
11 Jan


LaLiga: How to reach the global podium in sports productions

Laliga is one of the largest Football leagues on the planet. Read about the innovations entering the industry today and the different challenges experts face, as well as their preferences on equipment.

Case Study

Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes on Television*

Cinematographer Charles Papert, shoots new YouTube Red comedy series on Panasonic's true to life VariCam LT cinema camera.

08 Jan


Fleet management – what role will technology play in risk management?

Fleet management have a lot of challenges to overcome from the relentless quest for efficiency to the safety and security of the drivers and vehicles. Technology can provide new opportunities in facing these challenges but how much should it be used? In our recent industry forum on managing risk in fleet, speakers from three different perspectives in the industry explored some of these challenges.

Case Study

Kunst in der U-Bahn

Für ein Kunstprojekt der Londoner U-Bahn-Kunstinitiative „Art on The Underground“ implementierte ADi Audiovisual an der U-Bahn-Station King‘s Cross einen Panasonic 10.000 Lumen Laserprojektor in Kombination mit dem Leinwandmodell Supernova Infinity von dnp.

Case Study

The Festival of Lights - Lyon 2016

Festival of Lights in Lyon attracts millions of spectators every year. With the help of Panasonic projectors, Urbanscreen staged an impressive light show at the Musée des Confluences during the event in December 2016.

Case Study

Mehr Platz für gemeinsames Lernen an der Loughborough University

Die Loughborough University und Pure AV wählen für den Aufbau einer innovativen Lernumgebung im neuen West Park Teaching Hub Projektor- und Display-Technologie von Panasonic aus.

Case Study

Technologie für flexibles Lernen im Team

Pure AV nutzt LCD-Displays von Panasonic, um an der pharmazeutischen Fakultät (School of Pharmacy) der Keele University ein herkömmliches IT-Labor mit 48 Arbeitsplätzen in eine moderne Lernumgebung zum gemeinsamen Lernen mit 60 Plätzen umzugestalten.

Case Study

Projection mapping makes a splash for FINA

Hungarian visual technology service provider Visualpower together with projection mapping experts Maxin10sity and Bordos.ArtWorks use 50 high brightness Panasonic projectors to create a spectacular 3D projection mapping on Buda Castle during the opening of the FINA swimming world championships.

Case Study

Panasonic's imposing projection of Passchendaele

Creative Technology has installed 58 Panasonic projectors as part of the 100th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium.

Case Study

360-degree camera is pure magic

Madrid based post-production house La Bicicleta AD road tests the Panasonic 360 degree camera for the production of “The Magician”

Case Study

Huddersfield: Film ab für inspiriertes Lernen

Die West Yorkshire University wählt Roche AV zur Installation von Panasonic Remote-Kameras und Laserprojektoren im Rahmen ihrer campusweiten Audio-/Video-Modernisierung.

15 Oct


What are the challenges for robotics and automation in logistics?

Robotics and automation have the potential to change the future of logistics in a big way. But there are still some challenges we need to face before we get there. In our recent industry forum on robotics and automation in logistics, speakers from industry and academia explored some of these challenges.

21 Sep


Creative Technology choose Panasonic projection for Passchendaele remembrance ceremony

Creative Technology has installed 58 Panasonic projectors as part of the 100th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium. 

11 Sep


Panasonic präsentiert neue Reihe interaktiver Whiteboard Displays

Panasonic stellt zwei neue Touch-Panel-Displays vor, die sich als kostengünstige Option für digitale Whiteboard-Kommunikation in Unternehmen und Bildungseinrichtungen eignen.

Case Study

Besseres Besuchererlebnis mit LinkRay-Technologie

Petersen Automotive Museum verbessert Besuchererlebnis mit neuer LinkRay-Technologie von Panasonic.

07 Sep


Panasonic Technik verbessert das Besuchererlebnis im Petersen Automotive Museum

Das berühmte Petersen Automotive Museum in Amerika implementierte als Erster Panasonic´s LinkRayTM-Technologie zur Verbesserung des Besuchererlebnisses.  

Case Study

BAE Systems

Engineers at BAE Systems have begun to use Panasonic TOUGHBOOK to offer a quicker, smarter and more intuitive way of servicing Typhoon jets, the world’s leading combat aircraft. The engineers at its Lancashire base are using the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK G1 to complement the aircrafts' onboard health management systems. Before and after every sortie, the aircraft performs its own 'health check' and presents a series of findings onto the Maintenance Data Panel, located on the side of the aircraft. Engineers analyse this information and conduct a series of checks, in parallel with the pilot's pre-flight cockpit checks, to ensure the aircraft is safe and fit for flight.

Case Study

Airline replaces pen and paper with Toughpad FZ-G1

For many years the European transport company West Atlantic has used pen and paper for logistics. The company has now decided to scrap this outdated solution and use Panasonic’s Toughpad FZ-G1 instead.

Case Study

Nachrüstung für die SNCF

Der Leitstand des Bahnhofs Paris Saint-Lazare wird mit Displays der LF Serie von Panasonic und dem FZ-G1 TOUGHPAD grundlegend nachgerüstet.

Case Study

Panasonic und NovaLine erwecken André Hazes wieder zum Leben als Hologramm

Große Premiere bei „Holland zingt Hazes“ mit einer 30K-Laserprojektion auf eine Leinwand, die für das bloße Auge nicht sichtbar ist.

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