
Updated 30 Sep 2022

Spec Files

PT-MZ770/MZ770L Spec File (English)

Spec files : MZ770 (English)

Updated 30 Sep 2022

CAD Data

PT-MZ770 Series CAD PDF

CAD PDF: MZ770/MW730

Updated 30 Sep 2022


Lifestyle header banner RZ870

Lifestyle headerbanner Laser - EN

Updated 30 Sep 2022

CAD Data



Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEW60 High-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEW60

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LES20 Low-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LES20

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT RZ870

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data


Updated 29 Sep 2022


PT-RZ31K Angled High-res__WebsiteEU

Components: RZ31K/RS30K

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEW50 Low-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEW50

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEF70 Side Low-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEF70

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEF70 Wide High-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEF70

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEF70/ET-PLF10 Image High-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEF70/PLF10

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEF70/ET-PLF10 Image Low-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEF70/PLF10

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEF70/ET-PLF10 Image High-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEF70/PLF10

Updated 29 Sep 2022

Image Data

PT-RQ32K with ET-D3LEF70/ET-PLF10 Image Low-res

Product Image: RQ32K/D3LEF70/PLF10

Updated 29 Sep 2022


Pt Rq32ku Large Venue Projector With Et D3lew60 Lens Slant

PT-RQ32KU Product Images

Updated 29 Sep 2022


PT-MZ770 Series Catalog [Preliminary] PDF (English)

Catalog PDF: MZ770/MW730 (English)

Updated 29 Sep 2022


PT-DW830 header

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