Panasonic unveils beyond 4K 21,000 lumens laser projector
Panasonic Business has announced a beyond 4K laser-phosphor addition to its projector lineup aimed at live event staging, exhibitions, rental, and permanent installations.
Panasonic rafforza l'offerta di soluzioni di Lecture Capture grazie alla collaborazione con Panopto
Panasonic Business ha annunciato una collaborazione tecnica con Panopto, fornitore di un’avanzata piattaforma video all-in-one, nell’intento di sviluppare soluzioni “chiavi in mano” per le università e le aziende.
Case Study
Easyjet boarding application
Departure gate solution increases flexibility and reduces costs using Panasonic rugged handheld devices for pre-flight boarding.
Capturing snow leopards with VariCam LT for new BBC series
A new BBC natural history series following the life of big cats has made use of the Panasonic VariCam LT to track down the elusive snow leopards of Himachal Pradesh.
Case Study
Hide, seek and capture
Hector Skevington-Postles chooses VariCam LT for Big Cats, a new BBC series following the snow leopards of Himachal Pradesh.
Case Study
Case Study Teseo
L’azienda Teseo, leader nel settore di lavorazione della pelle, ha utilizzato i videoproiettori Panasonic PT-VX610 per riprodurre direttamente sulla pelle le sagome da tagliare. Maggior precisione e velocità.
Case Study
Case Study MICO
Fiera Milano Congressi rinnova il layout del MiCo con 36 proiettori Panasonic: 30 PT-RZ770 e 6 PT-DZ21K2. Trasporto dei segnali in fibra ottica, garantita la qualità in tutte le aree.
Case Study
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
The technology solution using 3D imaging software and an Intel 3D RealSense camera integrated into a Panasonic Toughpad tablet has the potential to improve patient care and reduce the £5 billion impact on the NHS of treating wounds and ulcers. A consultant surgeon in Burns and Plastic Surgery is pioneering revolutionary new technology to help treat patients with wounds using 3D imaging software that runs on rugged Panasonic Toughpad tablets and has been developed by Swansea-based health infomatics company GPC.
LaLiga: How to reach the global podium in sports productions
Laliga is one of the largest Football leagues on the planet. Read about the innovations entering the industry today and the different challenges experts face, as well as their preferences on equipment.
Case Study
Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes on Television*
Cinematographer Charles Papert, shoots new YouTube Red comedy series on Panasonic's true to life VariCam LT cinema camera.
Fleet management – what role will technology play in risk management?
Fleet management have a lot of challenges to overcome from the relentless quest for efficiency to the safety and security of the drivers and vehicles. Technology can provide new opportunities in facing these challenges but how much should it be used? In our recent industry forum on managing risk in fleet, speakers from three different perspectives in the industry explored some of these challenges.
Case Study
Un progetto per la metropolitana
ADi Audiovisual installa un proiettore a laser Panasonic da 10.000 lumen, abbinato a uno schermo dnp Supernova Infinity per l’esposizione “Art on The Underground” nella stazione di King’s Cross, a Londra.
Case Study
Il Festival delle luci - Lione 2016
A Lione, il Festival delle luci attrae milioni di spettatori ogni anno. In occasione dell’evento, a dicembre 2016, Urbanscreen ha allestito un fantastico show di luci al Musée des Confluences, con il contributo dei proiettori Panasonic.
Case Study
Nuovi spazi collaborativi per stimolare l'apprendimento all'università di Loughborough
L’università di Loughborough e Pure AV hanno selezionato i proiettori e i display di Panasonic per creare uno spazio di apprendimento innovativo presso il nuovo West Park Teaching Hub.
Case Study
I display LCD creano un nuovo spazio didattico
Pure AV sceglie i display LCD Panasonic per convertire un laboratorio IT da 48 posti, alla Facoltà di Farmacia della Keele University, in uno spazio adibito all’apprendimento in collaborazione da 60 posti.
Case Study
Projection mapping makes a splash for FINA
Hungarian visual technology service provider Visualpower together with projection mapping experts Maxin10sity and Bordos.ArtWorks use 50 high brightness Panasonic projectors to create a spectacular 3D projection mapping on Buda Castle during the opening of the FINA swimming world championships.
Case Study
Panasonic's imposing projection of Passchendaele
Creative Technology has installed 58 Panasonic projectors as part of the 100th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium.
Case Study
360-degree camera is pure magic
Madrid based post-production house La Bicicleta AD road tests the Panasonic 360 degree camera for the production of “The Magician”
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