Products - Broadcast & ProAV
System Product Collaboration
The Panapod is an elevation unit specifically designed for Panasonic PTZ cameras. The elevation unit can be used as a standalone system on a stage, in a studio, behind a goal, in a conference venue, or in a press conference, to provide an unobtrusive camera position that is great for the spectators whilst not interfering with the artists, players’ action, presenters or the sequence being shot.
Interfaces and Input/Output Boards
The AK-HUC01G is an optional kit for the AK-HC3900 enabling high-quality 4K video output and a resolution of 2,000 TV lines
Studio Camera Accessories
The AK-HRP1010GJ is supporting studio camera systems, remote camera and Varicam series in the future.
System Product Collaboration
PanaTrack je ohebný posuvník kamery, který umožňuje rychlý převod z lineárních na zakřivené stopy kamery s jedním zařízením. Během několika sekund lze systém změnit z lineárního na zakřivený posuvník v libovolném požadovaném poloměru.
System Product Collaboration
Kolejnicový studiový systém pro vertikální montáž (na stěnu) je určen pro použití s PTZ kamerami AW-UE100 a AW-UE150.
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