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Aquí podrás comprobar cómo los sistemas de cámara robótica han sido utilizados en diferentes entornos y con diversas aplicaciones.
Panasonic 4K PTZ cameras and Tuning rail system allow Lafayette London to complete live relays and studio-style recordings from the venue.
ATG Danmon has completed a 4K television production and live streaming facility at the Lafayette London events centre. Commissioned by the Venue Group, the new system allows for live relay of stage performances as well as studio-style recording. Located close to the Regent’s Canal in the King’s Cross area of London, Lafayette is an industrial two floor auditorium with world class sound and light systems. It includes robotic cameras, an audio/video production control room and a floor-to-ceiling rack of auxiliary equipment.
How to realise an UHD Virtual Reality Studio End-to-End Workflow - RWE Campus
RWE decided to include a Virtual Reality (VR) studio when they created their new building on the RWE Campus in Essen, Germany.
KST Moschkau GmbH created an UHD Virtual Reality Studio for this purpose that features four Panasonic AW-UE150 UHD PTZ cameras, the KST-CamBot-system and Zero Density’s Reality Enine.
RWE relies heavily on TV production automation as they do not employ professional studio personnel. This is one of the reasons why the KST-CamBot.system is used as the central automation unit as it can control the 4 PTZ cameras, the Panasonic AV-UHS500 4K live switcher as well as the virtual rendering technology Reality 2.9 from Zero Density among others.
The studio was created as an innovative audio-visual communication tool, to provide a groundbreaking level of quality in modern TV standards such as UHD. In addition to the actual VR studio, the control room and various additional positions, such as outside interview area, event rooms, OB van connection point, etc. were also designed to fit into their new concept.
The realisation of the studio started in April 2020 and went on air on July 1, 2020 with four on-air live productions. Currently, RWE uses the studio mostly for internal, company-wide communication, but is working on new production formats for press conferences, press releases, etc.
Find out more about the AW-UE150 PTZ Camera, KST-CamBot.system or the Reality Engine
Gothenburg Symphony
The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra has implemented a Panasonic remote camera infrastructure to help live stream its concerts to 150,000 people a month in the highest possible quality.
Notélé Belgium
La cámara AW-UE150 de Panasonic es la primera cámara PTZ del mercado que ofrece notificaciones de datos de posición (PTZF). Gracias a la adopción del protocolo FreeD, la AW-UE150 es compatible con aplicaciones de estudio virtual y de realidad aumentada. Gracias a esta característica, la AW-UE150 ofrece posicionamiento en tiempo real al Reality Engine™ virtual de Zero Density.
France TV
Mientras los estudiantes franceses siguen confinados en sus casas debido a la pandemia de covid-19, France Télévisions ha adaptado su programación desde el 23 de marzo para ayudarlos a continuar con sus clases. En colaboración con el Ministerio de Educación francés y con el objetivo de contribuir a la misión "La Nation Apprenante" (Nación del aprendizaje), los profesores han impartido clases a todos los niveles y han ofrecido una amplia variedad de actividades educativas a través del programa. Las mañanas se dedican a los más pequeños, mientras que por las tardes es el turno de los alumnos mayores.
Trinity Broadcasting Network
Recently, TBN purchased 16 x AW-UE150 4K 60p integrated pan/tilt/zoom cameras, 7 x AW-RP150 camera controllers and Tecnopoint Tuning software, Totem telescopic column systems and motorized floor and ceiling dolly systems to equip new studio sets at its Tustin, CA and New York, NY facilities.
El primer estudio de realidad virtual de las Fuerzas Armadas alemanas (Bundeswehr) ha sido aprobado recientemente después de una implementación de casi tres meses de duración. KST GmbH ha integrado unas instalaciones de estudio altamente automatizadas y compatibles con 4K que funcionan en entornos de realidad virtual y aumentada en ZOpKomBw, el centro operativo de comunicaciones de la Bundeswehr, situado en la ciudad alemana de Mayen.
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