Industrial robots
Industrial welding and handling robots with a wide range of robotic application. Available as G3/G4 version with full digital communication to our power sources or with TAWERS technology.
Panasonic provides industrial welding and handling robots with a wide range of robotic application.
All robots are available as G3/G4 Version with full digital communication to our Panasonic power sources or with TAWERS technology. One advantage of TAWERS systems is the fusion of power source, controller, wire feeder servo motor and robot which share one CPU and are able to communicate very quickly.

Our product lines
TM series
Panasonic presents the TM Welding Robot Series, this being the all new and unique generation of robots. Customers have the possibility to decide freely whether to use an externally or internally mounted torch cable to match requirements of their applications. Additionally the robot series benefit from a highly rigid arm structure and an improved and efficient servo motor, which provides an enhanced harmonious movement for the positioning of the welding torch. With an all new high resolution encoder working in combination with the highly rigid arm, the TM robots provide improved path accuracy. Through this the TM robot fits optimally the requirements of a flexible and efficient welding process.
TL series
The new developed TL Robot series by Panasonic has the opportunity to work in a 2 meter working area for wide and maximum reachable welding procedures. With the efficient and rapid mechanical system this robot is the fastest robot on the market. Compared to former products the speed of the major axis is adjusted to its maximum. An integrated wire feeder and an optional usable wire guiding are only two outstanding advantages of the new Panasonic robot model. The new torch design allows an optimal adjustment of the welding torch according to the installed TCP-properties. Through this an improved path accuracy and therefore an optimal welding result can be achieved.
TS series
External cable management systemExternal torch cable and wire (+) Big and therefore good wire curvature (-) Large interior due to cable weight and movement Through-arm cable management systemTorch cable and wire through the hollow shaft (+) Small interior due to outside lying cables (-) Problematic wire management
Handling Robot
The Panasonic handling robot series provides an additional field of application capabilities within the existing robot product range.
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