Products - Broadcast & ProAV

78 results


AG-CX18 / AG-CX20

Kompakter 4K 10-Bit 60p Camcorder mit IP-Konnektivität.

4K product line-up


4K-PTZ-Kamera für eine Ära der gesteigerten Kreativität und des Strebens nach visuellem Ausdruck.

Studio Camera Accessories


Die neue 4K-Studiokamera AK-UCX100 ist voll ausgestattet, um die Anforderungen der Live-Produktion im IP-Zeitalter zu erfüllen, einschließlich Studioarbeit, Sportübertragungen und Bühnenproduktionen.

Box Camera


AW-UB50/UB10 box-style 4K multi-purpose cameras boast large sensors that deliver exceptional detail and vibrant expression to diverse needs and preferences as well location scale. Panasonic's popular PTZ camera series, commonly used in broadcasting and other professional settings, can be seamlessly integrated to enhance the operational efficiency of video productions.

Box Camera


AW-UB50/UB10 box-style 4K multi-purpose cameras boast large sensors that deliver exceptional detail and vibrant expression to diverse needs and preferences as well location scale. Panasonic's popular PTZ camera series, commonly used in broadcasting and other professional settings, can be seamlessly integrated to enhance the operational efficiency of video productions.

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