

Case Study

Stadtwerke Bielefeld GmbH – the digitized utility company

Toughbook notebooks and Toughpad tablets support Stadtwerke Bielefeld to digitize processes Stadtwerke Bielefeld is transforming its role as local energy supplier and evolving into a market-oriented service provider. This new focus requires optimized processes, quick reaction times and better internal procedures. As part of the preliminary MDC Networks project for mobile data collection, the company selected robust notebooks from Panasonic to digitize processes and obtain mobile data access.

Case Study

Fibo Bau Construction Case Study - en

The use of digital technologies ensures more transparency, better quality execution and quicker progress in the implementation of construction projects. It makes companies more efficient, because the enormous expertise and specialist knowhow of the different construction branches is digitally and directly interlinked and thus easily accessible for all involved parties. The Swiss construction company FIBO Bau AG relied on digitized processes early on in order to capitalize on these advantages.

Case Study

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue go beyond MDM with Panasonic Smart Service

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) employs over 1,000 firefighters who work across 50 stations. They have more than 70 fire engines and a large number of specialist support vehicles, equipped to deal with a wide range of emergencies.

Case Study

Bayerische Staatsforsten Update 2020

In the Free State of Bavaria, around 3,000 employees of the Bayerische Staatsforsten deal with the business management of state woodland stretching over 800,000 hectares. Administering such a large area requires substantial logistics. So foresters, forestry commissioners and other staff are supported by the robust Panasonic TOUGHBOOK tablets when working in the field

Case Study

Centrica – TOUGHBOOK G1 – FR

En équipant ses 29 000 collaborateurs à travers le monde du nouveau TOUGHBOOK de Panasonic (Windows 10 Pro), Centrica a propulsé l’excellence de son service vers le cloud et transformé le quotidien de ses équipes. Aujourd’hui, les ingénieurs de terrain utilisent des applications modernes sur des terminaux connectés afin d’améliorer le service client et d’optimiser leur efficacité.

Case Study

Public Library of the Year Demands Reliability from Cameras and Projectors

Awarded as Public Library of the Year, listed in TIME Magazine’s World’s Greatest Places, and winner of the AZ Award, Oodi library in Helsinki, Finland has received a number of nominations for its functional and inspiring ambience. 3 million visitors during its first year prove that there is plenty to see and do in Helsinki’s new living room: not just a library, Oodi is home to studios, editing rooms, coworking and learning spaces and a movie theatre.

Case Study

Costcutter rationalise l’étiquetage des linéaires pour améliorer les ventes et l’expérience client

Costcutter Culverstone Green a mis en place un système d’étiquetage électronique des linéaires pour mettre automatiquement à jour les prix des produits, gagner la confiance de ses clients et accroître ses ventes.

Case Study

Ground-breaking TV production technology being used by the German armed forces (Bundeswehr)

Following a near three-month implementation, the first virtual reality studio of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) was recently approved. KST GmbH implemented a highly-automated, 4K-capable studio facility that supports both VR and AR environments at ZOpKomBw, the Bundeswehr’s operational communications centre, located in the German town of Mayen.

Case Study

La bibliothèque de l’année sous le feu des projecteurs

Oodi, la bibliothèque centrale d’Helsinki, en Finlande, inscrite dans le classement des meilleurs endroits du monde en 2019 par le Time Magazine, a été élue « Bibliothèque de l’année » et a remporté le prix AZ Award : de nombreuses nominations qui mettent en lumière un lieu à la fois inspirant et fonctionnel. Oodi a attiré 3 millions de visiteurs dès sa première année. Plus qu’une bibliothèque, elle accueille aussi un cinéma, des studios d’enseignement audiovisuels ainsi que des espaces d’apprentissage et de coworking.

Case Study

Trinity Broadcasting Network

Recently, TBN purchased 16 x AW-UE150 4K 60p integrated pan/tilt/zoom cameras, 7 x AW-RP150 camera controllers and Tecnopoint Tuning software.

Case Study

France TV’s La Maison Lumni Contributes to Public Education in Virtual Studio

While French students are confined to their homes due to the Covid-19 pandemic, France Télévisions has been mobilizing its channel since March 23, to support them in their schooling. In partnership with the Ministry of National Education and to respond to the “Learning Nation” mission, lessons were given by teachers, for all levels, as well as a variety of educational activities on the programme. The morning is devoted to the little ones, the afternoon to the older ones.

Case Study

Capturing Lynx Cats in Conservation.

Panasonic VariCam LT, EVA1 and Lumix S1 cameras were used to capture the extraordinary lives of young lynx cats for the BBC2 documentary, ‘Snow Cats and Me.’

Case Study

Le nouveau musée OMEGA retrace l’extraordinaire succès de la marque d’horlogerie de luxe

Le nouveau musée OMEGA retrace l’extraordinaire succès de la marque d’horlogerie de luxe.

Case Study

Atlantis Aquarium

Atlantis Aquarium, Panasonic et Power AV ont uni leurs forces pour offrir aux visiteurs de l’aquarium une expérience immersive dans les profondeurs de l’océan.

Case Study

The Supreme Court installs Panasonic PTZ cameras to live stream cases

Panasonic have installed a number of PTZ cameras to deliver accurate legal recordings at the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Case Study

TOUGHBOOK G1 Tablet - DP WORLD Case Study

DP World, a leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain, is using Panasonic TOUGHBOOK rugged notebooks and tablets to transform productivity and customer service at its busy Southampton terminal operation.

Case Study

DoP Jules O'Loughlin ASC ACS Talks Us Through Angel Has Fallen

Angel Has Fallen (2019) is the third instalment in the 'Fallen' film franchise, following Olympus Has Fallen (2013) and London Has Fallen (2016). Directed by Ric Roman Waugh (Shot Caller, Snitch, and Felon) and staring Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman and Jada Pinkett Smith, this blockbuster's storyline follows United States Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Butler) as he races against time to clear his name after being framed for an assassination attack on the US President, Allan Trumbull (Freeman).

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