Industrial Robots

Handling Robot

Payload capacities of up to 220kg and a maximum working reach of 2666mm.

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The Panasonic handling robot series provides an additional field of application capabilities within the existing robot product range.

Offering payload capacities of up to 220 kg and a maximum working range of 2666 mm. These robots provide enhanced benefits for production automation solutions requiring work handling.

Used in combination with a Panasonic welding robot, the movements of both robots can be fully synchronized using the “Harmonizer Function”. This feature ensures the relative welding torch position to the work piece is maintained automatically. The programming of the weld position becomes as easy as working with a fixed work piece, ensuring that out-of-position welding can be avoided


Key features of Handling Robot

Najważniejsze cechy

 YS-080G3HS-220G3LA-1800 G3
Payload (kg)80 kg220 kg26 kg
Repeatability (mm)0.15mm0.06mm0.07mm
Weight (kg)620 kg955 kg320 kg
Max. Reach 2240mm2666mm1801mm
Max. Working Range Swivel± 180º± 180º± 170º
Max. Working Range For/Backward-90º ~ +155º-65º ~ +80º-90° to +165°
Max. Working Range Up/Downward-180º ~ +230º+230º ~ +130º-205° to +270°
Max. Working Range Rotation± 360º± 360º± 360º
Max. Working Range Bending± 125º± 128º±130°
Max. Working Range Twisting± 360º± 360º±400°
Max. Speed Swivel170º/s120º/s 
Max. Speed For/Backward140º/s105º/s218°/s
Max. Speed Up/Downward160º/s115º/s 
Max. Speed Rotation230º/s145º/s434°/s
Max. Speed Bending230º/s145º/s450°/s
Max. Speed Twisting350º/s220º/s720°/s
Allowable Moment Rotation400Nm1420Nm65.6 Nm
Allowable Moment Bending400Nm1420Nm65.6 Nm
Allowable Moment Twisting200Nm770Nm22.0 Nm


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