New ESN to transform Emergency Services’ mobile working
The new Emergency Services Network promises to transform emergency services’ mobile working across Great Britain, especially in remote areas and at times of network congestion. Will Holmes, Emergency Services Corporate Sales Manager for Panasonic TOUGHBOOK looks at how it will create a single platform for sharing data and imagery and enable faster adoption of successful mobile applications.
Handheld failures frustrate workers and cost businesses
Mobile computing promises to free-up the workforce from labour intensive and repetitive activities and improve productivity but the latest research shows that mobile workers are feeling the frustrations of working with their current handheld mobile computing devices. Jan Kaempfer General Manager Marketing for Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Europe looks at the issues.
Case Study
BLT Baselland Transport DE
Die BLT Baselland Transport AG (BLT) ist ein öffentliches Schweizer Transportunternehmen im regionalen Personennah-verkehr. Die BLT hat eine eigene Ticketverkaufslösung im Busbereich entwickelt und setzt dabei als Hardware Panasonic TOUGHBOOK ein.
Der kompakteste seiner Branche: Panasonic präsentiert Camcorder AG-CX10
Panasonic präsentiert auf der CES 2020 das neueste Modell der CX-Serie für professionelle Camcorder: Der AG-CX10 zeichnet sich durch hohe optische Leistung und Aufzeichnungsoptionen sowie IP-Konnektivität für Live-Streaming aus.
Powering Towards the Smart Meter targets of 2024
How the right choice in mobile computing can help ease the burden and boost productivity of field engineers when it comes to UK 2020 Smart Metering targets.
Using Machine Learning to Simplify Endpoint Security
Mother Nature continues to flex her muscles with extreme weather events around the world. Whether it is the threat of wildfires in the Amazon, California and Sydney or the floods in northern England and Venice.
Case Study
DoP Jules O'Loughlin ASC ACS Talks Us Through Angel Has Fallen
Angel Has Fallen (2019) is the third instalment in the 'Fallen' film franchise, following Olympus Has Fallen (2013) and London Has Fallen (2016). Directed by Ric Roman Waugh (Shot Caller, Snitch, and Felon) and staring Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman and Jada Pinkett Smith, this blockbuster's storyline follows United States Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Butler) as he races against time to clear his name after being framed for an assassination attack on the US President, Allan Trumbull (Freeman).
Case Study
Creating a virtual reality set at notélé Belgium with AW-UE150 PTZ and Zero Density’s Reality Engine
Creating a virtual reality set at notélé Belgium with AW-UE150 PTZ and Zero Density's Reality Engine
Case Study
BBH drives broadcast quality experience for esports production with Panasonic live camera systems
Swedish broadcast facilities company Best Broadcast Hire (BBH) is using Panasonic solutions to broadcast some of the major eSports events around the world, including FIFA eSuperliga, the BLAST Pro Series across seven different countries and the recent StarLadder MAJOR tournament in Berlin.
Panasonic Showcases Powerful Esport Broadcast Capabilities At SVG FutureSport 2019
Panasonic Showcases Powerful Esport Broadcast Capabilities At SVG FutureSport 2019. Panasonic Showcases Powerful Esport Broadcast Capabilities At SVG...
Low-cost, Low-Code Multi-Platform App Development
Organisations are feeling the squeeze when it comes to the development, deployment, integration and management of their mobile applications. Businesses can take back control and future-proof their IT investment with multi-platform application design.
How rugged technology helped explorers in the Antarctic
Rugged tech helps you stay connected in the remotest of areas
10 Questions to Consider when Choosing the Right Tablet for Work
173.3 million tablets will be sold worldwide this year according to Strategy Analytics' Connected Computing Devices (CCD).
Panasonic launcht leistungsfähige und leise LCD-Laser-Projektorserie
Panasonic bietet ab November die neue Projektorreihe PT-MZ16K für Unternehmen und Bildungseinrichtungen an. Die weltweit ersten LCD-Laserprojektoren mit Flüssigkeitskühltechnik sind die leisesten und leistungsfähigsten Panasonic-Geräte dieser Art.
Microsoft’s new Secured-core PC
Microsoft today announced that it had been working closely with the major PC (including Panasonic) and chip manufacturers on security to create the most secure Windows device on the market. They call it the Secured-core PC and already it’s capturing a lot of attention. So just what is the Secured-core PC and why is it a critical development for businesses operating with highly sensitive data?
Panasonic enthüllt mit PT-RCQ10 extrem farbechte 1-CHIP-DLP-Projektorserie
Dank Rich Colour Harmoniser und Smooth Pixel Drive liefert der 1-Chip-DLP ungeahnte Farbwiedergabe und Auflösung.
Simpler computer deployment with Windows Autopilot
Take the pain out of computer deployments with Windows Autopilot.
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