Smarte Elektronikfertigung
SMT, THT, FATP und mehr
Panasonic bietet schlüsselfertige Lösungen für Ihre Fertigungsherausforderungen aus unserem Portfolio an erstklassigen Hardware- und Softwareprodukten.
LinkedIn Live Stream
Unlock the Future (Present) in Manufacturing. AI and Autonomous Factory
Join us December 12th at 11:00am CET (10:00 GMT) as we share innovative solutions and case studies from our team, our partners, and our clients!
Über Smarte Elektronikfertigung
Panasonic ist eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich der smarten Elektronikfertigung. Unsere Position, sowohl Hersteller als auch Ausrüstungslieferant zu sein, ist einzigartig und hat es uns ermöglicht, bewährte Technologie zu liefern. Im SMT-Bereich bieten wir schlüsselfertige Lösungen für Ihre Herausforderungen in der Fertigung aus unserem Portfolio an Best-in-Class-Hardware wie Laserbeschriftung, Siebdruck, SMT/THT/PTH-Geräten, Sonderbauteilbestückung sowie FATP-Lösungen. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Softwareprodukte zur Gesamtoptimierung und modulare Lösungen für Produktionsplanung & -analyse, Konstruktion & Simulation, Materialwirtschaft, Produktwechsel und Rückverfolgbarkeit.
Panasonic Connect & Factory Automation Software
Zusätzlich zu unseren SMT-Anlagen bietet Panasonic auch Software für die Automatisierung von Fertigungen und Produktionslinien an. Unsere spezialisierten Lösungen bieten eine umfassende Optimierung und modulare Lösungen für Produktionsplanung und -analyse, Design und Simulation, Materialmanagement, Produktwechsel und Rückverfolgbarkeit.
Unser Know-how basiert auf mehr als 100 Jahren Erfahrung in der Herstellung und Entwicklung unserer eigenen Produkte. Daher steht die Fertigung im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns und wir bieten Ihnen als Ihr Partner für eine vernetzte Zukunft zuverlässige Technologie und Innovation.
Die vernetzte autonome Fertigung
Die autonome Fertigung der Zukunft basiert auf intelligenten, vernetzten Systemen. Panasonic steht an der Spitze dieser Revolution und bietet Lösungen für SMT-Anlagen und Prozessmanagement, die jeden Aspekt der Produktion rationalisieren, vom Materialeingang bis zur Endmontage.
Unsere Software und Unternehmensintegrationsdienste sind darauf ausgelegt, die betriebliche Effizienz, Produktivität und Rückverfolgbarkeit in Ihrer gesamten Lieferkette zu verbessern - unterstützt durch unser erstklassiges Service- und Wartungsnetzwerk.
Schlüssel zur Digitalisierung
Die vernetzte und autonome Fabrik
Um eine autonome Fabrik aufzubauen, muss jeder Prozess und Produktionsschritt automatisiert und im Voraus geplant werden. Alle Ebenen der Fabrik müssen miteinander verbunden und aufeinander abgestimmt werden, um die Effizienz der Maschinen und die Produktivität zu verbessern und eine umfassende Rückverfolgbarkeit in der gesamten Lieferkette zu erreichen. Die Produktionsplanung ist der erste Schritt: Vom eingehenden Material bis zum SMT-Prozessmanagement und der Rückverfolgbarkeit der Prozesse muss der Produktionsprozess koordiniert und analysiert werden. Die Integration spielt im Planungsprozess eine wichtige Rolle. Schlussendlich ist das Wartungsmanagement ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der vernetzten Fabrik.
Connect to the Factory of Tomorrow
Unsere Lösungen. Ihre Smart Factory.
Hochwertige, zuverlässige Siebdrucktechnologie für die Herstellung beliebiger Baugruppen.
- Kurze Zykluszeiten
- Frei programmierbarer Drucktisch
- Hybrider Druckkopf
- Robuste Konstruktion
The fully automated printing solution is part of the "Autonomous Factory" Concept - a factory that immediately responds to every situation and continues to evolve autonomously. Ensuring the production of non-defective items through the integrated control of autonomous uninterrupted mounting lines and floors independent of any human intervention and judgment.
