Panel zdalnego sterowania (ROP)



Montaż na stelażu (1/5 wysokości) oraz obsługa standardu PoE+ i sterowania przez sieć IP

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Key features of AK-HRP1005

Najważniejsze cechy

Kolorowy wyświetlacz LCD z graficznym interfejsem użytkownika obsługuje standard PoE+ i sterowanie przez sieć IP
Zmienne wzmocnienie główne, temperaturę barwową i efekt flary można przypisać do pokrętła użytkownika
Dźwignia joysticka umożliwia obsługę przysłony i podstawy
Jednostkę można stosować z różnymi kamerami studyjnymi i zdalnymi Panasonic za pośrednictwem połączenia przez sieć IP
Can be used with a mix of studio and Panasonic remote control cameras via IP connection

1/5-type rack size remote operation panel which supports PoE+ and IP control Transmission Camera System to Be Configured at Low Cost

  • 1/5-type rack size remote operation panel
  • Colour LCD readout display allows GUI operation, and also supports PoE+ and IP control
  • Variable master gain, colour temperature and master flare can all be assigned to a user knob
  • Joystick control lever allows Iris/Pedestal operation
  • Can be used with a mix of studio and Panasonic remote control cameras via IP connection

1/5-type rack size remote operation panel

Colour LCD readout display allows GUI operation, and also supports PoE+ and IP control

Variable master gain, colour temperature and master flare can all be assigned to a user knob

Joystick control lever allows Iris/Pedestal operation

Can be used with a mix of studio and Panasonic remote control cameras via IP connection


  • Available two types of Remote Operation Panel as 1/4-type rack size AK-HRP1000 and 1/5-type rack size AK-HRP1005
  • Easy recognition and visible color LCD Panel allows GUI operation
  • Variable Master Gain at assignable User Knob
  • Assignable knob in addition to Color Temperature and Master Flare
  • Rotary encoder knobs for smooth and absolute/relative adjustments
  • MSU data transfer function
  • PoE (Power over Ethernet) supported
  • Can be used for mixed studio and remote control of Panasonic convertible cameras and PTZ cameras via IP connection (up to 99 units)
  • Equipped with a joystick control lever allows Iris/Pedestal operation
  • Scene File function provided
  • Equipped with an SD Memory Card slot for saving user files and updating firmware version
Added / Improved Functions
Controlling the following AW cameras via Serial or LAN connection is made possible. AW-HR140, AW-HE130, AW-UE70 and AW-HE40 Series (AW-HE35, HE38, HE40, HE48, HE58, HE65, HE70) 
A new function is added to Setup Software as well, so using a PC is also made possible to set up the connection with the above AW cameras
Camera List TAB: Serial (AW*) and Network (AW*) are added to Camera Type Selection items
The function for formatting SD cards is added to Setting MENU (of ROP itself)

Specifications of AK-HRP1005

Tabela specyfikacji

Zasoby pokrewne

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