
28 Aug


Automated Parts Supply: A Revolutionary Supply Technology to Transform Manufacturing

In the fast-paced world of technological innovation, breakthroughs come and go, but every once in a while, a development emerges that has the potential to redefine the industry. Today, we are excited to introduce a revolutionary technology that promises to do just that. This groundbreaking innovation is set to transform material supply in modern production sites. Let’s see what it means for the future of our industry.

27 Aug


EV Charging Station Maintenance 101: How and Why It's Important

Field service workers need rugged mobile devices, with strong connectivity to proactively maintain public and private electric vehicle charging stations, helping to ensure a reliable flow of power for motorists – regardless of location.

22 Aug


Der Schlüssel zum AVoIP-Erfolg?

Die Konvergenz von AV- und Internet Protocol (IP)-Technologien verändert die Branche und bietet kostengünstige und zugängliche Lösungen.

21 Aug


Surrey Search and Rescue Revolutionised with TOUGHBOOK 33 Rugged Notebook

Search organisations are increasingly vital to police forces, providing essential support in locating missing people. The use of cutting-edge technology by volunteers on the ground to coordinate search and rescue efforts cannot be overstated.

20 Aug


Die Sixtinische Kapelle in die Welt tragen: Immersiv machen

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie stünden unter dem weiten Himmel von Michelangelos Sixtinischer Kapelle, eingehüllt in das göttliche Drama und die vielschichtigen Details einer der wertvollsten künstlerischen Errungenschaften der Welt. Stellen Sie sich diese Erfahrung nun nicht im Vatikan vor, sondern in Ihrem örtlichen Gemeindezentrum, Museum oder als Teil einer Wanderausstellung.

20 Aug


Predictive Maintenance and Optimization with Panasonic Toughbook: The Future with AI and IoT

Panasonic Toughbook is synonymous with reliability and innovative technologies that support public administration, emergency services, utilities, and businesses in demanding work environments.

14 Aug


Why One-Size-Fits-All Needs a Rethink

Organisations and end users are all different, so why do some mobile computer manufacturers design one-size-fits-all solutions that don’t quite meet these requirements?

12 Aug


Panasonic Toughbook Selected For Major Ambulance Technology Refresh Across England & Wales

Ambulance Service Trusts enhance patient safety with Panasonic TOUGHBOOK devices in rapid response vehicles and dual crewed ambulances.

Case Study

Bildung kann Spaß machen, wenn man sie auf einer Kugel darstellt!

Projektionskugeln als nicht-traditionelle Lehrmittel

07 Aug


Discovering Innovation: An updated Journey Through Panasonic's Experience Center

In the heart of cutting-edge technology and customer engagement lies the Panasonic Campus Munich. The corporate brand and experience center in Europe is supposed to be figurately spoken a beacon of innovation and a hub for immersive, hands-on experiences. Our goal: The Campus Munich stands out as a pivotal space where technology meets innovation, and ideas transform into tangible solutions.

06 Aug


Rugged In-Vehicle Routers Increase Connectivity Uptime for Field Services

Hyper mobile workers in field services need dependable, rugged computing solutions backed up with strong connectivity when attending to the latest job – both inside and outside their vehicle.

31 Jul


Panasonic Connect Plant Strategische Kapitalpartnerschaft Und Gründung Eines Neuen Unternehmens Im Bereich Projektoren

Ziele der Kooperation mit der ORIX Corporation sind ein nachhaltiges Geschäftswachstum und Marktexpansion.

30 Jul


Critical computing versatility in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Few industries are at the cutting edge of research and development like pharmaceutical manufacturing. However, this is largely dependent on the versatility of the rugged mobile computing solutions available.

Case Study

Staffordshire University Case Study

Panasonic’s professional broadcast capabilities build a state-of-the-art eSports broadcasting course for Staffordshire University.

23 Jul


A Culture of Continuous Innovation from the TOUGHBOOK CF-31 to the TOUGHBOOK 40

In a busy first half of 2024, the TOUGHBOOK G2, 33, and 40 rugged mobile devices have all received major updates. It’s a good time therefore to pause and revisit Panasonic’s DNA of continuous improvement that improves functionality for the end user.

17 Jul


Keeping Our Ambulances Connected: The Tech Behind NHS’ Life-Saving Upgrades

Under the nationwide Ambulance Radio Programme (ARP), Ambulance Services Trust in England and Wales are implementing a major technology upgrade to enhance efficiency and patient safety. Every trust will deploy Panasonic TOUGHBOOK devices in their rapid response vehicles and ambulances.

17 Jul


Die Rolle der Projektion in LBE (Location Based Entertainment)

Die Idee für das Ephesus Experience Museum entstand vor zwei Jahren, angetrieben durch das reiche kulturelle Erbe und die historische Bedeutung der Region. Unter der Leitung des türkischen Kulturministeriums und der DEM-Museen zielte dieses ehrgeizige Unterfangen darauf ab, Ephesos digital zu rekonstruieren und den Besuchern einen Einblick in seine Blütezeit zu bieten (die archäologische Stätte Ephesus in der Nähe von Selçuk, 500 km von Istanbul entfernt, begrüßte 2023 2 Millionen Besucher)

17 Jul


How to Smart Manufacturing

At Panasonic Factory Solutions, service excellence isn't just a promise - it's a way of doing business. With a rich legacy of providing customized support across Europe, we're dedicated to optimizing service and enhancing performance for our clients. From the first consultation to continuous support, we stand as your trusted partner, supported by a skilled workforce and reliable technologies.

11 Jul



Für die Produktion seiner kundenspezifischen KI-Trägerplatinen im eigenen Haus braucht Auvida einen zuverlässigen Partner, um die geschäftskritische SMT-Produktionslinie und den für das Geschäftswachstum wesentlichen Support bereitzustellen.

Case Study

Wie die Partnerschaft zwischen Auvidea und Panasonic das AI-Carrier-Board-Geschäft vorantreibt

Als Auvidea beschloss, eine eigene Inhouse-Produktion aufzubauen, war Panasonic Connect von Anfang an zur Stelle, um den SMT-Bedarf sofort zu decken und das Unternehmen bei seinem weiteren Wachstum zu unterstützen.

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