Produkte - Broadcast & ProAV

122 results

System Product Collaboration

Brainstorm Aston

Aston ist ein System für Videografik-Erstellung, CG und Playout , bei dessen Entwicklung die Designer im Mittelpunkt standen.

System Product Collaboration


Pixotope® is a software-based solution for rapidly creating virtual studios, augmented reality (AR), and next generation on-air graphics. This cutting-edge technology utilizes Epic Games’ Unreal Engine to produce photorealistic rendering in real-time. It enables designers to create augmented content, virtual sets, and environments, and perfectly blend the digital and real-world into a unique visual experience.Pixotope® is a software-based solution for rapidly creating virtual studios, augmented reality (AR), and next generation on-air graphics. This cutting-edge technology utilizes Epic Games’ Unreal Engine to produce photorealistic rendering in real-time. It enables designers to create augmented content, virtual sets, and environments, and perfectly blend the digital and real-world into a unique visual experience.

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