Features:Increased Production Time: (1) Reduces machine availability losses through automation of operations required for model changeover.(2) Reduces machine performance losses through automation of operations involved in production.(3) Increases production time by monitoring machine conditions and thereby performing maintenanceat right times.
Maintenance of printing quality at a consistently high level: Reduces losses due to defective items through various functions that actualizes consistently high-qualityprinting capable of responding to any changes in 5M.
Support for line solution: Realizes high-quality line production through M2M
The SPV Stencil Printer offers a variety of options to suit different PCBs and production processes for consistent high quality. With its high 10s/PCB cycle time, the SPV eliminates bottlenecks and ensures quality by self-cleaning after every PCB. Three conveyors and the PCB identification function provide different automatic printing set ups for a high throughput. With the machine-to-machine-communication option the SPV Screen Printer is using APC correction data to correct positional printing errors. The SPV Stencil Printer can print multiple 350x300mm (M-size) boards simultaneously. This lowers WIP inventory and reduces changeover times by processing up to 4 unique products at once. The configuration minimizes capital expenditure by reducing printer investment by 50% and maximize the floor space utilization with new hybrid board handling concept and the multi-stage board handling conveyors.
The Stencil Printer SPV-DC enables high efficiency dual lane production in a compact design. The printer is designed for high speed production without changeovers. To reduce running costs the SPV-DC is equipped with the award-winning paperless cleaning function. Solder paste can refill automatically. Solder mask and the final printing result can be verified with an internal inspection. With the machine-to-machine-communication option the SPV-DC is using correction data to correct positional printing errors. The high-speed printer SPV-DC can print on board sizes from 50 x 50mm to 350 x 300mm. With the dual lanes the printer provides a cycle time of 13s, including transfer, positioning, recognition, high-precision printing and respective cleaning. Due to the non-stop changeover, the SPV-DC allows you to prepare the next production while running the printing process.
Adaptive Process Control
Mounting feed-forward function Components can be placed correctly based on the solder printing position. Placement skip data feed-forward/Block recognition data feed-forward Placement machine recognition time reduction based on feed-forward discrepancy data. Misplacement of components using a modular placement machine can be prevented based on feed-forward solder/land* printing defect block data.*When inspecting lands on which package components are placed using flux epoxy. Printing position data feedback The solder printing position misalignment is measured by the inspection machine. The positioning correction is transferred by means of feedback to the screen printer. The solder printing area is measured by the inspection equipment. The stencil cleaning direction can be compared with the reference value by means of feedback.
Best-in-Class-Bestückungslösungen von der Einstiegsklasse bis hin zu komplexeren Anforderungen - unabhängig von Art, Menge und Zeit - jederzeit intelligente Fertigungslösungen.
- Intelligente Zuführungen
- Große Auswahl an Komponenten
- Erkennung von Bauteilen
Automation / Labor-saving Solution + Intelligent system solution to achieve manufacturing that is further in line with production plan
Higher productivity and quality thanks to the integration of printing, placement and inspection processes make the NPM-W2 one of the most flexible and versatile pick-and-place solutions on the market.
This machine provides the user with a tool that allows him to choose between high speed or high accuracy, depending on the PCB requirements.
In addition, the NPM-W2 is optimised for larger boards and larger components, such as PCBs up to 750 x 550 mm and components up to 150 x 25 x 30 mm (L,W,H). For high productivity, dual lanes can be used.
The multifunctional NPM-W2 is equipped with a 12-nozzle head and can place 38,500 components. 120 feeders can be mounted.
Additionally, the NPM-W2 can automatically inspect solder depots and components according to the production data.
