Mounts and Vehicle Docks
The Vehicle Dock with Standard Port Replication (PCPE-HAV4002) is designed for compatibility with the TOUGHBOOK 40.
Mounts and Vehicle Docks
The Vehicle Cradle (PCPE-HAV4001) is designed for compatibility with TOUGHBOOK 40.
Intelligent Warehouse Solution
Eine Lösung, mit der Sie die Bewegung einzelner Objekte durch die jeweiligen Produktions- und Lieferprozesse überwachen und gleichzeitig Verluste, Beschädigungen oder Unterbrechungen innerhalb des Bewegungsablaufs erkennen können.
KI-gestützte Kamerasysteme
Unser Spin-off i-PRO bietet eine breite Palette professioneller Kameras für Lager und Einzelhandelsgeschäfte. Wir bieten fortschrittliche Technologien wie Analyse- und Sicherheitstechnologien, die Deep Learning nutzen, um Innovationen wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und das Internet der Dinge (IoT) zu nutzen.
Entwickelt, um die Herausforderungen des Kühlkettentransports für Biopharmazeutika, Prüfpräparate und Impfstoffe zu meistern, die strenge Temperaturkontrollen erfordern. VIXELL verfügt über eine patentierte Vakuumisolierung und eine integrierte Gesundheitsüberwachungstechnologie für garantierte Isolationsleistung, Warenschutz und lang anhaltende Kühlleistung.
PERFORMARC welding systems
Industrial robots
Handling Robot
The Panasonic YS- & HS-G3 series provides an additional field of application capabilities within the existing robot product range. Offering payload capacities of up to 220 kg and a maximum working range of 2666 mm. The YS-080G3 and HS-220G3 provide enhanced benefits for production automation solutions requiring work handling. Used in combination with a Panasonic welding robot, the movements of both robots can be fully synchronized using the “Harmonizer Function”. This feature ensures the relative welding torch position to the work piece is maintained automatically. The programming of the weld position becomes as easy as working with a fixed work piece, ensuring that out-of-position welding can be avoided
Final Assembly, Test & Packaging (FATP)
GuidanceEnforcementKey Values Increase operator's efficiencyGet the assembly more reliableImprove product quality by higher yield TraceabilityMaterial ManagementFeaturesCentral storage of work flows and instructionsSharing and accumulate knowledge & know-howAvoid errors and increase motivationCost saving by reducing error factor Connection to MES and/or ERP systemProvide "just-in-time" required materials automaticallyManual assembly included in the reporting loopCost saving by more efficient production and material planning
Typical use-cases for PGMA to guide & enhance are: Manual THT insertionManual mechanical assemblySemiautomatic screw & nut mounting with and without torque controlManual visual inspectionSemiautomatic testing and/or measurementManual product packing and labelling incl. weight control (optional)Training for any manual assembly & activityThe ROI (return of invest) period for PGMA implementation is typically much less than one year due to reduction of failures and mistakes, speeding up the assembly process and finally increase of user‘s motivation.
Visual Sort Assist (VSA)
VSA optimiert manuelle Sortierprozesse und steigert so die Produktivität und Agilität.
Die Flugrahmen sind robust und dennoch optisch ansprechend gestaltet.Zusätzlich verfügen sie über horizontale und vertikale Justagemöglichkeiten um die ideale Projektionsposition einzustellen.
Placement (SMT)
Higher productivity and quality thanks to the integration of printing, placement and inspection processes make the NPM-W2 one of the most flexible and versatile pick-and-place solutions on the market.
This machine provides the user with a tool that allows him to choose between high speed or high accuracy, depending on the PCB requirements.
In addition, the NPM-W2 is optimised for larger boards and larger components, such as PCBs up to 750 x 550 mm and components up to 150 x 25 x 30 mm (L,W,H). For high productivity, dual lanes can be used.
The multifunctional NPM-W2 is equipped with a 12-nozzle head and can place 38,500 components. 120 feeders can be mounted.
Additionally, the NPM-W2 can automatically inspect solder depots and components according to the production data.
As a third function, the NPM can be fitted with the conventional HDF discharge mechanism, which ensures
Ultrahigh accurate 3-D profilometer (UA3P)
Ultrahigh accurate 3-D profilometer (UA3P)
The Panasonic UA3P profilometer series is designed to measure aspherical lenses & molds, freeform optics, mirrors and any other precision component requiring nanometer level accuracy ranging up to 200mm x 200mm. Different machine models are available to meet your optical & high aspect ratio metrology needs.
The UA3P-300, UA3P-4 and UA3P-5 all offer users the accuracy of AFM technology with the measurement range of a CMM. Our unique approach uses atomic force probe technology in the stylus and HeNe laser-based interferometric XYZ axis positioning.
Couple this technology with a solid granite-base and you have a robust metrology system that can be used on the factory floor and still deliver 0.1um level total uncertainty.
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