Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona relies on Panasonic Connect technology
Our recent collaboration with Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) has been under the spotlight for the implementation of advanced technology to improve traffic control on the city's bus lanes.
How will artificial intelligence (AI) change the way we work, innovate, and create in the future? Our recent TOUGHBOOK Innovation Forum in Stockholm delved into the real-life applications of AI and how it’s being used to revolutionise workflows across industries.
Des expériences immersives qui font des vagues
Une entreprise italienne innovante est en train de se forger une réputation pour ses expériences immersives révolutionnaires. Nous nous penchons sur ce qui motive Artled et la technologie de vidéoprojecteur qui lui permet de réussir.
TOUGHBOOK Innovation Forum ignites conversation on Mobility
Walk through the latest TOUGHBOOK Innovation Forum in the UK.
L’histoire attire un nouveau public : la révolution immersive dans les musées
À une époque où les médias numériques dominent le divertissement et l’éducation, les musées connaissent une résurgence, captivant de nouveaux publics en transformant les récits historiques en expériences dynamiques et immersives.
The telecommunications landscape in Europe is witnessing a transformative shift with the emergence of 5G private networks bringing new opportunities for mobile workforces.
Three Lessons Learned: What grocery stores can learn from petrol stations
Forecourt operators face considerable changes from the impacts of sustainability, as mobility continues to shift towards hybrid and electric charging, and possible future use of Hydrogen vehicles. – the future forecourt may never look the same again. However, even tough, increased investment is required to implement new forms of charging, petrol stations can be profitable. But for what reason? Because the real profit is made IN the retail store.
Driving Manufacturing Excellence: Panasonic's Smart Factory Solutions Demo and Training Center
Panasonic Campus Munich emerges as a hub of innovation and technological prowess. Having spent two years as a Software Project Engineer at this dynamic campus, I share my perspective on the exciting world of smart factory solutions, specifically about our SMT demo and training center in Munich.
Navigating Together Towards a Brighter Future: Our Commitment to Recognition2024
As businesses embark on a new financial year, now is a great time to reflect on the resilience and innovation that European organisations have shown over the past 12 months - in the face of unparalleled challenges - and to move forward with optimism.
Is your data safe? It can be stolen without you even noticing it!
We all know about hackers intercepting computers, phones and other smart devices through the Internet or apps. However, have you heard about a way to eavesdrop all your communications as well as your computer or printer without you knowing it and without leaving any trace on your device?
Why Endurance is Critical for Policing Mobile Technology
Police IT systems and mobile devices need to keep up with the demands of modern policing. Advances in mobile, cloud, AI, and analytics give police procurement departments the unenviable task of deciding what technology the Force needs to invest in now and in the future.
Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part III
The third article about the role of technology for Bio Pharma outlines the level of clinical trials, the need for a defined manufacturing strategy, the importance of sustainability and introduces revolutionary a cold storage solution.
How private 5G is ready for take off in the aviation industry
Post pandemic, the aviation industry has adopted new technologies to enhance operations. This includes the deployment of private 5G which is set to deliver significant benefits, particularly in terms of improved efficiency, safety, and passenger experience, ensuring airports are ready for the future.
Pioneering B2B Solutions: Unveiling the Role of a Technology Expert at Panasonic Campus Munich
As an engineer working at Panasonic Connect Europe, my journey spans nine years, focusing on Supply Chain Solutions tailored for the Retail and Logistics sectors. Beyond the routine of technical configurations and product enhancements, my role extends to being an engineering expert at the innovative Panasonic Campus Munich, Panasonic’s brand center for Europe, where technology converges with experiential demonstrations.
Panasonic TOUGHBOOK at BAPCO 2024 – Key Learnings
As a leading provider of rugged computing and communication solutions for the emergency services sector, BAPCO’s annual event in Coventry was the only place to be for Panasonic TOUGHBOOK in March, giving it direct access to the full spectrum of blue light decision makers.
La 3D dans l’industrie du divertissement, regardons cela de plus près.
L’incroyable succès d’Avatar : La voie de l’eau n’est qu’un des facteurs qui ont remis la 3D au centre de l’attention de l’industrie du divertissement. Incroyablement, le film a déjà gravi les sommets pour devenir le troisième film le plus rentable de tous les temps , détrônant le Titanic de Cameron. La possibilité de voir le monde de Pandora en 3D a été citée comme l’un des facteurs moteurs de son énorme succès.
Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part II
The second article about the role of technology for Bio Pharma outlines how change management, timescales and alternate partners can help to address shortages within the supply chain.
Panasonic’s latest TOUGHBOOK G2 and 33 tablets push the boundaries of rugged computing
Panasonic’s new TOUGHBOOK G2mk2 and 33mk3 provide the modern mobile worker with a perfectly balanced solution, regardless of the task, application or environment.
3D - Vous voyez ce que je vois ?
Mentionnez la 3D et beaucoup d’entre nous penseront immédiatement aux premiers films pionniers en 3D que nous avons vus pour la première fois au cinéma. Pour les plus âgés d’entre nous, il peut s’agir de films effrayants comme le requin des Dents de la mer qui saute de l’écran de cinéma pour choquer le public, ou plus récemment, la première vue d’un monde incroyable en 3D dans la série des films Avatar.
Celebrating the Women of Panasonic Connect Europe
International Women’s Day provides us all with an opportunity to celebrate the key women in each of our lives, and how they positively impact society, whether it’s in one company, a department, an industry or the wider world. At Panasonic Connect Europe, we’ve spoken to five fantastic females on what it means to be working at the forefront of innovation and technology.
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