Case Study
Yorkshire Water Video Case Study
Operating more than 700 water and sewage treatment works and 120 reservoirs, Yorkshire Water supplies around 1.3 billion litres of drinking water each day and collects, treats and disposes of about one billion litres of waste water safely back into the environment - all using 84,000 kilometres of pipeline. Yorkshire Water has worked closely with Panasonic Toughbook for almost 15 years to ensure its staff has the best mobile technology to hand to continuously improve their service.
Case Study
Bologna Airport - Case Study
Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport is one of Italy's largest, in terms of the number of international destinations served, and has cutting-edge safety and environmental protection systems.
Case Study
Kingston University - Fallstudie
Panasonic und GV Multi-media für wichtiges Rollout von Laser-/LED-Projektoren ausgewählt.
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