Case Study
Improving the lives of hospitalised patients with Panasonic projectors
IVRSYSTEMS developed an innovative solution with the help of Panasonic PT-EZ770 projectors. A mobile video unit projects relaxing films onto the ceiling provided patients with a calming and personalised experience.
Case Study
Panasonic projectors on board the Celebrity Edge
VIDELIO HMS equipped the Celebrity Edge on-board theatre with Panasonic projectors to create spectacular stage designs for all passengers to enjoy.
Case Study
Panasonic lights up the stage for Bastille and The Human League.
Panasonic PT-RZ21K and PT-RZ31K projectors were selected to produce stage content for two major UK bands, The Human League and Bastille on their European tours.
ES Broadcast adds Panasonic PTZ cameras to hire fleet
ES Broadcast Hire, the company’s broadcast hire division, has announced the purchase of a large quantity of Panasonic’s AW-UE150 and AW-HE130 PTZ cameras, for high-end 4K and Full-HD remote production across a range of verticals.
Case Study
Streamteam Nordic: creating a centralised production environment
Streamteam Nordic Oy, with support from Broadcast Solutions Finland, has set up a new 4K/UHD remote production hub and virtual studio using Panasonic studio and PTZ cameras.
Case Study
Pitch perfect live streaming at Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra has implemented a Panasonic remote camera infrastructure to help live stream its concerts to 150,000 people a month in the highest possible quality.
Laser the key to experiential success
Learn about why laser projection is becoming a key factor in experiential success for live entertainment, education and cultural organisations.
Award success for Panasonic for flagship Londis installation
Award success for Panasonic for flagship Londis installation. Panasonic Business and our Irish partner Domus Projects, have been awarded ‘Retail...
Case Study
Projektory Panasonic w pokazie „Into the Forest”
Mapping wideo na budynku ratusza gminy Waltham Forest świętującej zdobycie tytułu „Kulturalnej Gminy Londynu.
Panasonic bolsters production offering at NAB 2019
Panasonic Business z okazji 10 rocznicy linii kamer PTZ zaprezentował na ostatnich targach NAB najnowszą ofertę rozwiązań produkcyjnych. Firma przedstawiła swoje systemy do transmisji video, produkcji na żywo i rozwiązania dla obiektów sportowych.
Case Study
Panasonic opened their own FamilyMart convenience store
Panasonic has worked alongside FamilyMart to open a convenience store in Japan which utilises IoT technologies.
Case Study
Studio 100 chooses Panasonic VariCam for Musical 40-45 recordings
‘40-45’ is a musical-drama by Studio 100. It tells the story of Staf and Louis Segers, two brothers from Antwerp who have a seemingly unbreakable bond, that is until the unthinkable happens, the Second World War breaks out.
Case Study
Panasonic Cameras in the Slovenian Parliament
For the purpose of transmitting the National Assembly sessions, RTV Slovenija installed Panasonic cameras. By using the remote-control directing process, the cameras are either filming or transmitting live events in the Parliament in a way that is completely unobtrusive for the members of the Parliament, while at the same time allowing access to such broadcasts for the creators of public television news shows.
Case Study
Praca w budynku Neo — bezcenne doświadczenie
Nowe centrum rozwoju firmy Jaguar Land Rover w Manchesterze obejmuje przestrzeń sprzyjającą współpracy, w której wykorzystano technologię audiowizualną Panasonic.
Case Study
Światło, przestrzeń i dźwięk bez granic na festiwalu Lightpool w Blackpool
Projektory Panasonic wykorzystane do mappingu Cesarskiej Sali Balowej podczas otwarcia festiwalu Lightpool 2018 w Blackpool.
Case Study
CCD poszerza swoją ofertę organizacji wydarzeń o produkty audiowizualne Panasonic
Dublińskie Centrum Kongresowe (CCD) oferuje klientom kompleksowe rozwiązania spełniające ich wymagania techniczne. Podstawą oferty rozwiązań audiowizualnych są projektory i wyświetlacze firmy Panasonic.
Panasonic Varicam creates the right look for Ricky Gervais' latest comedy
Panasonic’s VariCam range has been used to film Ricky Gervais’ latest Netflix Original comedy series, After Life, to create an aesthetically pleasing series which supports the comedic narrative.
Case Study
Creating the right look for a dark comedy
Netflix utilises the Panasonic VariCam range to film Ricky Gervais’s new comedy series, ‘After Life’
Case Study
Norwegian Fire Brigade - FZ-G1 - Case Study
The robust Panasonic TOUGHBOOK G1 tablet helps the Sandefjord fire brigade to do a more effective job. GPS functionality that shows the fastest route and a reporting tool that allows other emergency services to prepare for what they need to do to help saves lives.
Panasonic Facial Recognition Contributes To Store’s Retail Award
Panasonic Facial Recognition Contributes To Store’s Retail Award. Panasonic’s facial recognition technology has helped ‘Jumbo Ten Brink Food’ to...
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