandard Dante®*3 sowie die IP-Übertragungsstandards NDI (High Bandwidth NDI®®)*4 und SRT (Secure Reliable Transport)*5 unterstützt, realisiert die neue CCU von Panasonic Connect vielfältige Netzwerke und Anwendungen für IP-Studiokamerasysteme.
Placement (SMT)
The NPM-WX represents the next generation of Panasonic’s mounting production concept “Smart manufacturing”. The platform represents higher line throughput and improved quality at lower cost thanks to integrated automated systems. APC system and automatic recovery are integrated to provide autonomous line control. The incorporated floor-management system and remote-operation option improve utilisation combined with lower labour costs. Feeder set-up and component supply navigation systems are available, helping to reduce the work variations.The NPM-WX can handle a wide variety of components, from 0402 chip components up to large components with a max. size of 150x25x40 mm. Parts can be supplied from tape, stick or tray-feeder . Feeder-cart flexibility can be provided by selecting the existing 30-input feeder cart or inserting two 17-inpu
Printing (SMT)
The Stencil Printer SPV-DC enables high efficiency dual lane production in a compact design. The printer is designed for high speed production without changeovers. To reduce running costs the SPV-DC is equipped with the award-winning paperless cleaning function. Solder paste can refill automatically. Solder mask and the final printing result can be verified with an internal inspection. With the machine-to-machine-communication option the SPV-DC is using correction data to correct positional printing errors. The high-speed printer SPV-DC can print on board sizes from 50 x 50mm to 350 x 300mm. With the dual lanes the printer provides a cycle time of 13s, including transfer, positioning, recognition, high-precision printing and respective cleaning. Due to the non-stop changeover, the SPV-DC allows you to prepare the next production while running the printing process.
NPM-DGS: line management system
FeaturesThe line management system NPM-DGS provides various features, like the Multi-CAD import, tact simulations, a component library of all pick and place machines, displaying of placement and inspection head data on the display during operation, production data optimization and an optional off-line component data creation to make the work preparation as easy as possible, by guaranteeing an improved and more efficient placement process. NPM-DGS offers to create off-line component data and improves productivity and the data generation workflow. A parts library for the entire shop floor can be centrally managed. With simulations the total operating rate of the production line can be checked. With the MJS-function the feeder replacement can be reduced. The PPD/LWS Editor helps to quickly and easily edit the production data. Multi-CAD importMost CAD data formats can be imported through macro definitions. A polarity check in performed in advance. Optional off-line component data creationDGS works with any flatbed scannerand offers the ability to create off-line component data or with the NPM off-line camera unit to improve productivity and quality of the data generation workflow Component library A parts library for all placement equipment in the entire shop floor can be centrally managed, even including data from the CM series. SimulationCheck the tact simulation in advance on the screen and improve the total operating rate of the line. Mix Job Setter (MJS)A common feeder arrangement is advantageous when manufacturing multiple different products, since the reduction in feeder replacement time increases productivity. PPD/LWS EditorReduce loss times by quickly and easily editing the production data of the placement and inspection heads on the PC screen during production.
Printing (SMT)
The fully automated printing solution is part of the "Autonomous Factory" Concept - a factory that immediately responds to every situation and continues to evolve autonomously. Ensuring the production of non-defective items through the integrated control of autonomous uninterrupted mounting lines and floors independent of any human intervention and judgment.
Features:Increased Production Time: (1) Reduces machine availability losses through automation of operations required for model changeover.(2) Reduces machine performance losses through automation of operations involved in production.(3) Increases production time by monitoring machine conditions and thereby performing maintenanceat right times.
Maintenance of printing quality at a consistently high level: Reduces losses due to defective items through various functions that actualizes consistently high-qualityprinting capable of responding to any changes in 5M.