As a third function, the NPM can be fitted with the conventional HDF discharge mechanism, which ensures
The NPM-DX provides a greater line throughput, better quality and lower production cost featuring an autonomous line control, which guaranties a stable operation based on automatic functionality. This functionality in combination with the machine set up offers a labor-saving production with improved utilization. In combination with the Panasonic software environment and embedded into an Industry 4.0 philosophy, the user can expect a modern shop floor management system including various remote operation options, feeder setup navigation, component supply navigation etc. In total, the NPM-DX reduces downtimes and increase the line throughput. With 92 400 cph and a feeder capacity for up to 136 reels, the NPM-DX is the ideal solution to meet the expectation of an evolving electronics assembly industry. The NPM-DX can process PCB sizes of up to 510 x 590 mm and place large connectors (up to 150 x 25mm) and other components (up to 120 x 90mm). This and other features make the NPM-DX the best solution for high volume-mix manufacturing.
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Bestückungsmaschinen für THT
Die Bestückungslösungen von Panasonic für radiale und axiale Prozesse mit hoher Dichte und hoher Geschwindigkeit. PTH / THT (Pin Through Hole / Through Hole Technology) Lösungen.
- Hohe, zuverlässige Bestückungskapazität
- Außergewöhnlich breites Spektrum an Bauteilen
- Bauteil-Erkennung
- Werkzeugwechsel
Insertion (THT/PTH)
Supplied with a 40 or 80 component feeder with optional jumper wire, the compact supply unit configuration of the AV132 can fit both ammo pack and reel. The dual partition configuration enables a fast changeover. The next job can be set up while the current one is being processed.Capable of inserting components in four directions: 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, the AV132 optimizes productivity by simultaneously handling 26 and 52mm taped components and providing fast, full auto-recovery. The AV132 can reduce loading times by running two PCBs simultaneously, enabling efficient production due to a speed of 0.12s/component and a transfer speed of 2s/PCB.The fixed feeder unit and the out-of-component detection feature allow to replenish components while maintaining long-term non-stop runs.Preparation in advance or equipment operation during component change-over is possible.
Insertion (THT/PTH)
The RG 131 is the successor of the RHSG. By supporting 3/4 pitches, expanding the range of board sizes and increasing component insertion rate, this high-density radial component insertion machine increases productivity. High speed insertion at a rate of between 0.25s and 0.6s per component can be achieved, even for large-size components with 3-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm/7.5mm) or 4-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm/7.5mm/10.0mm) configurations. A comprehensive self-correction function ensures high reliability. With large numbers of component supply and dual-partitioned component supply units, long-term operation can be obtained. A total of up to 80 types of components can be mounted. With large numbers of component supply and dual-partitioned component supply units, long-term operation can be achieved easily with the RG131. A total of up to 80 types of components can be mounted, with up to 32 (16 + 16) types of large components. The two separate component supply units enable components to be exchanged and replenished during operation. Panasonic offers also the RG131-S platform version with smaller footprint. Higher productivity expanding board size range and increasing component input.
Insertion (THT/PTH)
The RL132 combines functionality and speed with an insertion rate up to 25,700cph (.14s/component), a board processing sizes up to 650 x 381mm, a 33% reduction in PCB transfer time, up to 18% reduction in electrical and air consumption per insertion and an improved parts lifespan for a very low cost of ownership. This through-hole machine features a 4-pitch span and is configurable with 40 or 80 components inputs. Meanwhile, its dual split carriage enables machine function at exchange mode and parts replenishment during production. The RL132 was designed for a non-stop productivity. The Lead V cut method enables the RL132 to insert radial lead components at a speed of 0.14s/component. Either a 2-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm), 3-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm/7.5mm) or 4-pitch (2.5mm/5.0mm/7.5mm/10.0mm) option can be selected. The fixed feeder unit method and an out-of-component detection function allow ongoing component replenishment and long-term runs. PCB of 650mm x 381mm can be processed.
