

Case Study

Panasonic Siemens

The rugged Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 20 2-in-1 detachable drives efficiencies at Siemens UK train maintenance depots

Case Study

Planzer Transport AG - Case Study - de

Das Schweizer Logistikunternehmen Planzer setzt seit Herbst 2017 für seine komplette Fahrzeugflotte insgesamt 2.000 robuste TOUGHBOOK Handhelds von Panasonic für seine Transportlogistik ein.

Case Study

Panasonic VariCam LT cameras used to record live Calogero concert.

French singer-songwriter Calogero performed at the legendary Olympia music venue in Paris as part of his “Liberté Chérie” (“Cherished Liberty”) tour. The concert by the artist who has sold 6 million albums was broadcast live on the television channel TMC during prime time. HDLOC supplied 12 Panasonic VariCam LT cameras for the recording.

Case Study

Panasonic Business is 4Cast’s partner of choice for recording International Organisation of La Francophonie event

Panasonic 4K studio cameras, including the latest AK-UC4000, were used for the recording of the International Organisation of La Francophonie’s 17 summit in Yerevan, Armenia.

Case Study

Gateway to supply chain management

Panasonic worked with DHL to implement a solution for supply chain management at Gatwick Airport that tracks deliveries and reduces security risks.

Case Study

Remeo - Case Study

As Remeo driver Sakari Puikkonen starts his daily route, he is satisfied with the new TOUGHBOOK tablet in his truck. The device sits solidly in its vehicle dock, the display is clear to read in both bright sunlight and in the dark, and he knows that rain or dust will not be an issue.

Case Study

Operation: High resolution

After an extensive search for a HD recorder system replacement, Rigshospitalet’s neurosurgery department decided on the 4K MedXChange Recording System. Its medical camera of choice to go along with it was Panasonic 4K micro camera GP-UH532. The 4K camera system convinced by its ultra-high resolution and small size.

Case Study

On a roll with EVA1

Creative video agency, Somersault has taken on two EVA1 cinema cameras to streamline and futureproof its production process whilst making the transition to 4K.

Case Study

Shooting with Panasonic EVA1: Experiments with light and a worthy film-like image

“The Film Poetry” is a project created and produced by famous Russian actor Anatoly Bely. It's most recent episode, a mini movie on Ivor Severyanin’s poem, was shot using Panasonic’s AU-EVA1 camera. Panasonic interviewed Anatoly Bely (AB) the creator, producer and actor of The Film Project, Alexander Hunt (AH) director on set, and Anton Zebin (AZ) the DOP of the project for more details.

Case Study

Flexible events at Kings Place

Independently-funded arts and conference venue, Kings Place installs HE130's for multi-purpose content recording.

Case Study

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service

Used as Mobile Data Terminals for vital information on emergency calls and for asset management of equipment and inventory

Case Study

Panasonic und Skanska – gemeinsam in Richtung Construction 4.0

Mit der Einführung von TOUGHBOOK G1 Tablets in Büros und auf Baustellen ermöglicht Skanska seinen Angestellten den Zugriff auf Projektinformationen, spezielle Anwendungen sowie CAD- und BIM-Software.

Case Study

Colourist gives VariCam the green light.

Axel Rothe is a cinematographer and colourist specialising in commercial work. He has been working in the industry for six years, shooting commercials, music videos and documentaries.

Case Study

PHS Compliance

The rugged Panasonic Toughpad FZ-N1 handhelds are ideal for voice, data and applications for the mobile workforce

Case Study

EVA1 on top of the world

Die EVA1 liefert grossartige Bilder und ist dennoch leicht und flexibel.

Case Study

VariCam LT shines on set of ‘Fama a bailar’

Zeppelin TV has produced a new Movistar+ dance talent show of a unique cinematic style, achieved with the Panasonic VariCam LT. This was accompanied by AU-EVA1 and the AV-HS6000 production mixer.

Case Study

Up in the air with VariCam 35

Director of Photography, Polly Morgan, BSC, adopts Panasonic’s VariCam 35 cinema camera to shoot Netflix’s new drama, 6 Balloons.

Case Study

VariCam rides down memory lane

Directing duo Henk van den Doel and Maarten Kempen make use of the VariCam LT, Panasonic’s flagship cinematic camera, to shoot online advert for Kawasaki Motors.

Case Study

Upgraded learning at Sheffield Hallam

Sheffield Hallam University invests in Panasonic’s AG-DVX200 camcorders to integrate applied learning into its film and media courses.

Case Study

Engelbert Strauss - Germany

Sicherheit und Bildqualität vs. Installationsaufwand, Betriebskosten und optische Einwirkungen.

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