
01 Sep


Elements to consider when thinking about the physical store post Covid-10

The debate about the role of high street stores is not a new thing. There has been a massive decline of store openings vs closure over the last decade.  What will might happen to the role of bricks and mortar stores once lockdown eases?

27 Aug


Power to the people: The democratization of video production

It was Andy Warhol who famously predicted that in the future everyone would be famous for 15 minutes. In the Sixties, that fame was most likely to be in the form of the movies, popular music or television. But in the 2020’s that burst of notoriety is now much more likely to be provided by the Internet in the form of a clip that goes viral.

18 Aug


Wearable technology can help to ease the pressures on frontline workers

As ecommerce growth continues to rapidly accelerate, the pressures on supply chains and logistics operations are greater than ever before. Charlie Grieco at ProGlove looks at how wearables can help workers on the frontline.

18 Aug


It’s all Android, right? Wrong, not all Android devices are equal

The march of Android devices into businesses continues apace and there is plenty that appeals about the operating system but Jon Tucker warns to be careful about the device you choose.

11 Aug


Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality: Powering Logistics 4.0

Switch on the news in any given week, and you’ll no doubt see a story about a ground-breaking new technology which will change the face of the planet.

04 Aug


True innovation comes when people and technology work in harmony

It was the ancient Greek philosopher Plato that said “Necessity is the mother of invention” and there can be no doubt that the challenges of the pandemic over the past year have forced businesses to rethink the way they operate.

03 Aug


Technology Driving the Next Generation of Policing

As nations upgrade their emergency services communication networks with 4G and 5G, it opens the opportunity for new technology and applications to drive the next generation of policing. Sacha Kakad, from takes a closer look.

28 Jul


Creating tomorrow’s workspaces today

Working at the office used to be a daily occurrence for many but one of the lasting impacts of the pandemic may be a very different working experience in the future.

21 Jul


How Generation Z might change the workplace

The Who may have coined a phrase with My Generation but we are all familiar with the generational classifications of Baby Boomer, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z but just what are the differences and how might they change the workplace?

15 Jul


Scaling up for the return of students to the classroom

Higher Education evolved and adapted incredibly quickly to embrace new technology and use it effectively to continue the education of our next generation.

14 Jul


What is Cyber Resilience and how can you achieve it?

Higher Education evolved and adapted incredibly quickly to embrace new technology and use it effectively to continue the education of our next generation.

12 Jul


Mobile Technology becomes operational tool for fire service

Fire services are continuing to deliver new operational benefits from the deployment of mobile technology. Daniel Grew, from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service tells their story.

05 Jul


Flexible Command and Control Software for Police Forces

The use of mobile technology in emergency services is increasing. Timo Unger, of Panasonic, recently interviewed Alexander Kamlage from ESG, at the TOUGHBOOK European Police Forum to discuss the latest developments in Command & Control Software.

30 Jun


The rugged tablet has evolved

The development of the new TOUGHBOOK G2 tablet has parallels with a remarkable cycling success story. Dirk Weigelt, at Panasonic Mobile Solutions Business, explains how.

09 Jun


The Sustainable IT Challenge for Mobile Computing

Although there is a clear desire for businesses to implement sustainable IT practises, in reality it is proving difficult to achieve. See what IT buyers say about the challenges of implementing sustainable mobile computing strategies.

02 Jun


The Future of Robotics at Panasonic: Form follows Function

Meeting R2-D2 and C-3PO was a fantastic inspiration for me. Lovely, caring and loyal, with a good sense of humor and discreetly supportive. Those who are familiar with the “ubertechnology” embracing character of the Daleks, the T-800 or the Futureworld robots might slightly disagree about my all positive attitude towards robotics.

26 May


Technology trends transforming the logistics industry

Global business relies on the effectiveness of global supply chain logistics. As demand rises, technology continues to evolve and the advantages can be clearly seen in the logistics industry.

19 May


Higher Education: Learning to adapt to the “new normal”

The pandemic and the resultant lockdown have forced European universities and higher education institutions to fundamentally reconsider the way they deliver learning.

12 May


Is Service the new Sales?

ADD VALUE FIRST! Contribute to Customer Success and the rewards will follow!

27 Apr


How visible is your data? Security is an issue

The need to secure commercial and personal data on your mobile computing devices is growing and encryption isn’t the entire answer. Torbjorn Gudinge, from Eurotempest, looks at how to protect your data when its visible and being worked on.

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