Placement (SMT)
The NPM-VF is equipped with a double portal. The SMD and THT components are placed by one placement head per portal. A wide variety of vacuum pipettes and grippers are available. The pick and place machine can be used in single or dual lane mode. The NPM-VF reaches a speed of up to 4,500cph and can process component sizes from 5x5mm up to 130x35mm and 60mm height. Active cutting and clinching tools are integrated which detach THT components from the radial and axial feeders. Clinching directions as well as pin lengths per THT component can be defined via the assembly program. Beside the radial and axial feeders, the NPM-VF can be equipped with all common standard feeder systems for SMD components. The flexible NPM-VF is an ideal machine for cycle-optimized production, especially for companies that must process both types of components due to the increased demand from power electronics for THT assemblies. This efficient pick and place machine contributes to reduce manpower requirements and to consistent production with high productivity, flexibility and high-quality pick and place results.
In den Bereichen Endmontage, Test und Verpackung werden häufig noch manuelle Arbeiten und Verfahren eingesetzt. In diesen Bereichen sind hohe Fehlerquoten und ein recht niedriges Niveau der Rückverfolgbarkeit Schwachpunkte in vielen Produktionsbereichen. Unsere Lösungen helfen dabei, die volle Kontrolle über die Produktionsbereiche zu erhalten, einschließlich aller Nicht-Panasonic-Systeme.
GuidanceEnforcementKey Values Increase operator's efficiencyGet the assembly more reliableImprove product quality by higher yield TraceabilityMaterial ManagementFeaturesCentral storage of work flows and instructionsSharing and accumulate knowledge & know-howAvoid errors and increase motivationCost saving by reducing error factor Connection to MES and/or ERP systemProvide "just-in-time" required materials automaticallyManual assembly included in the reporting loopCost saving by more efficient production and material planning
Typical use-cases for PGMA to guide & enhance are: Manual THT insertionManual mechanical assemblySemiautomatic screw & nut mounting with and without torque controlManual visual inspectionSemiautomatic testing and/or measurementManual product packing and labelling incl. weight control (optional)Training for any manual assembly & activityThe ROI (return of invest) period for PGMA implementation is typically much less than one year due to reduction of failures and mistakes, speeding up the assembly process and finally increase of user‘s motivation.
The NPM-VF is equipped with a double portal. The SMD and THT components are placed by one placement head per portal. A wide variety of vacuum pipettes and grippers are available. The pick and place machine can be used in single or dual lane mode. The NPM-VF reaches a speed of up to 4,500cph and can process component sizes from 5x5mm up to 130x35mm and 60mm height. Active cutting and clinching tools are integrated which detach THT components from the radial and axial feeders. Clinching directions as well as pin lengths per THT component can be defined via the assembly program. Beside the radial and axial feeders, the NPM-VF can be equipped with all common standard feeder systems for SMD components. The flexible NPM-VF is an ideal machine for cycle-optimized production, especially for companies that must process both types of components due to the increased demand from power electronics for THT assemblies. This efficient pick and place machine contributes to reduce manpower requirements and to consistent production with high productivity, flexibility and high-quality pick and place results.
Ultrahigh accurate 3-D profilometer (UA3P)
The Panasonic UA3P profilometer series is designed to measure aspherical lenses & molds, freeform optics, mirrors and any other precision component requiring nanometer level accuracy ranging up to 200mm x 200mm. Different machine models are available to meet your optical & high aspect ratio metrology needs.
The UA3P-300, UA3P-4 and UA3P-5 all offer users the accuracy of AFM technology with the measurement range of a CMM. Our unique approach uses atomic force probe technology in the stylus and HeNe laser-based interferometric XYZ axis positioning.
Couple this technology with a solid granite-base and you have a robust metrology system that can be used on the factory floor and still deliver 0.1um level total uncertainty.
Jede Produktionserweiterung oder Kapazitätsanpassung sollte sich auf Daten stützen. Dazu ist es notwendig, Daten nicht nur zu sammeln, sondern auch zu verarbeiten. Hierfür bieten wir entsprechende Softwarelösungen an, egal ob unsere Kunden mittelständische EMS-Dienstleister oder international tätige Konzerne sind.
