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IT/IP-centric video platform (KAIROS)
Key features of IT/IP-centric video platform (KAIROS)
Caratteristiche principali
Resolution and format Independent |
Utilizes latest technology in software and CPU/GPU processing |
Allows users to allocate processing power with 100% efficiency |
Uncompressed processing, true uncompressed 4K inputs and full support of baseband and IP signals (such as ST2110 and NDI) at the same time |
Platform offers super low 1-frame latency processing |
Our Kairos Line Up
How to use KAIROS Multiple Creator
La piattaforma IT/IP "KAIROS" raggiunge prestazioni più elevate sfruttando la potenza e la flessibilità della CPU e della GPU, bilanciando il carico di elaborazione totale senza i vincoli di configurazione dei sistemi basati su hardware tradizionali. KAIROS offre una flessibilità illimitata di input, output e funzionamento per una produzione efficiente di video live espressivi
La piattaforma IT/IP "KAIROS" raggiunge prestazioni più elevate sfruttando la potenza e la flessibilità della CPU e della GPU, bilanciando il carico di elaborazione totale senza i vincoli di configurazione dei sistemi basati su hardware tradizionali. KAIROS offre una flessibilità illimitata di input, output e funzionamento per una produzione efficiente di video live espressivi
La piattaforma IT/IP "KAIROS" raggiunge prestazioni più elevate sfruttando la potenza e la flessibilità della CPU e della GPU, bilanciando il carico di elaborazione totale senza i vincoli di configurazione dei sistemi basati su hardware tradizionali. KAIROS offre senza restrizioni una flessibilità input, output e un efficiente produzione di video live espressivi.
La nuova opzione mainframe KAIROS Core 1000 (AT-KC1000) offre una CPU e una GPU ad alte prestazioni, aumentando così la capacità di elaborazione video del sistema e ampliando gli ingressi/uscite HD e 4K e consentendo alla piattaforma di essere utilizzata in una gamma più ampia di produzioni complesse. Inoltre, il nuovo mainframe KAIROS core 1000 offre il supporto 4K e una funzione CANVAS come funzionalità standard, e il software della versione 1.1 consente un uso meno limitato della composizione video multistrato, uscita in alta risoluzione include video 8K. Con l'aumento della domanda di produzione video remota ibrida, KAIROS Core 1000 espande lo streaming RTP/SRT/RTMP da sei a otto ingressi con due uscite. Inoltre, la piattaforma offre una maggiore capacità di registrazione di video a 64 GB di capacità del lettore RAM non compresso, 180 GB di capacità del lettore di clip non compresso e 12 GB di immagini fisse possono essere salvati.
Il pannello "Kairos Control" è disponibile in due modelli: layout standard 24XPT (AT-KC10C1) e layout compatto 12XPT (AT-KC10C2).* I pannelli consentono di assegnare liberamente le funzioni. Gli indicatori mostrano le funzioni assegnate ai singoli pulsanti. Il funzionamento multi-scena è supportato con due layout ME e due fader. È possibile utilizzare più pannelli contemporaneamente all'interno di un singolo sistema.
Il pannello "Kairos Control" è disponibile in due modelli: layout standard 24XPT (AT-KC10C1) e layout compatto 12XPT (AT-KC10C2).* I pannelli consentono di assegnare liberamente le funzioni. Gli indicatori mostrano le funzioni assegnate ai singoli pulsanti. Il funzionamento multi-scena è supportato con due layout ME e due fader. È possibile utilizzare più pannelli contemporaneamente all'interno di un singolo sistema.
Il software "KAIROS Creator" (supportato con Windows10 e MacOS Catalina, Big Sur) dispone di una GUI intuitiva facile da usare e sono possibili varie impostazioni e operazioni. Visualizza anche il pannello di controllo della GUI per rendere possibile l'operazione salvaspazio.
The AT-SFCM10 Kairos Core Manager1 is optional software, which runs on a PC2 networked to KAIROS, and enables intuitive GUI-based operation for backup, media synchronization, data transfer, etc. using multiple Kairos Core units.
Compatible with all Kairos Core models*3 — Kairos Core 2000/200/1000/100. Free of charge for use with up to two Kairos Core units.*4
IT/IP Platform “KAIROS” achieves higher performance by fully utilizing the power and flexibility of its CPU and GPU, balancing total processing load without the configuration constraints of traditional hardware based systems. KAIROS offers unrestricted flexibility of input, output and operation for efficient production of expressive live videos.
- Resolution and format Independent
- Utilizes latest technology in software and CPU/GPU processing
- Allows users to allocate processing power with 100% efficiency
- Uncompressed processing, true uncompressed 4K inputs and full support of baseband and IP signals (such as ST2110 and NDI) at the same time
- Platform offers super low 1-frame latency processing
Unrestricted flexibility of input, output and operation for efficient production of expressive live videos
The IT/IP-centric platform “KAIROS” is a live video production platform developed based on a new concept and architecture. It incorporates newly developed ground-breaking software that processes ST 2110 and NDI streams of any resolution. This platform achieves higher performance by fully utilizing the power and flexibility of its CPU and GPU, balancing total processing load without the configuration constraints of traditional hardware based systems. This open architecture platform facilitates the linkage of diverse external sources and destinations as well as the integration of hardware and software systems. The new, evolved system ensures complete operational freedom at all levels.
A variety of inputs and outputs available for use
KAIROS fully supports baseband and IP signals such as SDI, ST 2110 and NDI, in any combination and also supports PTP (Precision Time Protocol) synchronization. As a native IP system, the KAIROS is well suited to be used for remote video production as part of a completely IP-based environment.
