

The NPM-W2 combines accurate component placement, precise SPI and AOI inspection and reproductive adhesive dispensing in one high-speed solution.

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Higher productivity and quality thanks to the integration of printing, placement and inspection processes make the NPM-W2 one of the most flexible and versatile pick-and-place solutions on the market.

This machine provides the user with a tool that allows him to choose between high speed or high accuracy, depending on the PCB requirements.

In addition, the NPM-W2 is optimised for larger boards and larger components, such as PCBs up to 750 x 550 mm and components up to 150 x 25 x 30 mm (L,W,H). For high productivity, dual lanes can be used.


The multifunctional NPM-W2 is equipped with a 16-nozzle head and can place 42,000 components. 120 feeders can be mounted.

Additionally, the NPM-W2 can automatically inspect solder depots and components according to the production data.

As a third function, the NPM can be fitted with the conventional HDF discharge mechanism, which ensures high-quality non-contact dispensing with a screw valve-dispenser.

Key features of NPM-W2

Características principales

Equipped with a 12-nozzle head and can place 38,500 components
Automatical inspection of solder depots and components according to the production data
HDF discharge mechanism compatible, which ensures high-quality non-contact dispensing with a screw valve-dispenser

Specifications of NPM-W2

Tabla de especificaciones

PCB dimensions (mm)Single-lane Batch mounting 2-positin mounting Dual-lane Dual transfer (Batch) Dual transfer (2-position) Single transfer (Batch) Single transfer (2-position
Placement Head max Speed38 500cph (0.094 s/ chip)
Placement Head Placement Accuracy (Cpk≧1)±40 μm / chip
Placement Head Component Dimensions (mm)0402 chip ~ L 6 x W 6 x T 3
Dispensing HeadDispensing speed: Dot dispensing: 0.16 s/dot (Condition : XY=10 mm, Z=less than 4 mm movement, No θ rotation) Draw dispensing: 4.25 s/component (Condition : 30 mm x 30 mm corner dispensing)*9 Adhesive position accuracy (Cpk≥1) Dot Dispensing: ± 75 μ m /dot Draw Dispensing: ± 100 μ m /component Applicable components Dot Dispensing: 1608 chip to SOP,PLCC,QFP, Connector, BGA, CSP Draw Dispensing: BGA, CSP
Resolution2D inspection head (A) 18 µm
View Size (mm)44.4 x 37.2
Inspection Processing TimeSolder Inspection 0.35s/ View size Component Inspection 0.5s/ View size

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