Manufacturing operations optimizer (MFO)
FeaturesThe Manufacturing Operations Optimiser (MFO) is a newly developed product for drawing up production plans required for on-site operations to reduce the man-hours needed for the production plan and, at the same time, to enhance production efficiency. MFO creates detailed schedules for productions and pre-set-up operations and calculates the required resources for production by simulating the manufacturing process of the entire SMT production floor. By simulating the planned production, the MFO answers questions about estimated production completion, indicates which production sequence is to be used for higher efficiency, proposes optimal machine set-up for higher efficiency, and indicates the number of staff needed to achieve the plan. MFO models the required production line, taking into account errors that can occur at the production machines, such as parts exchange. It optimises production taking into account multiple production lines. The off-line set-up sequence can be optimised to adjust the requirement of staff and material. MFO support is not limited to machines of the NPM-series but also supports CMand DT-series machines and screen printers. It also supports non-Panasonic equipment such as SPI, AOI, reflow ovens, screen printers and others.
Panasonic manufacturing operations optimizer (MFO) is the line management system to create detailed production schedules including pre-set-up operations. Those production plans are mandatory to optimize manufacturing processes and thus improves cycle times and production efficiency. It also calculates the number of operators required by simulating the entire SMT manufacturing operation. Image of the systemMFO provides clear and easy to understand plans for production, process set-up and operator management plus simulation reports.
Beside this, it provides various optimization function, like mounting process, production plan, production-set-up plan and operator count, including a table of function list and machines.
PanaCIM-EE: line management system
Featuressmart-factory-solutions software panacim-logo-02In order to make electronics manufacturing more efficient, digital planning tools and reliable data management are becoming increasingly important. This applies not only to individual systems, but to entire production lines, in which the data of each individual machine is included in the analysis. To achieve this, Panasonic developed the line management system PanaCIM-EE. With PanaCIM-EE, higher production rates and reduced cycle times can be achieved to make electronics production even more efficient and reliable. The PanaCIM-EE provides an integrated management of an entire SMT floor and achieves enhanced quality, reduced costs and increased floor productivity. This includes 8 functions, like traceability, production analysis plus monitoring and dispatching, material control and verification, maintenance management and the handling of production changeovers, linked to the customer system.
Application examplessmart-factory-solutions software_panacim application-01PREDICTIVE MANAGEMENT OF PARTS EXHAUST AND AUTOMATIC PARTS OUTPUT(Material Verification + Material Control) No waiting for parts to be supplied due to“No Parts"! Realize Reduce labor resources and Productivity improvement ! smart-factory-solutions software panacim application-02COMPONENT SUPPLY NAVIGATOR(Production Monitoring and Dispatch / Component Supply Navigator option) Reduction of the duration of machine downtime caused by parts exhaust by 73.1%*As a result of (1), the operating ratio increased by 10%**May vary depending on your operating environment. System configuration examplessmart-factory-solutions software panacim system-configuration-01CM SERIES LINEPanaCIM-EE server (app server + controller server)PanaCIM maintenance serverPT interface (communication with PT200)*System configuration differs depending on applied machine. For details, contact your local distributor or sales representative.
