
01 Mar


Rekapitulace monumentálního turné 2023

Monumental Tour, projekt francouzského DJe a producenta Michaela Canitrota, dává novou tvář památkám s projektory Panasonic a AV Extended.

28 Feb


Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part I

Within the Bio Pharma sector, companies embrace the challenge of sustainability and responsible business, with a heavy focus on how the industry can better engage, monitor, and improve its relationship with suppliers and manufacturers. It is understood across the industry that environment, safety, and social outcomes are critical. Ultimately, we are all patients when it comes to the production of pharmaceutical drugs.

28 Feb


Lifesize Plans Brings Building Plans To Life With Panasonic

Lifesize Plans’ innovative approach to projecting floor plans and elevations on a 1:1 scale is made possible with Panasonic’s PT-RZ990 1-Chip DLP™ projectors.

27 Feb


How the Suez Canal Blockage in 2021 has revolutionized the navigation: Lessons Learned.

The blog delves into the aftermath of the disruptive event at the Suez Canal in 2021, shedding light on the increasing importance of advanced technology in the maritime industry for mitigating risks. It discusses the integration of rugged devices, like the Panasonic Toughbook, which are specifically designed to withstand the challenging maritime environment and facilitate precise navigation.

26 Feb


How the Suez Canal Blockage in 2021 has revolutionized the navigation: Lessons Learned.

The blog delves into the aftermath of the disruptive event at the Suez Canal in 2021, shedding light on the increasing importance of advanced technology in the maritime industry for mitigating risks. It discusses the integration of rugged devices, like the Panasonic Toughbook, which are specifically designed to withstand the challenging maritime environment and facilitate precise navigation.

19 Feb


Making AVoIP a Reality

AVoIP is transforming how we communicate, transmitting signals over networks for easy, scalable, and flexible systems. Embrace the strategic move of AV and IP convergence with our exclusive whitepaper for in-depth insights into the future of AV integration.

19 Feb


How private 5G is driving the evolution of smart manufacturing

The manufacturing sector faces multiple challenges, including streamlining and automating operations, increasing the flexibility of production lines, increasing yield to stay competitive in global markets. One answer to help address these issues lies in private 5G network connectivity.

15 Feb


Proč objektivy s ultra krátkou projekční vzdáleností?

Byli jsme osloveni ohledně navržení řešení pro vstupní halu a tiskové středisko pro jednu z největších španělských bank. Tento projekt vyžadoval inovativní řešení. Zadáním bylo navrhnout projekční systém pro rozměrné zakřivené plátno o rozměrech 10 x 6, což je standardní požadavek pro firemní prezentace a setkání akcionářů. Jedinečný zvrat spočíval v požadavku banky, aby hlavní řečníci mohli stát a volně se pohybovat na pódiu, hned vedle obrazovky. Řešení, které jsme navrhli, bylo pragmatické, ale transformativní – dva objektivy s ultrakrátkou projekční vzdáleností (UST) spárované s projektory na bázi lampy o svítivosti 20 000 lm.

Case Study

Panasonic TOUGHBOOK in service of G.D production and packaging plants

G.D, a prominent Italian-based supplier specializing in production and packaging machinery, opted to leverage Panasonic Mobile Solutions for facilitating mobile onboard interactions within its machinery.

08 Feb


Lifting the lid on TOUGHBOOK’s rugged engineering innovations

TOUGHBOOK’s rugged engineering is legendary but what makes a TOUGHBOOK a TOUGHBOOK? Head of Engineering Jon Tucker takes a closer look at the innovations behind almost 30 years of rugged market leadership.

07 Feb


Exploring Panasonic's Campus Munich: A Hub of Innovation and Service

As an Engineer involved in the diverse world of Panasonic at the Campus Munich, I've witnessed the connection of cutting-edge technology, collaboration, and a variety of innovative solutions shaping the future of the industry. Among the hands-on demo products and advancements, one that stands out as my personal favorite is the alignment of Digital Signage and Electronics Shelf Labels: The Connected Signage.

Case Study

Soukromá prohlídka Sixtinské kaple v Polsku

39 nových projektorů Panasonic: 35 projektorů PT-REZ10LBEJ a 4 projektory PT-REZ12LBEJ s novou integrovanou funkcí SDM slotů bylo použito k promítání obrazu na ploše téměř 2 000 metrů čtverečních. Toto řešení eliminuje potřebu další kabeláže a spotřeby energie.

06 Feb


Business Views Wireless Connectivity As A Route To Productivity But Challenges Remain

European businesses expect to see an average 32% boost in productivity in the three years after implementation of the latest wireless technology.

Case Study

Společnost Lifesize Plans projektuje budoucnost bytového designu ve spolupráci se společností Panasonic

1čipové DLP projektory PT-RZ990 společnosti Panasonic, které byly vybrány pro své snadné nastavení, bezúdržbový provoz a schopnost bezproblémově prolínat různé obrazy do jediné pohlcující projekce, přivedly vizi společnosti Lifesize Plans k životu.

06 Feb


What’s next for wireless connectivity investment in Europe?

Europe has always been at the heart of wireless technologies, from Marconi’s very first wireless transmission in 1897. Back then that initial radio transmission transformed the world and wireless connectivity continues to do so today.

05 Feb


Unleash Seamless Mobility with TOUGHBOOK and Windows 11

Switching operating systems can feel like a chore. However, Windows 11 and Panasonic TOUGHBOOK will change the game for mobile workers, combining true mobility with enhanced security, improved speed, and incomparable performance.

31 Jan


Gemba in Action at Panasonic Campus Munich

Venturing into the realm of innovation and customer-centric solutions, Panasonic's Campus Munich stands as a hub to groundbreaking engineering and visionary planning. In an interview, I have shared my engineering point of view about the unique facets that define the heart of Panasonic's innovation hub.

30 Jan


Immersive Experiences Accessible To All With New RQ7 1-Chip DLP Projector Series

A streamlined 4K DLP solution for engaging immersive experiences with a simplified workflow.

30 Jan


New Media Processors Redefine Multi-Projection For Immersive Experiences

Two box-type devices (ET-FMP50/FMP20) and an Intel® SDM specification slot-compatible function board (ET-SBFMP10) exclusively designed for multi-projection.

30 Jan


Panasonic Expands Line-Up of Intel® SDM Products for Ultimate Customer Flexibility

Panasonic projectors and displays compatible with the Intel® Smart Display Module (SDM) specification work with a wide variety of proprietary and third-party function boards.

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