
Updated 09 Oct 2023

CAD Data

PT-RZ120 with ET-DLE035 BIM (3D CAD) data (ZIP)

BIM (3D CAD) data ZIP: PT-RZ120/ET-DLE035

Updated 08 Oct 2023

Business Scene Photos

H1 VMZ60 [PT-VMZ60_Series]

Business Scene Photo

Updated 22 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

PT-CW331R/CW241R/CX301R [E] Operating Instructions (German)

Operating Instructions : CW331R/CW241R/CX301R [E] (German)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents


RS-232C control spec : DZ13K/DS12K/DW11K/DZ10K

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents


RS-232C control spec

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents

Certificate of Conformity

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents

Certificate of Conformity

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents

PT-MZ770/MZ670 Series RS-232C control spec (English/Japanese/Chinese)

RS-232C control spec: MZ770/SMZ77C/MW730/SMW73C/MZ670/MZ570/SMZ66C/MW630/MW530 (English/Japanese/Chinese)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents

PT-RZ870/FRZ88C RS-232C control spec (English/Chinese/Japanese)

RS-232C control spec: RZ870/FRZ88C (English/Chinese/Japanese)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Technical Documents

PT-VW360/VX430/BW410C/BX440C/BX441C RS-232C control spec (English/Chinese/Japanese)

RS-232C control spec: VW360/VX430/BW410C/BX440C/BX441C (English/Chinese/Japanese)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

LightPen3 Operating Instructions [For PT-CW331R/CW241R/CX301R/TW331R/TX301R] (English)

Operating Instructions: LightPen3 [CW331R/CW241R/CX301R/TW331R/TX301R] (English)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

ET-YFB100G Operating Instruction (English)

Operating Instructions : ET-YFB100G (English)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

ET-DLE030 Lens Shift Gauge (English)

Operating Instructions : ET-DLE030 (English)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions


Operating Instructions : LX321/LW271/LX351/LX321/LX271 [E] (English)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions


Operating Instructions : LX300/LX270 [E] (English)

Updated 19 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

ET-DLE030 Operating Instruction (English)

Operating Instructions : ET-DLE030 (English)

Updated 18 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

Wireless Manager ME 6.3 (For Macintosh)

Wireless Manager ME 6.3 (For Macintosh) Operating Instructions : PT-VZ575N/VW535N/VX605N, PT-VW435N/VX505N, PT-VW355N/VX425N, PT-VW345NZ/VX415NZ (English)

Updated 18 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

PT-DZ780/DW750/DX820 series (English/French/Spanish)

Notice User when Installing Projector : PT-DZ780/DW750/DX820(English/French/Spanish)

Updated 18 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

PT-DZ870/DW830/DX100 Operating Instructions [U] (English)

Operating Instructions : DZ870/DW830/DX100

Updated 18 Sep 2023

Operating Instructions

PT-DZ870/DW830/DX100 Operating Instructions (English)

Operating Instructions : DZ870/DW830/DX100

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