PanaCIM-EE Gen2: line management system
Featuressmart-factory-solutions software panacim-logo-02PanaCIM-EE Gen2 is the next generation of PanaCIM-EE, which allows for more efficient electronics manufacturing. This digital planning tool is necessary to enable reliable data management. This applies not only to individual systems, but to entire production lines, in which the data of each individual machine is included in the analysis. In addition, data from reports and management are included in the planning. This allows higher production rates and shorter cycle times to be achieved to make electronics production even more efficient and reliable. The PanaCIM-EE Gen2 is the next generation of a smart factory solution, connecting the shop floor with overall the management system. This includes precise inventory management, maximized factory performance based on a continuous production, total traceability, real time monitoring and optimization and an accurate in-time material supply. Material verificationMaterial controlTraceabilityProduction monitoring/dispatchProduction analysisMaintenanceEnterprise link
iLNB: line management system
FeaturesThe revolutionary integrated line management system is the basis for controlling the entire production line. It is not limited to Panasonic machines but also integrates third-party equipment such as PCB transfer systems, laser markers, AOI, SPI and ovens. Conventional systems require a number of PCs to control different machine types from different suppliers. The iLNB controls the entire line with only one PC. iLNB significantly improves overall productivity. Production data and production changeover of all equipment, such as Panasonic’s placement machines as well as non-Panasonic machines including AOI, SPI, reflow ovens and others, can be controlled. All collected data are transferred to a remote central computer. Small errors such as pick-up errors can be recovered from that central point. Automatic production changeover is also possible. With the iLNB, users can manage automatic product changeovers and have an E-Link which provides an interface for information input and output, for machine control, management of components per feeder, and communication with a GEM/PLC. iLNB provides total control of the production line by interfacing between Panasonic and non-Panasonic machines, acting as one-stop channel. With the iLNB Users can manage automatic product changeovers and have an E-Link which provides an interface for information in- and output, for machine control, management of component per feeder and a communication to GEM/PLC. Automatic changeover Registration of automatic changeover recipeLine automatic changeoverAutomatic changeover monitoringLine operation monitoringE-Link interface for Information inputDownload / edit of scheduleE-Link interface for Information outputOperational information outputTrace information outputMachine status outputE-Link interface for machine controlMachine interlock; production start controlE-Link interface for feeder writeWriting of component data by an external systemCommunications to GEM/PLCSECS2/GEM communicationOPC communicationIO/RS-232C communication
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Smart Factory in Action
Flexible und modulare Maschinen für jedes Lot, jedes Volumen.
Neben einer wartungsarmen und robusten Maschine verlangt insbesondere der europäische Markt ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität in der Fertigung, um ein breites Spektrum an Anwendungen zu realisieren. Diese reichen je nach Konfiguration von sehr kleinen Losgrößen, die ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität erfordern, bis hin zu hohen Bestückungskapazitäten.
Feeding Solutions
Hochflexibel dank intelligenter Feedersysteme: Die Bestückungssysteme von Panasonic können je nach Maschinentyp, Produktionsauftrag und den verwendeten Bandbreiten bis zu 160 Feeder aufnehmen. Dank ihrer robusten Bauweise sind sie für einen dauerhaften Einsatz ausgelegt. Die Feeder können an verschiedenen Positionen an der Maschine montiert werden.
Software Solutions
Die Erfassung und Analyse der Daten basiert auf Softwarelösungen, die wir in unseren eigenen Produktionsstätten weltweit einsetzen. Es stehen verschiedene Lösungen zur Verfügung, die eine intelligente Teilplanung der Elektronikfertigung bis hin zur vollständigen Steuerung aller Fertigungsprozesse einschließlich der vor- und nachgelagerten Schritte ermöglichen.
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Unsere Services
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Unsere Trainings
Wir bieten verschiedene Schulungen zu unseren Smart-Factory-Lösungen an.
Unsere Mission
"Unser Ziel ist es, die Fertigung in einem sich ständig verändernden Umfeld reaktionsfähig zu machen."

Head of Electronics Manufacturing Solutions
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News & Events
Neuer Panasonic Auto Setting Feeder: Nächster Schritt in Richtung autonome SMT-Produktion
Der Panasonic Auto Setting Feeder ist ein Durchbruch in der automatisierten Komponentenzufuhr mit automatischem Lademechanismus: Er verbessert die Arbeitseffizienz, indem er den Arbeitsaufwand und die Verlustrate reduziert sowie gleichzeitig die täglichen Abläufe in der Fertigung optimiert.
Automated Parts Supply: A Revolutionary Supply Technology to Transform Manufacturing
In the fast-paced world of technological innovation, breakthroughs come and go, but every once in a while, a development emerges that has the potential to redefine the industry. Today, we are excited to introduce a revolutionary technology that promises to do just that. This groundbreaking innovation is set to transform material supply in modern production sites. Let’s see what it means for the future of our industry.
Case Study
Wie die Partnerschaft zwischen Auvidea und Panasonic das AI-Carrier-Board-Geschäft vorantreibt
Als Auvidea beschloss, eine eigene Inhouse-Produktion aufzubauen, war Panasonic Connect von Anfang an zur Stelle, um den SMT-Bedarf sofort zu decken und das Unternehmen bei seinem weiteren Wachstum zu unterstützen.
