
19 Dec


Just Weld it!

Just Weld it! Can be seen in large lettering across the wall as you enter the Robot and Welding area at the Panasonic Customer Experience Centre in Munich, Germany. And it’s a message the global industry is taking to heart with the welding market predicted to be worth more than €28 billion by 2028 – a compound annual growth rate of 4.6% driven by demand for advanced technology welding services, according to Fortune Business Insights.

16 Dec


An end to paper technical logs in Aviation?

Banishing paper with Electronic Tech Logs

14 Dec


Projection mapping: reinventing the way we see the world

From Barcelona to Budapest– Discover how projection technology has transformed cityscapes

30 Nov


Att inte digitalisera är att avveckla

För att säkerställa effektivitet, kvalitet och lönsamhet krävs någon form av digitalisering.

17 Nov


The Sustainability Gap in Mobile Computing

An article looking at research findings on the attitudes of mobile computing buyers towards sustainability.

10 Nov


Mobile managed services – A cure for IT headaches

An article looking at how SOTI MobiControl and TOUGHBOOK Managed Services can relieve the strain on IT helpdesks managing large estates of mobile computing devices.

09 Nov


Expanding our European Service Operation

With technology being integral to so many business-to-business organisations today, any downtime for servicing and repairs can quickly add up to large sums in cost and lost revenue.

04 Nov


Windows on the move – it’s even for gamers!

An article looking at how Microsoft Windows has come of age for mobile business users.

02 Nov


Making the magic happen with projection mapping

Top four projector technology tips to consider when putting on a show Seeing the façade of buildings change into something entirely new in front of your eyes is something magical. Whether it’s a major monument, modern office block or historical building, projection mapping has the power to transport us into the world of imagination.

02 Nov


The future of filling stations is tech fueled

Our filling stations are changing and it’s not just the switch from fuel pumps to electric charging points.

26 Oct


Designed to inspire innovation: Panasonic’s Customer Experience Centre

Designed to inspire innovation: Panasonic’s Customer Experience Centre

26 Oct


The Material Facts about the Future of Manufacturing

The ability to control and optimise the just in time delivery of materials to the production process is one of the fundamental challenges for the future of automated manufacturing. Peter Barber, Head of Solutions Engineering at Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe, looks at the progress being made.

24 Oct


Police Vehicle 2.0 – The future of Digital Policing

New solution extends digital support to police officers on the streets

19 Oct


Is the time right to OPEX your IT investment?

In the 1960s Bob Dylan wrote the famous song 'The Times They Are a-Changing', but the lyrics have probably never been as appropriate as they are today. In recent years we have witnessed seismic changes that could never have been foreseen, leading first to a loosening of fiscal policy and more recently, with soaring inflation, to a tightening of cash flow.

17 Oct


Drones in sewers – whatever next?

Earlier this year we looked at how technology was being used to plug the leaks in European water pipes, but Scottish Water is going one step further and using drones for its sewer surveys.

11 Oct


The IP Opportunity for Broadcast

The transition to an IP infrastructure in the Broadcast and ProAV industry is unleashing a new world of possibilities. Andre Meterian, Director of ProAV at Panasonic Connect Europe explains more.

05 Oct


Collaborating for Success: Top 4 Tech Tips

How do we ensure that collaboration can still be productive in the new world of work?

05 Oct


Panasonic Connect Europe 1st Year Anniversary

It’s a year since the formation of Panasonic Connect Europe (PCOEU) and there have been significant changes in both the business and the wider macro-economic environment. On its first anniversary, CEO Hiroyuki Nishiuma reflects on how the organization is now better positioned than ever to help European businesses in these challenging times.

29 Sep


Fascinating Future for the Supply Chain

An extraordinary range of technologies are being developed and deployed to deliver the supply chain of the future. Rachael Pugh takes a look at some of the solutions discussed in a recent LinkedIn Livestream.

28 Sep


Displaying & developing the Future of the Supply Chain

Stefan Hauck, Head of Business and Industry Marketing, at Panasonic Connect Europe, tells us more about the Future of Supply Chain streaming event that took place at Panasonic’s Customer Experience Center in Munich.

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