How to Smart Manufacturing
At Panasonic Factory Solutions, service excellence isn't just a promise - it's a way of doing business. With a rich legacy of providing customized support across Europe, we're dedicated to optimizing service and enhancing performance for our clients. From the first consultation to continuous support, we stand as your trusted partner, supported by a skilled workforce and reliable technologies.
Keeping Our Ambulances Connected: The Tech Behind NHS’ Life-Saving Upgrades
Under the nationwide Ambulance Radio Programme (ARP), Ambulance Services Trust in England and Wales are implementing a major technology upgrade to enhance efficiency and patient safety. Every trust will deploy Panasonic TOUGHBOOK devices in their rapid response vehicles and ambulances.
Le rôle de la vidéoprojection dans le LBE Location-based Entertainment
L’idée du musée de l’expérience d’Éphèse a émergé il y a deux ans, s'appuyant sur le riche patrimoine culturel et l’importance historique de la région. Mené par le ministère turc de la Culture et les musées DEM, ce projet ambitieux visait à reconstituer numériquement Éphèse, offrant aux visiteurs un aperçu de ses moments de grandeur (le site archéologique d’Éphèse, près de Selçuk, à 500 km d’Istanbul, a accueilli 2 millions de visiteurs en 2023)
Case Study
Auvidea partners with Panasonic to scale its fast-growing AI carrier board business
When Auvidea decided to take its production in-house, Panasonic Connect Europe was on hand to instantly meet its SMT needs and provide critical ongoing support to help the business continue to grow.
Auvidea, acteur de premier plan dans l'IA, s'associe à Panasonic pour étendre la production de ses solutions technologiques IA
En internalisant la production de ses cartes électroniques porteuses d'IA, Auvidea recherchait un partenaire fiable capable de fournir une ligne de production SMT et un support essentiel à sa croissance.
Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 40mk2 – Revolutionising the Rugged Device Market with AI
The Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 40mk2’s AI-enabled Intel® processor and enhanced connectivity brings AI processing at the edge to the market-leading rugged notebook, vastly improving efficiency for mobile field service workers.
Technology Guide for Themed Entertainment and Immersive Spaces
The Projector Technology Guide for Themed Entertainment and Immersive Spaces aims to break down the different elements of a successful immersive experience.
Keeping the Defence Sector Connected: Meet the TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL
The TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL revolutionises military vehicle operations with its specialised module, military interfaces, and shock-proof mount. It offers exceptional in-vehicle connectivity, stemming from our latest collaboration with roda computer GmbH in the defence sector.
Case Study
Un incroyable voyage à travers l'histoire au musée Ephesus Experience avec les vidéoprojecteurs DLP de Panasonic
Créer un musée d’expérience immersive moderne pour les 3 millions de visiteurs par an visitant le site archéologique de l’ancienne ville d’Éphèse a été un défi majeur. Le ministère de la Culture et du Tourisme de la République de Turquie souhaitait s'assurer que la construction du bâtiment s'intègre harmonieusement dans ce site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, tout en faisant revivre cette ancienne place marchande florissante, l'une des plus importantes de la région méditerranéenne.
Resilience in electronics manufacturing: Panasonic’s autonomous factory
Many production facilities are still highly dependent on the knowledge and manpower of their employees. This is particularly relevant as the manufacturing industry is currently facing various challenges. These include the shortage of skilled workers as well as complex manual production steps such as splicing, which is used in the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Le Toughbook 40 Tactical Permet Au Secteur De La Défense De Rester Connecté Grâce À Une Nouvelle Solution Embarquée
Le TOUGHBOOK 40 TACTICAL économique et personnalisable offre une connectivité embarquée supérieure pour les véhicules militaires à roues et à chenilles.
TOUGHBOOK Secure Takes Military Device Configuration to New Heights
Many rugged device manufacturers offer standard, one-size-fits-all solutions. However, the unique requirements of the defence sector means that these are not fit-for-purpose.
La Toute Nouvelle Version Du Toughbook 40 Permet Aux Équipes Du Service Après-Vente D’améliorer Le Traitement De L’IA De Pointe
La dernière version du TOUGHBOOK 40 de Panasonic est dotée d’un processeur Intel® compatible avec l’IA, ainsi que d’une connectivité et des performances graphiques améliorées.
Innovating Assembly Processes for Odd-Shaped Manufacturing
Thinking about manufacturing, we often think of big production facilities with fully automated production and assembly lines. This could be the case for many regular shaped components to be placed on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Looking towards the reality, many electronics products and boards are equipped with odd-shaped components that are even often still placed manually.
The Importance of Building ‘Rugged’ Reseller Relationships
Strong, reciprocal reseller relationships help Panasonic maintain its leading position in the rugged device market, with a range of European partners attending the latest TOUGHBOOK European Configuration Centre Experience.
Case Study
England and Wales NHS Trusts Ambulance Radio Programme
Panasonic TOUGHBOOK chosen for ambulances across England and Wales as part of a major technology refresh.
Why mobile device customers make the best (and toughest) critics
At Panasonic TOUGHBOOK we value our mobile device customers as tough critics who help us prioritize customer satisfaction over profits. Case studies on TOUGHBOOK users like ROSEN, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue, and Axira demonstrate how customer feedback shapes our products to meet their specific needs.
Visionary Insights: Exploring the Impact of Computer Vision in Electronics Manufacturing
The manufacturing sector has the highest expectations of productivity increases generated by Computer Vision technology, indicating the wide range of applications it has in this sector. From operational use in automated precision pattern cutting and welding, to adjacent processes such as quality control, inspection, monitoring, and packaging, Computer Vision can accelerate production without compromising quality.
Panasonic And Creative Technology Deliver SMPTE ST 2110-Based 4K Streaming For Live Events
Panasonic studio cameras and camera control units expands Creative Technology’s existing IP-based ST 2110 infrastructure, and investment in KAIROS platform.
Innovation First: Smart Factory Trainings and Demos
Stepping onto the grounds of Panasonic Campus Munich, I am amazed by the vibrant atmosphere pulsating with innovation. As the Manager of the Technical Training Center, I am privileged to witness the combination of cutting-edge technologies and boundless opportunities.
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