Connect2Customers Days: Autonome Fertigung
Connect2Customer Days: Erleben Sie das Konzept der autonomen Fertigung! Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe lädt Sie ein, an der interaktiven Veranstaltung "Autonomous Factory Tech Days" in München teilzunehmen. Erleben Sie unseren Panasonic Campus München, das Markenzentrum von Panasonic in Europa, und erfahren Sie mehr über die Zukunft der Fertigung.
Resilience in electronics manufacturing: Panasonic’s autonomous factory
Many production facilities are still highly dependent on the knowledge and manpower of their employees. This is particularly relevant as the manufacturing industry is currently facing various challenges. These include the shortage of skilled workers as well as complex manual production steps such as splicing, which is used in the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Innovating Assembly Processes for Odd-Shaped Manufacturing
Thinking about manufacturing, we often think of big production facilities with fully automated production and assembly lines. This could be the case for many regular shaped components to be placed on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). Looking towards the reality, many electronics products and boards are equipped with odd-shaped components that are even often still placed manually.
Visionary Insights: Exploring the Impact of Computer Vision in Electronics Manufacturing
The manufacturing sector has the highest expectations of productivity increases generated by Computer Vision technology, indicating the wide range of applications it has in this sector. From operational use in automated precision pattern cutting and welding, to adjacent processes such as quality control, inspection, monitoring, and packaging, Computer Vision can accelerate production without compromising quality.
Driving Manufacturing Excellence: Panasonic's Smart Factory Solutions Demo and Training Center
Panasonic Campus Munich emerges as a hub of innovation and technological prowess. Having spent two years as a Software Project Engineer at this dynamic campus, I share my perspective on the exciting world of smart factory solutions, specifically about our SMT demo and training center in Munich.
The Future of Manufacturing: Steps towards the Autonomous Factory
Ivan Rodrigo Flor Cantos, Factory Solutions Marketing Manager, at Panasonic Connect Europe, tells us more about the Autonomous Manufacturing streaming event that took place at Productronica 2023 in Munich.
Autonomous manufacturing and supply chain: The cyber-physical automation pyramid
Panasonic is one of the few suppliers offering the complete portfolio of the cyber-physical automation pyramid. It ranges from sensors in the field to AI-driven decisions on the ERP level - but also everything vertically and horizontally from goods inbound solutions over any kind of manufacturing such as SMT, THT, and Final Assembly in electronics manufacturing to efficient intralogistics workflow optimization & traceability to outbound solutions.
Closing the automation gap in manual assembly manufacturing
Many people unfamiliar to the world of electronics manufacturing are often surprised by the number of manual assembly processes that are still involved. The challenge of placing larger or odd-shaped components on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) still requires human assistance.
The Connected Future of Manufacturing
Akira Yamashita, the new divisional head of Panasonic Factory Solutions in Europe, believes the future of manufacturing is a connected world, where connected equipment works in harmony with connected operators. He explains his vision…
Fascinating facts: The inspiring world of Panasonic
From hardware to software, to services to capabilities, to innovation to sustainability… Some inspiring facts about the world of Panasonic.
Rewarding times ahead for electronics manufacturers
There has never been a more rewarding time to be involved in European electronics manufacturing, says Peer Schumacher, the new Head of Manufacturing Solutions at Panasonic Connect Europe.
The Material Facts about the Future of Manufacturing
The ability to control and optimise the just in time delivery of materials to the production process is one of the fundamental challenges for the future of automated manufacturing. Peter Barber, Head of Solutions Engineering at Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe, looks at the progress being made.
Realtime Technologies Czech Republic and Panasonic Factory Solutions announce a collaboration to benefit Czech customers
Panasonic Factory Solutions, a division of Panasonic Connect Europe and a leading company in Industry 4.0, and Realtime Technologies, a leading international provider of high-tech electronic services and integrated supply chain solutions in Europe, today announced a distribution collaboration.
