Immersive Meeting Rooms

Embracing a new era of Immersive Meeting Rooms

The use of Immersive Meeting Rooms is a ground-breaking concept that is redefining the dynamics of teamwork and learning in the digital age. This article explores their applications, benefits, and why they are set to be an emerging trend in 2024 and beyond.


Written by 
Felix Kleisen

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In many ways, little has changed in the meeting rooms of business, and the classrooms and lecture halls of education in the past 100 years. We are still positioned at desks or around a table, facing what used to be a blackboard but today is a screen. The technology has advanced but the methods have remained much the same. However, a new era of Immersive Meeting Rooms looks set to revolutionise the way that we work and learn. 

A move to the mainstream

For specialists, such as architects and designers, BIM CAVE (Computer-Aided Virtual Environment for Building Information Modelling) have been around for a little while. They provide the virtual reality opportunity to put on a headset and step inside a room that brings to life a 3D world of their plan. It’s a great stepping stone between the page and reality but it has its restrictions for the wider business and education world. As well as being expensive, the requirement for headsets limits the collaboration and communication possibilities for use with larger groups. 

In the corporate sector, these rooms are transforming the landscape of team collaboration and project management. Using projection on all the walls of the meeting space enables teams to visualise and explore designs and campaigns in an immersive way not possible before. The immersive meeting room provides the display space for different content, from multiple contributors all to be displayed and worked on at the same time. No need to wait while one person disconnects and another connects to present. It also provides the opportunity to truly collaborate in real-time. Using an immersive room, participants can be sharing content, collaborating and making updates together – ensuring that any changes are accurate and can be verified by everyone at the same time, minimising mistakes.

Statistics show a remarkable 30% boost in productivity when using effective collaboration tools. Immersive Meeting Rooms facilitate this by providing an environment where ideas can flow freely, and decision-making is accelerated. The interactive features and real-time data sharing minimise delays and misunderstandings, leading to more efficient meetings and project outcomes. They also appeal to the needs and expectations of today’s digital native workforce.

In the same way, Immersive Meeting Rooms are also revolutionising the way students and educators interact. They offer a dynamic platform for remote learning, virtual field trips, and interactive lectures, that can transcend geographical barriers and enhance the learning experience. For instance, a history class can virtually visit ancient ruins, or a science class can explore the human body in 3D, making learning more engaging and impactful.

No one room fits all

The latest projectors, rather than interactive displays or LED walls, are ideal for immersive meeting rooms environment. It’s hard to reach and interact effectively with a touchscreen display that reaches the ceiling and LED screens on this scale use a lot of power and create heat that make it uncomfortable to operate in a confined space. Projectors, on the other hand, offer a wide range of options, including brightness and colour quality that enables organisations to choose the right mix for budget. Using projectors, images can also be easily scaled for any size room, from small meeting spaces to large auditoriums, and they are built for intensive use and reliability. Combined with the right audio, conferencing and touchscreen whiteboard technologies, each room can be designed for the specific needs of the facility. No one solution fits all.

As we look towards 2024 and beyond, Immersive Meeting Rooms are poised to become a significant trend in the world of corporate and educational collaboration. Their ability to blend the physical and digital realms seamlessly makes them not just a technological advance but a paradigm shift in how we perceive and conduct meetings and learning sessions.

For IT and facility managers, the adoption of Immersive Meeting Rooms represents an opportunity to stay ahead of the curve. By integrating these innovative spaces into their organisational infrastructure, they can enhance efficiency, foster better collaboration, and create a more dynamic and engaging environment for employees and students alike.

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