What’s powering Renewable Energy in Europe?
An article looking at the future of renewable energy in Europe using data from over 300 sources.
The future of projection mapping - Part II
Building on the topics explored in part one, our immersive experience expert Thomas Vertommen looks at the impact projection mapping could have in the world of art and our everyday lives
Happy Birthday PTZ - 15 years and counting
In 15 short years, over 250.000 Panasonic PTZ cameras have been sold globally making them the clear industry leader. That leadership has been established by continuing to listen to customers and developing products that meet the demands of the video production industry. This approach has delivered generation after generation of PTZ cameras boasting numerous industry firsts.
Case Study
La realtà aumentata di BattleKart viene portata in vita dai proiettori Panasonic
La serie VMZ di proiettori laser LCD Panasonic è stata scelta per le sue capacità di zoom, lens shift e per l'elevata luminosità in un telaio compatto, affidabile e leggero.
The evolution of attraction design at World Expos
How has visual attraction design changed since Expo 2010 Shanghai, and what trends are emerging ahead of Expo 2025 Osaka? Chad Kunimoto investigates.
Tech Trends changing the way we work and live
The adoption of the WorldWideWeb was the last major technology adoption cycle that revolutionised the way we lived and worked but are we on the cusp of another?
Panasonic launches the more powerful generation of the TOUGHBOOK N1 and the new model variant TOUGHBOOK N1 Flat
Panasonic is presenting the new generation of the robust premium handheld TOUGHBOOK N1 with an integrated barcode scanner and the new model variant TOUGHBOOK N1 Flat.
Case Study
Nuovo Campus Albano alimentato dalla rete AVoIP con soluzioni Panasonic
Una struttura di ricerca e formazione all'avanguardia distribuisce proiettori Panasonic, display dotati di SDM WolfVision e telecamere PTZ in tutto il suo nuovo campus.
TOUGH business challenges and how to overcome them
Why should your teams work harder, when your business can work smarter? Nathalie gives a few tips...
After six years of military use, only 1 percent of TOUGHBOOKs needed repair
An article which describes why Precisions Technic Defence A/S insist on having specific demands for their suppliers when it comes to sustainability.
Case Study
Panasonic technology at Pilsudski Museum
Jozef Pilsuski made a significant contribution to the fact that Poland regained its independence. In the unique museum that was created to honour his memory, we can find an installation that tells his extraordinary life story through projection on four huge projection surfaces in the shape of a square.
Panasonic Connect and Blue Yonder Present Shared Vision of the Connected Store and Supply Chain Powered Commerce at Euroshop 2023
Retailers need real-time data and intelligent insights to quickly adapt and fulfil at accelerated speed, especially as consumer shopping habits continue to transform both online and in stores.
The future of projection mapping - Part I
We have all experienced the thrill and visual entertainment of projection mapping but what does the future hold? Panasonic’s immersive experience expert Thomas Vertommen answers some key questions.
Meet my new AI friend
An article looking at how the rapid progress of AI could impact the mobile workforce.
Rewarding times ahead for electronics manufacturers
There has never been a more rewarding time to be involved in European electronics manufacturing, says Peer Schumacher, the new Head of Manufacturing Solutions at Panasonic Connect Europe.
A sea change of digital transformation at European Ports
An article looking at the latest reports encouraging the digitalisation of European Ports and Harbours and its benefits.
A ISE 2023 Panasonic Connect Annuncia La Nuova Generazione Di Kairos, La Piattaforma Di Produzione Live
Kairos consente oggi produzioni ancora più grandi e complesse con maggiore potenza, ridondanza, ingressi e uscite, il tutto più silenzioso che mai.
Panasonic Amplia La Sua Gamma Completa Di Touchscreen Con La Serie EQ2-PCAP
Incredibile precisione touch, maneggevolezza senza compromessi e sei dimensioni dello schermo per qualsiasi applicazione.
Nuove Possibilità Di Produzione Immersiva Con I Proiettori Panasonic DLP A 1 Chip Di Nuova Generazione
I proiettori laser DLP™ a 1 chip Panasonic della serie PT-REQ12 e PT-REZ12 offrono esperienze senza precedenti con luminosità fino a 12.000 lm, risoluzione 4K e capacità di proiezione a 240 Hz
Il Display Professionale Per Eccellenza: Panasonic Presenta La Nuova Serie Di Display Premium
La serie Panasonic SQ2H eccelle in luminosità, affidabilità e scalabilità del sistema.
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