Detech and Panasonic Factory Solutions announce a collaboration to benefit UK and Ireland customers
Panasonic Factory Solutions, a division of Panasonic Connect Europe and a leading company in Industry 4.0, and Detech, a leading international technical distributor of high-tech equipment for the manufacture of electronic products, have today announced a distribution collaboration.
LTHD and Panasonic Factory Solutions Collaborate to Benefit Romanian Customers
Panasonic Factory Solutions, a division of Panasonic Connect Europe and a leading company in Industry 4.0, and LTHD Corporation, a leading international technical distributor of high-tech equipment for the manufacture of electronic products, today announced a distribution collaboration.
Smart Factory: Zero is the new hero
In the development of Smart Factories, we provide not only the production equipment and software, but we can connect the whole factory to maximise output while optimising resources. Our goal is to reduce production costs by increasing effectiveness.
Unsere Partner
Unser Smart Factory Team arbeitet eng mit Partnern auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um Kunden in vielen Regionen zu unterstützen.
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Factory Solutions Europe
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In SMT (Surface Mount Technology) manufacturing, electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits are mounted directly onto the surface of the PCB, as opposed to older methods like THT (Through-hole technology) where components are not placed but inserted into holes on the board. Panasonic offers both SMT machines and THT machines for production.
Panasonic offers a wide range of SMT Equipment for electronics manufacturing, including SMT Manufacturing machines, SMT Pick and Place and SMT Assembly. In more detail, we offer:
Stencil Printing: Applying solder paste onto the PCB through a stencil, defining the areas where components will be placed.
Component Pick and Place: Automated machines pick up components from reels or trays and precisely place them onto the solder paste on the PCB according to the design.
Insertion Machines: Panasonic’s insertion platforms for radial and axial processes with high density and high speed. PTH / THT (Pin Through Hole / Through Hole Technology) solutions.
Final assembly, test & packaging (FATP): Panasonic Guided Manual Assembly supports production processes where manual placement is still in use to reduce errors and improve efficiency.
Software Solutions: Every production expansion or capacity adjustment should be based on data. For this purpose, it is not only necessary to gather data, but also to process it. To this end, we offer appropriate software solutions.
The NPM G Series is a new platform that brings together four technologies into a single offering that minimizes the reliance on the traditional 5M (Human, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement) method that many production sites still use. The NPM G Series incorporates:
NPM-GP/L screen printing machine with automatic printing process functions can automatically implement production line changes.
NPM-GH modular mounter with industry-leading mounting accuracy.
Auto Setting Feeder (ASF) for the automatic supply of mounting components, an industry first. The ASF can automatically peel back the cover on surface-mount component tape between 4mm and 104mm wide.
APC-5M system for Adaptive Process Control (APC) tracks the correct placement of components based on the solder printing position and transfers feedback to the stencil printer in case of misalignment.
Please find our software overview here: Smart Factory - SMT, THT, FATP and beyond | Panasonic Connect
Yes, in our Smart Factory Training and Demo center in Munich, equipment can be demonstrated. Please register here: Visit Campus Munich | Panasonic Connect
The G-Series combines AI and automation to immediately respond to customer supply and demand changes through continuous, autonomous updates and offers flexibility and customisable options to address production needs, to make autonomous factories a reality.
The NPM-X series from Panasonic fulfils the requirements of current and future high mix/low volume placement concepts. Panasonic’s NPM-X series provides numerous state-of-the-art options for these requirement profiles, which make tailor-made solutions for efficient placement possible: be it a single or double lane transport system, one, two or four placement heads with up to 16 vacuum nozzles, a wide variety of feeder and tray systems, and standard and special nozzles. Various options are available to users for perfect prototyping, highly flexible small series production or cycle time-optimized high-performance placement.
The range of services is rounded off by state-of-the-art functions for the automated optimization of the placement process and a line control system with the iLNB line computer which can be used for the entire line.
Yes, we do have a lot of service offerings. Please find them here: Service for Smart Factory Solutions | Panasonic Connect
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