

Case Study

Nuevo Albano Campus impulsado por la red AVoIP con soluciones de Panasonic

Un centro de educación e investigación de vanguardia despliega proyectores Panasonic, pantallas equipadas con SDM WolfVision y cámaras PTZ en todo su nuevo campus.

Case Study

Panasonic technology at Pilsudski Museum

Jozef Pilsuski made a significant contribution to the fact that Poland regained its independence. In the unique museum that was created to honour his memory, we can find an installation that tells his extraordinary life story through projection on four huge projection surfaces in the shape of a square.

16 Feb


The future of projection mapping - Part I

We have all experienced the thrill and visual entertainment of projection mapping but what does the future hold? Panasonic’s immersive experience expert Thomas Vertommen answers some key questions.

30 Jan


Panasonic Amplía Su Gama De Pantallas Táctiles Con La Serie EQ2-PCAP, La Mejor De Su Categoría

Increíble precisión táctil, fácil manejo sin limitaciones y seis tamaños de pantalla para cualquier aplicación.

30 Jan


Panasonic Ofrece Nuevas Posibilidades De Producción Inmersiva Con Sus Proyectores De 1 Chip DLP™ De Última Generación

Los proyectores láser de 1 chip DLP™ de las series PT-REQ12 y PT-REZ12 ofrecen experiencias audiovisuales nunca antes vistas con un brillo de hasta 12.000 lm, resolución 4K y procesamiento de alta velocidad a 240 Hz.

30 Jan


Panasonic Presenta: La Nueva Serie SQ2H De Pantallas Profesionales

La serie SQ2H de Panasonic destaca por su brillo, fiabilidad y escalabilidad del sistema.

30 Jan


4K To Inspire: Panasonic Refuerza Su Liderazgo En 4K Con Nuevos Productos En ISE 2023

Innovaciones 4K para la colaboración empresarial, la educación y el entretenimiento basado en la localización.

18 Jan


Projection Mapping: Big Entertainment and Big Business

Projection mapping is big business as well as big entertainment. Did you know that forecasts say the global projection mapping market will reach 8.0 billion Euros by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.9%? Read more in the article.

18 Jan


Lang ag vuelve a confiar en los proyectores Panasonic de última generación

Panasonic y LANG AG amplían su relación de más de 30 años para proporcionar a sus clientes una ventaja competitiva en el sector AV.

12 Jan


Nuevo proyector LCD PT-CMZ50 de Panasonic, capaz de mostrar grandes imágenes a distancias ultracortas

El nuevo proyector CMZ50 es ideal para imágenes de gran tamaño con sombras mínimas y una iluminación LED de alto brillo. Perfecto para centros educativos, empresas y espacios de ocio, como museos.

04 Jan


Projection mapping sheds new light on established attractions

Projection mapping sheds new light on established attractions

21 Dec


Can collaboration tech help address the Great Resignation?

The past two years of the COVID-19 crisis have also left their mark on the world of work

19 Dec


Ideal for any application: Panasonic introduces two next generation series of 4K Professional LCD displays

Panasonic’s advanced SQE2 and entry-level CQE2 displays ideal for public spaces, business and education.

14 Dec


Projection mapping: reinventing the way we see the world

From Barcelona to Budapest– Discover how projection technology has transformed cityscapes

Case Study

La proyección inmersiva libera el arte en Frameless

Las increíbles imágenes 4K, las ópticas de distancia ultra corta y la fiabilidad de los proyectores son la base del éxito de la mayor experiencia artística inmersiva del Reino Unido.

02 Nov


Making the magic happen with projection mapping

Top four projector technology tips to consider when putting on a show Seeing the façade of buildings change into something entirely new in front of your eyes is something magical. Whether it’s a major monument, modern office block or historical building, projection mapping has the power to transport us into the world of imagination.

26 Oct


Designed to inspire innovation: Panasonic’s Customer Experience Centre

Designed to inspire innovation: Panasonic’s Customer Experience Centre

25 Oct


Second Service Centre promises to bring Panasonic Connect Europe even closer to its customers

New Budapest Service Centre will offer customers ever faster and more efficient levels of service support than ever before.

05 Oct


Panasonic Connect Europe 1st Year Anniversary

It’s a year since the formation of Panasonic Connect Europe (PCOEU) and there have been significant changes in both the business and the wider macro-economic environment. On its first anniversary, CEO Hiroyuki Nishiuma reflects on how the organization is now better positioned than ever to help European businesses in these challenging times.

05 Oct


Collaborating for Success: Top 4 Tech Tips

How do we ensure that collaboration can still be productive in the new world of work?

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