Resolution and format independent
KAIROS allows for resolution- and format-independent operation. Mixed input sources with different resolutions, such as HD and UHD, can be processed simultaneously. For instance, it enables the production of videos not only in the standard 16:9 format, but also in the 32:9 format suitable for display walls.
Layered structure for versatile video expression
KAIROS is not restricted by the number of MEs or keys, like a conventional switcher. It allows as many layers as the GPU capacity permits. Keys and scaling can be set in each layer without any restrictions. Various effects and keys can be added to each layer. The KAIROS processing latency can be as low as one frame, so sports and concert performances can be presented with the ambiance intact and lip-sync can be achieved more easily.
Flexibility and scalability
KAIROS has high flexibility and scalability. KAIROS is an IT-based open architecture platform, so functional enhancements and control linkage with external device are possible with the addition of application software. Therefore, it can easily expand and integrate the system.
User-friendly interface
The GUI is easy to use and enables intuitive operation, and freely layout customizable control panel provide an excellent operability in given smallest space and unleashes the operator’s creativity which will set a new standard of operation.
KAIROS for Esports
Esports is one of the fastest growing sectors for live entertainment - and with KAIROS, we've developed a true glass-to-glass solution from capture to delivery, becoming the go-to supplier for esport video production.
Esport coverage setups can be very intricate as they include many cameras, screen management, augmented or virtual reality - all with low-latency requirements. Usually, both “broadcast” and “presentation” switchers are used, as there is a local audience - watching the show live and a remote audience, watching the show on broadcast television or on streaming platforms. The KAIROS processing platform handles all of this, while at the same time being used for mixing cameras signals and feeding video contents to various displays.
Beyond M/E
IT/IP-centric live video processing platform with unrestricted flexibility of input, output and operation for efficient live video production Live event production from broadcast programming to concerts and sporting events has left the cookie cutter system set ups behind, and event producers can offer - and must contend with - multiple independent linear streams as well as of a growing compliment of screen content to display at the event.
HD, 3G, 12G sources and destinations must not only be prepared for, they may need to be handled in the same production environment. Purpose built video processing black-box type components will no longer stack up end to end without unacceptable latencies, and operators may come from different backgrounds and cannot be expected to come with proficiencies in the growing list of proprietary interfaces.
Panasonic has been developing an open architecture system where all processing is GPU based and all the processing layers are performed in one step. Input/outputs are able to be provisioned based on overall bandwidth and user interfaces follow best practices from popular desktop programs. This system is IP based at its core, following SMPTE 2110 protocols, but can also easily be adapted to support SDI (up to 12G).
This platform is fully resolution and format-independent and based on the latest technology in software and CPU/GPU processing, allowing users to allocate processing power with 100% efficiency and achieve performance levels currently impossible with traditional hardware-based products. It offers uncompressed processing, true uncompressed 4K inputs and full support of baseband and IP signals (such as ST2110 and NDI) at the same time. Fully embracing the latest IP technologies, the platform is also ready for Remote Production and can be integrated in a full IP-based environment.
Thanks to a very intuitive, extremely well designed GUI and fully customizable interface, this platform sets a new standard of usability for customers, allowing them to manage an unlimited number of video layers. And along with the support of virtually any kind of signal in a single server, the platform offers super low 1-frame latency processing, making it an extremely powerful tool in all contexts and applications. It is the perfect solution for a smooth transition to the IP world and offers a new level of flexibility and control.
“This new modular and open architecture platform is a game-changer for many customers involved in high-quality video production and delivery, either live or in the studio, allowing customers to optimize and future-proof their investment whilst maintaining the ultimate in flexibility,” said Michael Bergeron, Panasonic Broadcast Camera Systems Senior Product Manager.
“The Live IP Switching application is just the start for this new platform. Its video processing architecture allows users to build and run any kind of application. In the near future, this new platform will be at the heart of video production, being used as a video processor, scaler, mixer or server. There is simply no limit to what can be achieved with this one platform for many applications.”
KAIROS System Configuration
KAIROS Core 1000 (Main Frame)
- 2 RU size
KAIROS Core 1000 (Main Frame)
- 2 RU size
KAIROS System Configuration
KAIROS Core 1000 (Main Frame)
- 2 RU size
KAIROS Core 100 (Main Frame)
- 1 RU size
KAIROS System Configuration
Kairos Control (Control Panel) Compact Type
Two faders with 24XPT layout, all elements user assignable and multi control with joystick.
Kairos Control (Control Panel) Standard Type
Two faders with 12XPT layout and compact panel suitable for on-location venues and OB vans use.
KAIROS System Configuration
KAIROS Core 1000 (Main Frame)
- 2 RU size
AT-SFCM10 - Kairos Core Manager (optional software)
As part of a program run by the Joint Taskforce on Networked Media (JT-NM), Panasonic's IT/IP platform “KAIROS” has received JT-NM tested badge for the international media transmission standard SMPTE ST 2110 and the control/management standards AMWA NMOS IS-04,05, both of which are shown in the EBU Pyramid’s technological requirements.
KAIROS Creator (GUI Software)
- OS: Windows
- For various settings and operations
KAIROS utilizes a variety of IT ecosystems based on COTS technology and easily expands functions and links external devices by adding application software. Therefore, we partner with companies that are actively supporting KAIROS, such as actively disclosing device connection verification to users and technical cooperation to provide a more integrated system such as control communication.
Kairos In Action
Kairos Resources
Knowledge Center
Kairos Firmware Upgrade
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