Support for line solution: Realizes high-quality line production through M2M
Placement (SMT)
The AM100 meets the high standards of reliability, capacity and flexibility that customers look forward to in a cost-efficient, gradationally scalable, high-mix SMT solution. It only takes one machine to start off production and extra units and/or technologies can be easily integrated according to requirements. The single-head (single beam) of Panasonic's AM100 modular placement machine is able to place an impressive component array including: 0402 mm to 120 x 90 x 2 8mm, odd-shaped components, large connectors, as well as advanced packaging types e.g.Features The single solution AM100 provides high net productivity and versatility. Equipped with a 14-nozzle head and 160 feeders the AM100 can place an impressive component range. On top the non-stop changeover allows you to prepare the next product process during running production. An off-line setup support station and a feeder set-up navigator option improves operating time and minimizes the downtime.
Insertion (THT/PTH)
The RL132 combines functionality and speed with an insertion rate up to 25,700cph (.14s/component), a board processing sizes up to 650 x 381mm, a 33% reduction in PCB transfer time, up to 18% reduction in electrical and air consumption per insertion and an improved parts lifespan for a very low cost of ownership. This through-hole machine features a 4-pitch span and is configurable with 40 or 80 components inputs. Meanwhile, its dual split carriage enables machine function at exchange mode and parts replenishment during production. The RL132 was designed for a non-stop productivity. The Lead V cut method enables the RL132 to insert radial lead components at a speed of 0.14s/component. Either a 2-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm), 3-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm/7.5mm) or 4-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm/7.5mm/10.0mm) option can be selected. The fixed feeder unit method and an out-of-component detection function allow ongoing component replenishment and long-term runs. PCB of 650mm x 381mm can be processed.
PanaCIM-EE Gen2: line management system
Featuressmart-factory-solutions software panacim-logo-02PanaCIM-EE Gen2 is the next generation of PanaCIM-EE, which allows for more efficient electronics manufacturing. This digital planning tool is necessary to enable reliable data management. This applies not only to individual systems, but to entire production lines, in which the data of each individual machine is included in the analysis. In addition, data from reports and management are included in the planning. This allows higher production rates and shorter cycle times to be achieved to make electronics production even more efficient and reliable. The PanaCIM-EE Gen2 is the next generation of a smart factory solution, connecting the shop floor with overall the management system. This includes precise inventory management, maximized factory performance based on a continuous production, total traceability, real time monitoring and optimization and an accurate in-time material supply. Material verificationMaterial controlTraceabilityProduction monitoring/dispatchProduction analysisMaintenanceEnterprise link
Manufacturing operations optimizer (MFO)
FeaturesThe Manufacturing Operations Optimiser (MFO) is a newly developed product for drawing up production plans required for on-site operations to reduce the man-hours needed for the production plan and, at the same time, to enhance production efficiency. MFO creates detailed schedules for productions and pre-set-up operations and calculates the required resources for production by simulating the manufacturing process of the entire SMT production floor. By simulating the planned production, the MFO answers questions about estimated production completion, indicates which production sequence is to be used for higher efficiency, proposes optimal machine set-up for higher efficiency, and indicates the number of staff needed to achieve the plan. MFO models the required production line, taking into account errors that can occur at the production machines, such as parts exchange. It optimises production taking into account multiple production lines. The off-line set-up sequence can be optimised to adjust the requirement of staff and material. MFO support is not limited to machines of the NPM-series but also supports CMand DT-series machines and screen printers. It also supports non-Panasonic equipment such as SPI, AOI, reflow ovens, screen printers and others.
Panasonic manufacturing operations optimizer (MFO) is the line management system to create detailed production schedules including pre-set-up operations. Those production plans are mandatory to optimize manufacturing processes and thus improves cycle times and production efficiency. It also calculates the number of operators required by simulating the entire SMT manufacturing operation. Image of the systemMFO provides clear and easy to understand plans for production, process set-up and operator management plus simulation reports.
Beside this, it provides various optimization function, like mounting process, production plan, production-set-up plan and operator count, including a table of function list and machines.
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