
24 Apr


Driving Manufacturing Excellence: Panasonic's Smart Factory Solutions Demo and Training Center

Panasonic Campus Munich emerges as a hub of innovation and technological prowess. Having spent two years as a Software Project Engineer at this dynamic campus, I share my perspective on the exciting world of smart factory solutions, specifically about our SMT demo and training center in Munich.

23 Apr


Is your data safe? It can be stolen without you even noticing it!

We all know about hackers intercepting computers, phones and other smart devices through the Internet or apps. However, have you heard about a way to eavesdrop all your communications as well as your computer or printer without you knowing it and without leaving any trace on your device?

16 Apr


Why Endurance is Critical for Policing Mobile Technology

Police IT systems and mobile devices need to keep up with the demands of modern policing. Advances in mobile, cloud, AI, and analytics give police procurement departments the unenviable task of deciding what technology the Force needs to invest in now and in the future.

03 Apr


Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part III

The third article about the role of technology for Bio Pharma outlines the level of clinical trials, the need for a defined manufacturing strategy, the importance of sustainability and introduces revolutionary a cold storage solution.

03 Apr


How private 5G is ready for take off in the aviation industry

Post pandemic, the aviation industry has adopted new technologies to enhance operations. This includes the deployment of private 5G which is set to deliver significant benefits, particularly in terms of improved efficiency, safety, and passenger experience, ensuring airports are ready for the future.

27 Mar


Pioneering B2B Solutions: Unveiling the Role of a Technology Expert at Panasonic Campus Munich

As an engineer working at Panasonic Connect Europe, my journey spans nine years, focusing on Supply Chain Solutions tailored for the Retail and Logistics sectors. Beyond the routine of technical configurations and product enhancements, my role extends to being an engineering expert at the innovative Panasonic Campus Munich, Panasonic’s brand center for Europe, where technology converges with experiential demonstrations.

26 Mar


Panasonic TOUGHBOOK at BAPCO 2024 – Key Learnings

As a leading provider of rugged computing and communication solutions for the emergency services sector, BAPCO’s annual event in Coventry was the only place to be for Panasonic TOUGHBOOK in March, giving it direct access to the full spectrum of blue light decision makers.

21 Mar


3D in focus for the entertainment industry

The incredible success of Avatar: The Way of Water is just one of the factors that has put 3D back into focus for the entertainment industry. Incredibly, the movie has already scaled the heights to become the third-highest ever grossing movie – knocking Cameron’s own Titanic one rung down the ladder. The ability to see the world of Pandora in 3D has been cited as one of the driving factors behind its huge success.

20 Mar


Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part II

The second article about the role of technology for Bio Pharma outlines how change management, timescales and alternate partners can help to address shortages within the supply chain.

18 Mar


Panasonic’s latest TOUGHBOOK G2 and 33 tablets push the boundaries of rugged computing

Panasonic’s new TOUGHBOOK G2mk2 and 33mk3 provide the modern mobile worker with a perfectly balanced solution, regardless of the task, application or environment.

11 Mar


3D - Can you see what I see?

Mention 3D and many of us will immediately think of the pioneering 3D movies that we first saw in the cinema. For the older amongst us, it might be frighteners like the shark Jaws jumping out of the cinema screen to shock the audience, or for the younger reader their first view of an incredible 3D world in the movie Avatar.

08 Mar


Celebrating the Women of Panasonic Connect Europe

International Women’s Day provides us all with an opportunity to celebrate the key women in each of our lives, and how they positively impact society, whether it’s in one company, a department, an industry or the wider world. At Panasonic Connect Europe, we’ve spoken to five fantastic females on what it means to be working at the forefront of innovation and technology.

03 Mar


5 questions for Sebastian Philipp about C4I tools

Sebastian Philipp recently started at Panasonic TOUGHBOOK as Key Account Manager. He previously worked at a large defense company and is an expert in C4I tools. Here we clarify 5 questions about C4I leadership systems (Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence), i.e. networked systems and technologies with which military organizations can effectively lead and control forces.

01 Mar


Recap Monumental Tour 2023

The Monumental Tour, project of the French DJ and producer Michael Canitrot, gives a new face to heritage sites with Panasonic projectors and AV Extended.

28 Feb


Supply Chain: The role of technology for Bio Pharma – Part I

Within the Bio Pharma sector, companies embrace the challenge of sustainability and responsible business, with a heavy focus on how the industry can better engage, monitor, and improve its relationship with suppliers and manufacturers. It is understood across the industry that environment, safety, and social outcomes are critical. Ultimately, we are all patients when it comes to the production of pharmaceutical drugs.

27 Feb


Cosa abbiamo imparato dal blocco del Canale di Suez del 2021: la rivoluzione del settore navale.

Il famigerato incidente della nave cargo Ever Given nel Canale di Suez nel 2021, che ha di fatto bloccato tutta la circolazione marittima per giorni, ha portato alla luce la vulnerabilità delle rotte globali di fronte ad imprevisti e l’importanza di avere soluzioni efficaci e pronte all’azione. Le immediate conseguenze del blocco navale hanno spinto il settore marittimo a ripensare con rinnovata enfasi all’adozione di tecnologie avanzate, per prevenire e saper affrontare incidenti simili.

19 Feb


How private 5G is driving the evolution of smart manufacturing

The manufacturing sector faces multiple challenges, including streamlining and automating operations, increasing the flexibility of production lines, increasing yield to stay competitive in global markets. One answer to help address these issues lies in private 5G network connectivity.

15 Feb


Why UST Lenses?

I was absorbed in a noteworthy project within the auditorium and press room of one of Spain's major banks. While not touted as a groundbreaking venture, it bore the weight of practical challenges that demanded innovative solutions. The task at hand was to design a projection system for a sizable 10 x 6 curved screen, a standard requirement for corporate presentations and shareholder meetings. The unique twist lay in the bank's request for keynote speakers to stand and move freely on the stage, right next to the screen. It was a notable ask, and the solution we proposed was pragmatic yet transformative – two Ultra-Short-Throw (UST) lenses paired with 20,000 lm lamp-based projectors.

08 Feb


Lifting the lid on TOUGHBOOK’s rugged engineering innovations

TOUGHBOOK’s rugged engineering is legendary but what makes a TOUGHBOOK a TOUGHBOOK? Head of Engineering Jon Tucker takes a closer look at the innovations behind almost 30 years of rugged market leadership.

07 Feb


Exploring Panasonic's Campus Munich: A Hub of Innovation and Service

As an Engineer involved in the diverse world of Panasonic at the Campus Munich, I've witnessed the connection of cutting-edge technology, collaboration, and a variety of innovative solutions shaping the future of the industry. Among the hands-on demo products and advancements, one that stands out as my personal favorite is the alignment of Digital Signage and Electronics Shelf Labels: The Connected Signage.

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