
05 Mar


Träume zum Leben erwecken: Wie die Projektionstechnik das Bühnenbild revolutioniert

In Theatern und Opern ging es schon immer darum, das Publikum in unterschiedliche Welten zu entführen – sei es in das mythische Land von Wagners "Ring des Nibelungen", das historische Drama von "Les Misérables" oder die surrealen Traumlandschaften von "Das Phantom der Oper".

27 Feb


The Future of B2B Marketing Requires a New Marketer

The last industrial revolution changed the way we work forever. The next one is happening right now. But this time, it’s not about steam engines or assembly lines. It’s about artificial intelligence (AI) and its power to reshape B2B marketing as we know it.

27 Feb


Empowering the Future of Work with 5G-Enabled TOUGHBOOK Devices

With all TOUGHBOOK rugged devices now able to connect with 5G standalone and private networks, Panasonic is enhancing operational efficiency for mobile workers that require superfast connectivity and ultra-low latency in the field.

19 Feb


Empowering Success: Panasonic's Dynamic Distribution Partner Network

In today's competitive business landscape, building strong, collaborative relationships is key to driving growth and innovation. Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe has a strong European-wide partner network – a robust and dynamic alliance that drives innovation and excellence across the electronics manufacturing industry.

11 Feb


Setting a New Altitude World Record with Panasonic TOUGHBOOK

When British adventurers, The Turner Twins, set out to achieve a world altitude record for a tandem electric paramotor flight, they utilised Panasonic TOUGHBOOK rugged devices to plan, execute, and document their journey in the unforgiving French Alps.

30 Jan


A New Era of Technology Service Provider for a Changing World

By Carlos Osuna, Head of Panasonic Connect’s European R&D Team.

29 Jan


Linux für TOUGHBOOK Notebooks – beste Sicherheit und Flexibilität für Militäranwendungen

Mit dem TOUGHBOOK 55 und TOUGHBOOK 33 sind seit kurzem die ersten TOUGHBOOK Modelle für Red Hat Enterprise Linux zertifiziert – und unterstützen Kunden bei der Nutzung von Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Insbesondere für Organisationen, die schnell, flexibel und dabei sicher agieren müssen, ist diese Zusammenarbeit spannend. Das gilt beispielsweise für den Militärbereich.

21 Jan


Revolutionizing Surface Mount Technology with AI

Surface Mount Technology (SMT) has been a cornerstone in modern electronics manufacturing, enabling the production of high-performance electronic devices. Over the years, several advancements within the SMT industry have significantly enhanced speed as well as accuracy in the assembly process.

20 Jan


Migrating to Windows 11 at Scale – The TOUGHBOOK Difference

With official Microsoft support for its Windows 10 operating system ending on 14th October 2025, how should organisations, especially those managing large fleets of devices in the field, best tackle the transition to Windows 11?

16 Jan


Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Plays Pivotal Role In Danish Wind Turbine Breakthrough

Danish technology company, R&D Test Systems, has developed software that can detect whether bolts within a wind turbine need tightening.

19 Dec


Ausblick 2025: Das sind die Technologien & Trends für mehr Produktivität beim mobilen Arbeiten

Der zunehmende Einsatz von KI, Weiterentwicklungen bei 5G-Netzwerken, leistungsfähigeres Edge Computing sowie neue Anwendungen erweitern die Fähigkeiten von Fachkräften im Arbeitseinsatz unterwegs.

17 Dec


Kollaboration ist die Zukunft von Experiential Entertainment

Immersive Erlebnisse haben unsere Fantasie beflügelt, aber die nächste Entwicklung wird Experiential Entertainment sein, und Zusammenarbeit wird der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sein. Thomas Vertommen von Panasonic Connect erklärt mehr.

12 Dec


Empowering Human-Centric Digital Transformation Through AI

Digital transformation is evolving rapidly with AI at its forefront. However, successful digital transformation initiatives depend on more than just cutting-edge technology, as we learnt from a recent manufacturing-focused IndustryX event.

11 Dec


Unmasking the Truth: More Myths in Electronics Manufacturing Busted – Part 2

Part II: Every industry has its share of rumours and myths, and the electronics manufacturing sector is no exception. But how can we separate fact from fiction? Let's debunk some of the most persistent myths in the world of electronics manufacturing and uncover the truth!

02 Dec


Die Zukunft der mobilen IT – Trends und Antworten auf komplexe Herausforderungen des mobilen Arbeitens

Wer an vorderster Front dafür sorgt, dass wir Strom und fließendes Wasser haben oder Leben rettet, braucht End-to-End-Lösungen, die auf spezifische Infrastrukturen und Anwendungen abgestimmt sind.

27 Nov


Partnership Innovation Takes Centre Stage at the Centerprise Defence Technology Show

The Panasonic TOUGHBOOK team recently attended the Centerprise Defence Technology Show, giving them an invaluable opportunity to strengthen existing relationships and discuss new innovations across the defence sector.

27 Nov


Celebrating 50 Years of Innovation: The Productronica Fair 2025

One year to go and already preparing: 2025 marks a momentous occasion for the electronics manufacturing industry as the Productronica Fair in Munich, Germany, celebrates its 50th anniversary.

27 Nov


Navigating the Future of European Business: 5 game-changing strategies for growth

In an article for Management Today, Hiroyuki Nishiuma, CEO of Panasonic Connect Europe reflects on the challenges facing businesses and key focus areas amidst a dynamic and evolving European economic outlook.

18 Nov


Enhance Productivity In Any Industry with Panasonic’s TOUGHBOOK 33mk4

The new TOUGHBOOK 33mk4 pushes the boundaries of what’s possible from a mobile, rugged device, with superior device performance and usability for maximum in-field productivity on-the-go.

08 Nov


Should Your Organisation Invest in Rugged or Consumer-Grade Devices?

While some organisations might be tempted to supply their field workers with consumer devices due to lower initial cost outlay, rugged devices actually provide better ROI and lower total cost of ownership compared to their consumer-grade counterparts.

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