
16 Mar


The future of projection mapping - Part II

Building on the topics explored in part one, our immersive experience expert Thomas Vertommen looks at the impact projection mapping could have in the world of art and our everyday lives

10 Mar


The evolution of attraction design at World Expos

How has visual attraction design changed since Expo 2010 Shanghai, and what trends are emerging ahead of Expo 2025 Osaka? Chad Kunimoto investigates.

Case Study

La realtà aumentata di BattleKart viene portata in vita dai proiettori Panasonic

La serie VMZ di proiettori laser LCD Panasonic è stata scelta per le sue capacità di zoom, lens shift e per l'elevata luminosità in un telaio compatto, affidabile e leggero.

Case Study

Nuovo Campus Albano alimentato dalla rete AVoIP con soluzioni Panasonic

Una struttura di ricerca e formazione all'avanguardia distribuisce proiettori Panasonic, display dotati di SDM WolfVision e telecamere PTZ in tutto il suo nuovo campus.

Case Study

Panasonic technology at Pilsudski Museum

Jozef Pilsuski made a significant contribution to the fact that Poland regained its independence. In the unique museum that was created to honour his memory, we can find an installation that tells his extraordinary life story through projection on four huge projection surfaces in the shape of a square.

16 Feb


The future of projection mapping - Part I

We have all experienced the thrill and visual entertainment of projection mapping but what does the future hold? Panasonic’s immersive experience expert Thomas Vertommen answers some key questions.

30 Jan


Il Display Professionale Per Eccellenza: Panasonic Presenta La Nuova Serie Di Display Premium

La serie Panasonic SQ2H eccelle in luminosità, affidabilità e scalabilità del sistema.

30 Jan


4K To Inspire: Panasonic Rafforza La Sua Leadership Nel 4K Presentando Nuovi Prodotti A ISE 2023

Le ultime innovazioni 4K per la collaborazione aziendale, l'istruzione e il Location Based Entertainment.

30 Jan


Nuove Possibilità Di Produzione Immersiva Con I Proiettori Panasonic DLP A 1 Chip Di Nuova Generazione

I proiettori laser DLP™ a 1 chip Panasonic della serie PT-REQ12 e PT-REZ12 offrono esperienze senza precedenti con luminosità fino a 12.000 lm, risoluzione 4K e capacità di proiezione a 240 Hz

30 Jan


Panasonic Amplia La Sua Gamma Completa Di Touchscreen Con La Serie EQ2-PCAP

Incredibile precisione touch, maneggevolezza senza compromessi e sei dimensioni dello schermo per qualsiasi applicazione.

18 Jan


Il gigante Europeo del rental & staging lang ag estende la sua collaborazione con Panasonic

LANG AG estende la sua collaborazione di oltre 30 anni con Panasonic per offrire ai propri clienti un vantaggio competitivo nel settore AV.

18 Jan


Projection Mapping: Big Entertainment and Big Business

Projection mapping is big business as well as big entertainment. Did you know that forecasts say the global projection mapping market will reach 8.0 billion Euros by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.9%? Read more in the article.

12 Jan


Ready for close up? Big pictures from ultra-short distances with the Panasonic UST CMZ50 LCD Projector

Ideal for large images with minimal shadowing under brilliant LED lighting in Education, Business and Entertainment spaces, such as museums.

04 Jan


Projection mapping sheds new light on established attractions

Projection mapping sheds new light on established attractions

21 Dec


Can collaboration tech help address the Great Resignation?

The past two years of the COVID-19 crisis have also left their mark on the world of work

19 Dec


Ideal for any application: Panasonic introduces two next generation series of 4K Professional LCD displays

Panasonic’s advanced SQE2 and entry-level CQE2 displays ideal for public spaces, business and education.

14 Dec


Projection mapping: reinventing the way we see the world

From Barcelona to Budapest– Discover how projection technology has transformed cityscapes

Case Study

La proiezione immersiva libera l'arte in Frameless

Incredibili immagini 4K, ottiche Ultra Short Throw e affidabilità del proiettore al centro del successo per la più grande esperienza artistica immersiva del Regno Unito.

09 Nov


Expanding our European Service Operation

With technology being integral to so many business-to-business organisations today, any downtime for servicing and repairs can quickly add up to large sums in cost and lost revenue.

02 Nov


Making the magic happen with projection mapping

Top four projector technology tips to consider when putting on a show Seeing the façade of buildings change into something entirely new in front of your eyes is something magical. Whether it’s a major monument, modern office block or historical building, projection mapping has the power to transport us into the world of imagination.

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